Friday, 22 May 2020
Havering Council COVID-19 - Phased Reopening of Schools Response - Councillor Robert Benham Deputy Leader of the Council Cabinet Member for Education, Children & Families
🔎 Look who! WC 18/05/2020
Update on Wider Opening of Schools for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6.
22nd May 2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
As you are already aware, the Government have announced their aim to open schools more widely from 1st June. This wider opening is for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 in Primary schools. The wider opening relies on the five key tests set by the government, including the rate of infection is decreasing and the enabling programmes set out in the Roadmap are operating effectively (Actions document, 11 May 2020).
Schools have continued to receive guidance and information documents since the announcement because of the many considerations which are required in the current situation with the Coronavirus outbreak.
We have been working very closely with the Local Authority and Head teachers from the schools of Harold Hill. We are making arrangements together so that we all do the very best for our schools and wider community.
Schools are still waiting for further information to open more widely for our youngest children and the announcement to indicate whether the five key tests will allow for wider opening is planned for Thursday 28th May. For these reasons, we have made the collective decision that schools will not be able to open widely on 1st June. This week, the media have reported that this was a date that the government has indicated schools should work from.
A detailed message for the most considered wider opening will be shared as soon as we have received the information we need to do this. Each school will intend to inform communities of the protocols and arrangements they are planning at the beginning of June.
We greatly appreciate your support and patience as we navigate this challenge together as a school and wider community.
Best wishes and stay safe.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L. Smith Mr J. McLucas
Head teacher Head teacher
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
A reminder for our new families joining us in September 2020
Dear Parent/Carer,
We have been advised by the Local Authority that you have accepted a Reception place for your child in our school to start in September 2020. Thank you for choosing Broadford. We look forward to your child starting their school journey with us in September and getting to know them as the wonderful individuals that they are!
As a school, we are committed to smooth and timely transitions that allow each child to settle in, get to know their teachers and make new friends. We believe parents and carers play a key role in this transition so you too can feel reassured that your children are safe and happy. We can only imagine that during this time of uncertainty, the natural worries and anxieties that occur when children are about to start school are increased. At this time, it is difficult for us to publish details of our usual transition programme. However, please let us reassure you that we are planning ways in which we can prepare for your child and give them the best possible start to school.
We will be keeping in touch over the summer term via email, to inform you of our plans and update you with regular information. Whilst this may start off as more of a virtual relationship, this remains a priority for us. We will also be keeping in touch via social media and on our school website. Please do visit our social media pages and our webite to keep up to date with information. The links can be found below:
Facebook: Broadford Primary
Twitter: @BroadfordSchool
In the meantime, please enjoy the video that we have attached to share with your child to familiarise yourselves with our Reception learning space. Just click on the link below.
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Mental Health Week

Friday, 15 May 2020
🔎 Look who! WC 11/05/2020

Thursday, 14 May 2020
Possible phased opening of school in June
Dear parents/carers,
Re: possible reopening of school to more pupils in June
As you know the government has requested that schools reopen to pupils in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 from 1st June if it is judged safe to do so. This judgement will be made based on data collections of current infection rates and the spread of Coronavirus in the community. Of course we continue to provide provision for all our vulnerable children and those of keyworkers as required by parents.
It is a very unsettling time for us all, but rest assured that we are going to be doing everything we can to make sure we are ready to receive these year groups if it is safe for our school to reopen. However you know your personal situation and your child best and as a parent/carer it is your choice whether to send your child back to school at this particular time. Please be assured that you will not be fined if you consider that the safest place for your child is to remain at home.
We need your help and your opinion
I want to reassure you that we are not going to be pressuring anyone to send their children to school. In order to assist us in planning for reopening it is essential for us to know if your child will attend. Once the school has an indication of numbers we can put together a plan of what reopening will look like.
Please submit this form for every child in your family who are in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 or Year 6 by no later than Monday 18th.
We are creating a detailed action plan that we will share with you as soon as possible so you know what changes to expect to our school routines and procedures as we work towards reopening. The safety of your child and our staff will be a priority at all times and I can also advise you that:
- Limiting class sizes - pupils will be in groups of no more than 15 therefore they may not be in their normal friendship groups. Pupils will remain in the group that they are placed in for the duration of their time in school and will not mix with other groups.
