Friday 30 September 2022

Weekly Newsletter - Friday 30th September

Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls 

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been great to see so many parents coming into school to learn alongside their children during our stay & learn sessions. It was also wonderful to have the opportunity to show some prospective parents around our school. Next week, year 5 parents are invited into school, year 3 have a workshop in school and year 6 are visiting the Royal Courts of Justice.
Please do not forget to request a parent evening appointment and complete the flu vaccination permission if you would like your child to receive this. All links below. 

Autumn Term Dates - First Half

Monday 3rd October 

Almond and Lime visiting the Royal Courts of Justice 

Tuesday 4th October 

Year 5 Parents stay and learn 9 am 

Year 3 Stone age workshop 

Wednesday 5th October 

Year 6 visit from a Judge 

Thursday 6th October 

Census day and special lunch menu

Monday 10th October 

Oak visiting the Royal Courts of Justice 

Prospective parents tour 10 am

Tuesday 11th October 

Year 3 Parents stay and learn 9am 

Wednesday 12th October 

Year 1 Space Day

Thursday 13th October 

Carmel Janes photographers in school individual photographs

Monday 17th October 

Flu vaccinations in school 

Tuesday 18th October 

Parent consultations 3.30 - 7.00 pm 

Wednesday 19th October 

Parent Consultations 3.30 - 7.00 pm 

Thursday 20th October 

Year 6 Spinebreakers Waterstones Trip 

Friday 21st October 

Diwali celebrations come to school in your brightest clothes

All of the dates above are available on the school calendar which can be accessed via the school website.
Look out for the blogs on all of the above events. 

IMPORTANT & URGENT MESSAGE – Please help us to provide the very best education to your children.
If your child is eligible for free school meals and you have not yet registered, please register NOW –  you will be helping us and we can help you!
For every pupil who is eligible for Free School Meals, our school receives additional funding which enables us to provide essential learning resources, inspiring experiences and great facilities for our children.
Many people do not realise our KS1 children who receive a Universal Free School Meals are also eligible for this funding if their families are in receipt of the relevant benefits. 
If your child is eligible for free school meals as well helping the school funding you will also receive:

  • a voucher for each child, once per year to assist with the cost of school uniform (redeemable at Premier Schoolwear)

  • assistance with contributions towards school trips and residential visits

  • some children / families are put off because they think that Free School Meals status means that they have to eat the school lunches. This is not true!
    If you prefer to bring a packed lunch, that is absolutely fine. The school dinners will be there for you should you want them… but they are not compulsory.

Who is eligible? If you are in receipt of any of the following benefits your child may be eligible for free school meals.


* Income support

* Income based Jobseekers Allowance

* Income related Employment Support Allowance

* Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit

* Child Tax Credit (but not Working Tax Credit) and have an annual income of less than £16,190

* Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

* Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

* Universal Credit (your household income must be less than £7,400 a year after tax and not including any benefits you receive)

If you believe you may be eligible please click on the link below and complete the application form

We are happy to help you apply if you are unsure of your eligibility - please contact Mrs Gibson in the school office.


Parents Evening - Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th October
We are looking forward to welcoming all parents on Tuesday 18th & Wednesday 19th October for parent consultation meetings. You will have the opportunity to meet your child’s new class teacher and find out how they have settled so far this year. The teachers will also explain the expectations for the end of the year for your child.

Our year 6 prefects will also be on hand to show you to the classrooms and will be asking parents to complete our annual parent survey.

Please complete the attached google form by the end of the school day on Tuesday 4th October. You will receive your appointment by Monday 10th October. 

Autumn Term Parents Appointment Request

After School Clubs 

Clubs start next week on Monday 3rd October. If your child is staying at school for after school club please make sure they are collected at 4.15 pm promptly. There will be signs on the doors to indicate where your child should be collected from. 

House Captains & Prefects 

Congratulations to the following pupils

House Captains;     

Chatteris (Blue): Captains Livi and Madalina and Vice Captains Happiness and Laura

Cricklade (Green): Captains Aisling and Ryan Vice Captains Kezia and Fiki

Dulverton (Yellow): Captains - Richie and Jess and  Vice Captains - Iniya and Layla

Faringdon (Red): Captains Hannah and Noah and Vice Captains Riley and Renaeyah


Elsie-Rose, Medeea, Aarna, Ruby W, Iyinope, Ife, Keira, Annabella, Nicole

Play leaders;

Saarah, Sophia, Siena, Amelia B, Srinika, Indianna, Gurrehmat, Harvy, Victoria, Ethan, Isla, Aimee, Lilly L, Tavia, Ceejay, Ella, Rebeca, Courtney, Chelsea, Lukas

Digital Leaders; 

Madalina, Ruby W, Finley, Noah, Adu, Praharsh, Luke, Autumn, Thomas, Faizah, Neveah

A huge well done to all pupils who prepared and delivered a speech or completed an application form and interviews. The standard of presentations has been very high this year and the calibre of candidates extremely strong. You should all feel very proud of yourselves. 

