Dear Parents and Carers,
Part 1 Broadford News
Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality Week
Pupil job number 1 - Come to school everyday on time
This was the first Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality week at Broadford, thank you to everyone who made an effort to arrive at school everyday on time. The overall attendance for the week was 93% just 3% away from our target. We saw those pupils making an extra effort to arrive before 8.45am to ensure that they get to put their names into the lucky buckets and we appreciate your effort. Keep it up!
Congratulations to the lucky bucket winners, we hope you enjoy your prize bags.
Reception: Nirgun, Evie, Thomas
Year 1: Alice, Dawid, Zaviyar
Year 2: Jessica, Zach, Noura
Year 3: Jackson, Millen, Maya
Year 4: Ayaan, Adam M, Athena
Year 5: Paige, Rithik, Aziz
Year 6: Vanessa, Kolby, Princess Aniyah
Unfortunately, there are no classes this week with 100% attendance. However, Walnut, Cedar and Redwood are the classes with the highest attendance and have won non-school uniform days next Friday. There will be a separate letter for parents regarding this.
Look out for the next Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality Week, which will be after February half term.
Stay & Learn Sessions
We invite all parents & carers to join us for this half term parents information session and the focus for all year groups is Mathematics. All of the sessions will start at 2.15 pm (except Nursery). Please wait at the front of the school by the main school office and a member of staff will come and collect you.
27th January - Year 3
28th January - Year 6
29th January - Year 5
30th January - Year 4
3rd February - Year 2
4th February - Year 1
4th March- Reception
6th March - Nursery (8.45 am and 2.15 pm)
We look forward to welcoming many of you for the above events.
After School Clubs
Clubs start again on Monday 20th January. The doors will be labelled with the clubs that are being dismissed from that area. If your child is not attending an after school club please collect them at the usual time of 3.15 pm. Thank you to Ms Float, Miss Evans, Miss Maguire and Mrs Martin who organise all of the after school clubs for our pupils to enjoy.
Part 2 Broadford Information
Spring Term Dates
INSET Dates for 2024-2025
Havering school term dates 2024-2025
Spring term:
Monday 6 January to Friday 4 April 2025
Summer term:
Tuesday 22 April to Tuesday 22 July 2025
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning 20th January is week 1 on the Havering catering services menu.
Part 3 Pupil and Parent Responsibilities
At Broadford Primary pupils, parents and carers are expected to meet three key responsibilities
Pupil Job 1 - Come to school every day on time
Parent responsibility - Ensure that your child arrives for school on time, every day and ready to learn.
Weekly Attendance Target 96%
KS1: 92% KS2: 93% Overall: 93%
Congratulations to Redwood and Walnut who top the attendance table this week.
Job 2 - Do your best in every lesson
Parent responsibility - Support your child’s learning at home.
E for Excellence Winners
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Certificate of Presentation
The following children have been recognised for the beautifully presented work in their books. They clearly take pride in all that they do and are doing their best in every lesson.
Princess Aniyah
Star Writers
These children have been awarded a star writer certificate and golden pencil in recognition of their excellent writing, use of powerful vocabulary and sophisticated writing techniques.
Edie, Sofia, Tala, Zayna, William, Isabelle, Archie, Maxi, Elisa, Amber,Ayann,Freddie, Harlie, Sultan, James, Chuka, Dawid, Aadvik, Parisa
I Made My Teacher Happy
These pupils have all made sure their teachers have a smile on their face this week
Bernice, Victor, Rohith, Mckenna, Francesca, Stefania, David, Pragya, Callissya, Rex, Prakhyati, Eishan
105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford
These pupils have read five books and earned their Bronze certificate.
Ashar, Albie, Noura, Daisy, Eridola, Faith
These pupils have read 10 books and earned their Silver certificate.
Jazelle, Zaviyar, Adelina, Maya, Daisy, Eridola, Jason, Shivanshi
These pupils have read all 15 books, earning their Gold certificate and completing their trackers.
Amelia, Zaviyar, Alice, Aadhvik, Maya, Eridola
Tracker Awards
Job 3 - Be kind and polite to everyone you meet
Parent responsibility - Model politeness and kindness to everyone you meet.
Pupils are awarded housepoint for using kind words and actions and demonstrating good manners. These go towards their house teams weekly total but they are in competition with their teachers (Dudley - orange house). If pupils do not demonstrate these behaviours then the teachers' house teams are awarded the house points instead.
I hope you all have a brilliant weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Nicholls