Saturday, 12 January 2013

Year 1/2 - Curriculum Newsletter

To assist children with their homework we have a number of ICT based programs that can be accessed at home. All the children have a personal login for the school’s Fronter website. Once they have logged in they with find resources to help them with their homework. The children can also use ‘My Maths’. The login for this program is broadford and the password is broadford. Each child has been given a personal login so they can access tasks that the class teacher has set for them. Finally, we have a Literacy based program called ‘Purple Mash’ that provides the children with frames to help them structure their writing.

Spellings will be given out on Mondays. The children should practice their words every evening. The test will take place on Fridays.

This term the children have a trip planned to help support the learning covered in school, details of which will follow shortly. If you have a current CRB and you would like to help could you please let us know, thank you.

Parental help:
It is always extremely valuable to have parents who are able to volunteer time to help hear the children read, or support them with their times tables. If you think that you are able to give some time to support the children then it would be warmly welcomed. Once again you will need a current CRB in order to work inside the school.

Curriculum Information
Below is a summary of the topics which the children will be covering this term. If you would like any more information about what the subjects actually involve then please do not hesitate to ask your child’s teacher.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs Chiswell
Miss Tyan
Mrs Harding


1st Half Term
2nd Half Term
Read Write Inc
Read Write Inc
Please fill in the reading journal after hearing your child read.
For a good selection of children books visit your local library.
Useful web links-
Mental maths
Maths puzzles and investigations
Place value
Calculations- add/subtract
2D and 3D shapes
Data handling
Mental maths
Maths puzzles and investigations
Calculations- times/divide
The school is really focusing on mental maths and learning the times tables. Children should know the 2, 5 and 10 times tables by the end of year 2. It would be of great help if you could help your children to learn the following.
Year1 Practice counting up to 20 in twos (2, 4, 6, etc.) Also practice ordering numbers to 30 and saying which is one more and one less.
Year 2 Practice the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Also practice ordering numbers to 100 and knowing how many tens and units are in a 2-digit number. Also what is one more or less and ten more or less.
Useful websites:
Word processing
You could visit the Science Museum. Admission is free. Located at Exhibition Road in South Kensington, London, SW7 2DD.
History/ Geography
History of Toys
Stories from Around the World
Stories Jesus Told
Easter, a Christian Festival
Please ensure your children has their P.E for the correct day
Pine Class- Monday and Friday
Mulberry Class- Tuesday and Wednesday
Cedar Class- Wednesday and Thursday
They can safely leave them on their pegs until the next holiday. Please ensure that no ear-rings are worn on PE days unless your child is able to remove them themselves. Staff are not allowed to tape or remove ear-rings. Long hair also needs to be tied back.
Exploring Duration
Exploring Pulse and Rhythm
Art/ Design and Technology
Winding up – Making toys
New Beginnings
New Beginnings

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