Saturday 3 March 2012

Parental Questionnaire Feedback - Amazing Response

Thank you for the tremendous response to our latest questionnaire. Incredibly we had 167 responses, which is a big improvement on what was already a healthy harvest of 100+ in October. Because the Year 3&4 children were on a trip, the result of which class has won the cake and drinks prize will be delayed until Monday morning. I know they are very excited to find out who has won.

We are very interested to hear your views on how the school has been developing and any ideas. There have been some very positive comments submitted and some good suggestions for other ways we can improve on what we offer the children and you, our parents. As you will see below, we do these surveys to ensure we involve you on how we can move forward. It is not just about being satisfied with good feedback - there is always room to do better!

We are aspiring to be the 'Best School On The Hill' and we recognise our parents are a key resource on achieving that.

Monday March 26th (at 9.10am) sees the date of our next Parents, Governors, Headteacher and Local Authority meeting. At this meeting we can look at the results of the survey in more detail. However there are some snapshots below:

95% of you agree (60% strongly agree) that your children are making enough progress at school
Next step - to continue embedding Read Write Inc into KS1 and Early Years to ensure all pupils can read by the age of 6. Furthermore we are trialling a new marking policy that requires focused marking and for children to respond to the teachers comments.

96% of you agree (55% strongly agree) that the school supports you in helping your children learn.
Next step - to offer Literacy workshops in the Summer term to explain the new techniques being used on class and how they can support you at home. To offer more ICT training for parents so that you are able to access school resources at home and in the holidays. To offer maths workshops to explain calculation methods shown to and used by the children.

99% of you agree (72% strongly agree) that the provision for extra curricular clubs has been improved.
Next step - to look for opportunities to extend provision to Reception and KS1

98% of you agree (63% strongly agree) that overall you are happy with your child's experience at school.

We look forward to seeing you on the 26th March to discuss your ideas and feedback in more detail.

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