Friday 19 September 2014

News & Updates

I would like to thank you for the effort you are making as pupils and parents ensuring that we all look smart and well presented at school. Shiny black shoes, smart cardigans and beautifully brushed hair: the children look adorable. Thank you for ensuring that the children are having it instilled in them that punctuality and smartness are essential life standards.

Snack & Lunchtime Drink Money:
If your child would like to purchase a snack at break time or a drink for lunch, please send them in with money in an envelope. It is not possible for the office on a regular basis to take snack money around to children. 

Dog Free Site:
Please remember that as part of our school policy dogs are not allowed on the premises. Additionally they should not be tied up at the school gates. We appreciate your understanding. There are lots of our children who are very intimidated by the pets, even though I know you would assure us they are just being friendly. We thank you for your co-operation.

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