Thursday 1 April 2021

TTRS - Star of the week!

Congratulations the the wonderful Aimen for being our final star of the week this term! 

Aimen has really impressed me with how much her studio speed has improved this year. Initially, it was 9.84 seconds per question on average but now it is an amazing 1.39 seconds; this makes her a Rock Legend! It is easy to see why she has made such brilliant improvements as she has accumulated a huge 876, 402 coins due to all of this hard work! Well done, Aimen. You are a star! 

It has been fabulous seeing the pupils working hard on their tables across the school and it is evident to see how seriously they take their mathematics learning. 

I look forward to seeing more of the same in the summer term in preparation for number day on May 7th. During this day, there will be an official TTRS competition. I wonder who will take the crown? 

Don't forget to keep practising over the holidays! 

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