Monday 29 February 2016

E for Excellence Winners:

These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Harry Kaylor – Mulberry
Joe Green –  Pine
Harry Hann – Cedar
James Wise – Cherry
Kabey Stevens – Ash
Archie Patrick Stuart – Hazel
Libby Northwood – Birch
Nikola Urban – Willow
Ronnie Marshall – Elm
Sara Lopez – Maple
John Paul Rensch – Acer
Sian Burnett – Palm
Georgia Chilvers – Sequoia

We're In The Paper: Star of the Week

Well done to Armani who has been named as the Star of the Week by the Romford Recorder. With her aptitude for drawing she will really enjoy the session with the illustrators that we have booked for this week!

Reading Awards:

Well done to Ellis Curtis Rich & Charanjit Ubhi who have all completed their Bronze reading awards for finishing 10 books! Ethan Borrell & Chloe Kirk have also managed to get their bookmark for 25 books completed.

Ellie Mae Wager, Ramone Holme-Slater, Abena Pim Wusu, Emily Claydon & Samanyu Handoo have managed to go further and get their 50 Book certificate and £5 voucher. Sarah Wall has managed to get her Gold Award for reading 100 books!

Friday 26 February 2016

Maths Superstars

This week we have had several maths superstars.

Ruben Roberts has managed to complete Level A of his Kumon Maths - this is a result of his constant practice every day.

Mervyn, Jude & John Paul have all been working hard in their lessons to overcome challenges with fractions and multiplication.

Great job guys!

National Literacy Trust Challenge

Congratulations to our pupils who have managed to complete the latest challenge from the Literacy Trust. In order to earn their award and book they have had to read a range of material, complete activities and review the stories for Miss Sparkes.

I've really enjoyed the reading club. We had to work together, read the stories and then do some fun activities. I didn't realise I'd get my own book as a reward!
Mya Takhar

Spell Caster Awards

Congratulations to our latest winners of the Literacy Trust spell casters certificates.

Denisz has managed to complete two of the titles from the Harry Potter series, while Ashlee and Grace have invented spells that can turn you into royalty for the day, or allow you to enjoy the power of flight.

Well done!

4Rs: Resilience Awards

Elinga Garbaliauskaite, Jack Eve, Chiwendu Nwaokolo, Adam Murray, Rose Anna Weaver, Chloe Trew, Mikkileigh Williamson & Lillie Jo Guidotti have shown that they can manage distractions, notice patterns and become absorbed in their tasks – well done for your Resilience certificate.

Elinga has not given up when using multi link cubes to help her double and halve.

Chiwendu has remained positive when she has found it difficult to tie her Celtic knot - but eventually she completed the task and then helped others.

Adam made good use of the resources in the class to help him finish a task he was stuck on.

Roseanna persevered with her poetry and managed to find a way to use similes and metaphots effectively in her poem


KS1& EYFS: Pine 99.2%
KS2: Palm 100%
Overall: 95.4%

For the third time in recent weeks we have a class that has managed to get to 100% attendance for the week… Palm! They will be having a cupcake party to celebrate. Well done to Pine who have managed to finish top of KS1.

Tracker Awards:

Ruben Roberts, Esther Falade & Adi Kaushal have managed to collect enough merits for their Bronze award. Ranita Ariyibi & Jorja Dines are progressing through their Silver tracker and now collect a Silver pencil. Courtney Simpson Silver Tracker Megan Mae Burnett & Coral Wilkinson have now also reached their Golden Bookmark.

Well done to Libby Northwood who has finished the Gold Tracker.  Michael Rack & Vittorio Omwanghe have completed their Platinum tracker. Ebony Ngenge has earned her Diamond Prize!

Emily Johnson & Yeliz Kaya have their Star Certificate and have reached the end of the journey! Rashida Sillah has earnt her Prestige Bronze Award.

Diary Dates

On Monday our KS1 pupils have a Cycling Awareness Day. Dizzy Danielle will be coming to lead an assembly for KS2. There are Healthy Eating Workshops on Tuesday, while on Wednesday we are taking some Y5&6 pupils to see the UCI World Championship cycling at the Velodrome. Cherry also have their Sharing Assembly on Wednesday.

We celebrate World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March – children can dress as their favourite book character. In the afternoon we have our Governors’ Day and Rev Rich is in to lead a locality walk with Birch.

Finally we have the BT Tower Climb on Saturday 5th March – with a team of staff climbing the 1,000 steps of the tower to raise funds for Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Sharing Assembly:  Wednesday 2nd March Cherry @ 9.05am
We are delighted to invite you to come to the Cherry Sharing Assembly on Wednesday 2nd March. It starts at 9.10am.

Fundraising: BT Tower Climb March 5th

We have had a number of pupils and some staff who have benefitted from the fantastic teams who work at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). To help raise funds for this wonderful hospital we entering a staff team to run up the staircase of the BT Tower in London… 1,000 steps! If you are able to sponsor us, please use the Just Giving Page that we have set up. Alternatively you could send an envelope into the school office marked BT Tower Climb.

Next month the children will have a Dress as a Book Character Day for World Book Day on March 3rd – for which we will be asking for £1 per family. All proceeds will go towards GOSH. The children will also have their own sponsored Step-athon in the hall to raise money. This will take place in PE lessons.

Monday 22 February 2016

Broadford @ City Hall

London has been named European Volunteering Capital 2016, beating off competition from 10 other cities, including Rome and Edinburgh and one of our Havering schools - Broadford - is the lead Primary school!

