Monday 1 March 2021

Uniform Swop Shop

If you have been following the assemblies since January, you will know that each month we are encouraging everyone to adopt a small change to help us all be kinder to our planet. 

In January Mrs Nicholls challenge all pupils to turn the tap off when brushing their teeth to preserve water.  One of our environmentally friendly pupils suggested in February that we all start to recycle plastic pens that have run out of ink. For March we received a fantastic idea from one of our helpful parents. 

I have no doubt that many of you have children who have grown over lockdown and have not had much use out of their uniform. If this is the case we are organising a uniform swop shop. This will help us to be kinder to the planet and also our wallets and purses. 

This is how it will work. 

  1. If you have some uniform at home that is still in a decent and wearable condition please donate to our swop shop. 
  2. We are asking that you wash and send the uniform into school by Friday 12th March. 
  3. We will 'quarantine' uniform over the weekend. 
  4. Swop shop will commence after school week commencing Monday 15th March. 
Many thanks for the idea and we hope that this will be helpful for many families. 

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