- It is highly unlikely that your child will be in their usual classroom
- Children are unlikely to have their normal teacher or their normal support staff
- The curriculum will vary and will be reduced with limited availability of resources
- We will be staggering break times, and pick-up and drop-off times to avoid adults gathering at school
- There will be regular supervised handwashing routines in place for pupils and hand sanitizer will be made available
- We will Increase cleaning in school before, after and during the school day.
- We will strictly be keeping pupils and staff with coronavirus symptoms at home. If your child displays symptoms they will need to be collected from our isolation room immediately
- We will be limiting access to the school for all parents and visitors and will prefer that all communication will be via email and telephone
- Sadly, I am sure you will understand that I cannot eliminate the possibility that your child will be exposed to the virus whilst at school and I cannot guarantee that pupils will maintain a social distance from each other at all times.
We will keep you updated once we know more about as and when schools will be able to reopen for other year groups.
Warm regards,
Jim McLucas
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
School Closure Update - May 2020
Until the school receives further information, we will be continuing our current activities:-
- Virtual school activities
- Providing places for vulnerable children and for children of key workers
- Providing family support by telephone and email
- Supporting the Free School Meals scheme through food packs and voucher administration
- Planning for September
Best wishes
Jim McLucas
Friday, 8 May 2020
Look Who... VE Day - 75th Anniversary
VE Day Quiz
1) What does VE Day stand for?
3) What does VE Day commemorate?
4) What type of decoration lines the streets of Britain on VE Day?
5) Who was Britain's prime Minister in May 1945 when Victory in Europe was achieved?
6) Name the British singer who was famous for wartime hits such as 'We'll Meet Again'.
7) Who was Britain's monarch during WW2?
8) Where in London will Katherine Jenkins perform a concert on VE Day with no audience? It is the first time in the 150 year history of this building that anything like this has happened.
Don't forget to check back on Monday for the answers to this week's quiz.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy any 'Stay at Home' VE Day celebrations you have planned.
Monday, 4 May 2020
19. It's Quiz Time!
1) Pup
3) German Shepherd
4) Pea
5) Cheddar
6) Cold Soup
7) Capricorn
8) Stars
9) Electronic
10) Leonardo da Vinci
11) Green
12) Tadpoles
13) Raven
14) Bat
15) Mexico and Canada
Don't forget to look out for another Family Quiz on Friday.
Have a great week.
Friday, 1 May 2020
🔎 Look Who... - wc 27/4/20
⭐ Weekly Round Up - w/c 27/4/20 ⭐
At the very beginning of school closure we shared the importance of having some form of basic routine as these, no matter how basic, give days a little structure and some sense of purpose. We cannot emphasise enough how 'play' is such an important element of learning too so enjoy 'playing shops', getting the board games out or putting on a show. Attending to basic needs such as relaxation whether that be getting lost in a good book, listening to some music or watching a film are all just as important for general well-being.
Keep up the smashing work, keep sharing and keep in touch!
Summary of resources shared this week
Age Range
Culture | Museum Tour | All |
Family Quiz | Quiz | All |
Story time | Snail and the Whale | All |
Creative | Handprint | All |
Multiplication facts | Rockstars TT | Y1+ |
🔎 Look Who... - wc 27/4/20
We have been super impressed by all the hard work that parents and children are doing at home as you can see from the photographs below!18. It's Family Quiz Time!
1) What is a baby seal called?
3) What is the Alsatian dog also known as?
4) What type of vegetable is a mange-tout?
5) What cheese shares its name with an English gorge?
6) What is gazpacho?
7) Which sign of the zodiac is represented by the goat?
8) What are Alpha, Centauri and Sirius?
9) What does the 'e' in email stand for?
10) Who painted the Mona Lisa?
11) What colour are the benches in the House of Commons?
12) What are the young of frogs and toads called?
13) Which jet-black bird has lived in the Tower of London for centuries?
14) What is the only mammal that can fly?
15) What are the only two countries to have a land border with the US?
Don't forget to check back on Monday for the answers to this week's quiz.
Have a lovely weekend.