Flu Immunisations

The flu vaccination team will be in school on 17th October, 3rd and 24th November to administer the flu immunisation to parents who have given permission for their child to receive this.

If you would like your child to be immunised against the flu virus please follow the link below and complete the permission paperwork.

Pupil Premium
The Government uses the number of children registered as eligible for Free School Meals as the basis for allocating extra funding to our schools.  This is called ‘Pupil Premium’ funding and it has fantastic potential for supporting all of the pupils at our schools.  That’s why it is so important that we have as many eligible parents and families sign up as possible
If you apply and are successful here are some of the benefits:


●        You will receive a £40 voucher per child, per year to assist with the cost of school uniform redeemable at Premier Schoolwear.

●        The school can provide assistance with contributions towards school trips and residential visits.

●        After school clubs can continue to be free of charge

●        Access to the Holiday Activities and Food Programme during the Christmas holidays and future school holidays for as long as government funding is continued  

Remember - you don’t actually have to eat the school dinners!
Some children or families are put off because they think that Free School Meals status means that they have to eat the school lunches. This is not true! Should you prefer to bring a packed lunch from home, that is absolutely fine. But the school will still get this important funding.  Even KS1 children who already receive Universal Free School Meals may still be eligible for this funding.

 You may be eligible if you get any of the following:

●        Income Support

●        income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance

●        income-related Employment and Support Allowance

●        support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

●        the guaranteed element of Pension Credit

●        Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)

●        Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

●        Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

If it is confirmed that your child is entitled to free school meals, they will remain eligible until they finish this phase of schooling (primary) they are in on 31st March 2022. There will be no need to inform the school or council if your personal circumstances change.
What to do now:
You can make your application on the Havering Council website:

 OR if you prefer, you can contact the school office and give your details and permission and we can check your eligibility for you.

Weekly Attendance

Target 96%

KS1:  97%      KS2:  96% Overall:  96%

Congratulations to Pine  and Almond who top the attendance table this week.  

It is brilliant to see that we are hitting our target of 96% every week. Please make sure that you continue to come to school everyday on time. Well done all. 

Havering Catering Services

Week beginning 3rd October is week 1 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.37. 

Please be reminded that your child’s sQuid account should be topped up at all times. We cannot provide dinners for pupils whose account exceeds a debt of £10. If you are experiencing difficulties please contact Mrs West in the school office who will be able to provide you with support and  assistance.  

There is a special menu on Thursday 6th October for Census day, please see the attached menu for further details. 

E for Excellence Winners

These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.


James & Nusayr 








Jack C




































Certificate of Presentation

The following children have been recognised for the beautifully presented work in their books. They clearly take pride in all that they do and are doing their best in every lesson. 

Zuriel, Megan

Star Writers

These children have been awarded a star writer certificate and golden pencil in recognition of their excellent writing, use of powerful vocabulary and sophisticated writing  techniques.  

Laynie, Scarlet, Wais,Elkah,  Faizah D, Mikail, Melody, Karimah, Tele, Eric, Sophie, Victoria, Nicole, Demi, Eva, Saraah, Chelsea 

Learning Power Awards

These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life. 


These children have shown interdependence, collaborated effectively, listened to others, displayed empathy and have imitated effective  ideas and methods from others. 

Darci, Aliza, Angie, Finley, Macie, Chloe, Sophie


These pupils have planned carefully, revised ideas, identified key features and can talk about their learning. 

Mihai, Elliot, Praharsh, Thabang


These children have demonstrated perseverance, managed distractions, noticed patterns and been absorbed in their tasks. 

Carina, Olivia, Elliot ,Zoe, Jimmy, Riley, Osayande, Skyla, Fiki, Aisosa


These pupils have been curious about learning, made links between ideas, shown imagination, reasoned methodically and capitalised on resources. 

Olaf, Denis, Kamari, Edward, Sarah, Aimee

I Made My Teacher Happy

These pupils have all made sure their teachers have a smile on their face this week 

Callie, Tianna, Eric, George J, Scarlett, Asher, Annabelle, Hayden, Thomas

Tracker Awards


Double Prestige

Bronze certificate



Silver Pencil 

George, Adam H, Ryan, Tyler,Lily, Ksenija, Chloe, Lucia, Zuriel, Izaan


Silver certificate 

Aryaan, James, Cruz, Joshua, Olivia

Gold bookmark

Evie, George 

Gold certificate 




Platinum prize 

Macie, Aisha, Adrian, Freddie

Platinum certificate


Diamond prize

Frankie, Teddie

Diamond certificate 

Alex, Shivanshi

Star prize

Tavia, Leonard, Danny C, Jessica, Aimen, Harry

Star certificate 


I hope you all have a very restful weekend.

Yours sincerely,


Mrs L Nicholls 
