Wednesday 12 September 2018

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6: Worldly Wise - Broadening General Knowledge

Worldly Wise Curriculum - a part of our curriculum entitlement

We believe that education is about more than academic progress: it is about empowering every child to thrive in an ever-changing world

For pupils to flourish, they need to be able to draw upon a wide body of general knowledge.  By knowing 'a little about a lot' they will be able to place events and ideas in context in a variety of different situations.  By providing a learning experience that goes beyond the limits of the National Curriculum, we aim to broaden the range of topics covered by pupils in school and maximise their natural curiosity as they seek to become 'Worldly Wise'.

Each half term there will be a new focus to the 'Worldly Wise' booklets. Beginning with ‘Festivals from around the World’, children will be transported each week to a different corner of the world to discover how different celebrations take place and learn a little about the country in which it is held. They will look at key vocabulary, idioms and the history surrounding the festival. Topics for future booklets include disasters, life underwater, the orchestra and myths; however, suggestions are more than welcome.

We hope that this initiative will encourage discussion between parents, friends and pupils about similar topics as we work together to inform and shape the next generation of ‘Worldly Wise’ individuals.

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