'Our pupils have all been issued with volunteering trackers so that they can record the hours they have contributed back to the school. Pupils can achieve these hours in a wide range of ways: singing to community groups; helping support the foodbank; supporting readers and helping as Play Leaders. They are very conscious of having a legacy to give back to Broadford and recognise how much the local community benefits from them being active members!'
Lois Nicholls - Deputy Headteacher

Broadford pupils Temira Hascar and Leo Mbata were invited up to City Hall by Boris Johnston to describe the work they have been doing and how it has had a positive impact on the local community.

​We told the guests about our Youth Summit, which has helped inspire other Primary schools to start volunteering. We organised workshops for pupils to litter pick, visit the food bank and support the pensioner's group. I have really enjoyed the campaigns we have delivered in school. #Wearesilent was the hardest... we had to stop speaking for a week to raise awareness of groups who have no voice.
Leo Mbata - aged 10

This term we are running a campaign called #Wearekind. It is to encourage every member of our local community to think of small, random acts of kindness that they can carry out. Sometimes just smiling at someone can be enough to lift their whole day. Maybe you could open a door, pay someone's parking or give out flowers... every little act of kindness helps to make the world a better place. Peggy Mitchell seemed to think our idea was lovely. Unilever have helped us too by giving us £1,000 to help get it off the ground.
Temira Hascar - aged 10

The award is run by the European Volunteer Centre, known as CEV, and promotes volunteering at a local level by giving recognition to places that support and strengthen partnerships with volunteer centres and celebrates the difference made by volunteers. It comes with no funding attached.

The judging panel concluded that "London’s approach to funding and resourcing volunteer organisations and infrastructure organisations is creative and seeks to not only focus on direct support that can be provided through a range of different types and sizes of grants but also in helping volunteer organisations in accessing and activating other funds from alternative sources".

Other cities beaten by London to win the title for 2016 were Belfast and Bruges.

The winning bid was led by Team London, the programme set up by Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, to increase volunteering levels in the capital.

Team London had support in developing the bid from local volunteer centres and the partnership body Greater London Volunteering, it said.

Gabriella Civico, director of CEV, said: "The city is an outstanding example of how local government, local people and businesses can strategically harness the benefits of volunteering to improve people's lives and the environment, and contribute to socially cohesive communities."

In a statement, Johnson said: "I’m very proud that London has been recognised as the top volunteering city in Europe. Tens of thousands of Londoners are now giving a hand to others and helping to make London a cleaner, greener and more welcoming place for everyone.

"Team London has created an incredible volunteering legacy for the capital, with people of all ages and backgrounds giving up their time to make the city an even better place to live in."

Barbara Windsor & Ledley King present Temira and Leo with their Volunteering certificate!

We're In The Paper: Team Broadford

We are delighted to see that our Youth Summit was featured in the Romford Recorder this week. When we start back after half term we have a guest speaker in to launch our #Wearekind campaign and a whole host of other volunteering opportunities for the children.

Spring Term Spelling Bee

Are you ready for round 2?

If you would like to be part of Broadford’s Spelling Bee and win yourself the title of best speller in your class here are the term 2 set words.

Remember, you have to know all the words from the term 1 list as well as the words from the term 2 list!

The next round will take place in classrooms, before the Easter holidays.

Good Luck and keep spelling! 

Great Ormond Street Fundraiser

We are delighted to be raising funds for Great Ormond Street hospital this year. As part of this our staff will be racing (or crawling... depending on fitness levels) up the 1,000 steps of the BT Tower on March 5th.

Prior to this our pupils will take on a 1,000 step challenge in their PE lessons, for which we are hoping you will be able to sponsor them. The target is to raise an average of £10 per child from Year 2 - Year 6.

Below is a letter explaining the event and a sponsor form. Alternatively you can use the Team Broadford Just Giving Page:

Welcome Back - School starts today

Weclome back after the half term break!

Breakfast Club is open as normal from 7.45am

Gates open at 8.30am

We look forward to seeing you all back this morning for the second half of the school year.

Sunday 21 February 2016

University of Broadford - Course Highlights 4

This year we are offering a wide range of courses where the children are able to develop a fantastic array of skills: art, dance, drama, fitness and music. Have a look at some of the courses below:

University of Broadford - Course Highlights 3

This year we are offering a wide range of courses where the children are able to develop a fantastic array of skills: art, dance, drama, fitness and music. Have a look at some of the courses below:

Saturday 20 February 2016

We're In The Paper

Congratulations to Matthew Murcia - who has been named as the Star of the Week by the Romford Recorder. Matthew is a great role model and always performs the three pupil jobs well:
1. Turning up on time every day
2. Doing his best in every lesson
3. Always being kind and polite to everyone he meets

Well done Matthew!

Monday 15 February 2016

Harold Hill Youth Summit

In partnership with Alysha and Zoe from Free The Children our Harold Hill Schools held a Cluster Youth Summit last week. 12 pupils (6 from KS1 and 6 KS2) were selected to represent their school. which give us a group of 72.

The objective of the day was themed around the Free the Children campaign of 'We Volunteer Now'. In the morning we held workshops with the volunteering projects following in the afternoon.

Session 1 - Team building / trust activities
Session 2 - Group work regarding volunteering projects.

Session 3 - Volunteering projects
Session 4 - Feedback

There were 6 mini projects chosen:

  • Visiting the foodbank to help sort food
  • Visiting a local care home to talk to the residents 
  • Making cards to give out to the elderly and visiting an old folks group
  • Litter picking at Central park and making art out of the litter found
  • Organisng and running a food collection at the local supermarket
  • Making care packages for the local women's refuge

Pupils from all of the Harold Hill schools donated food and items for the care packages, without these donations the projects would not have been possible. It is amazing what our pupils can achieve together. The volunteers on the day sorted over half a tonne of food and made up over 100 care packages. 

The summit's focus was to empower pupils to make an impact within their local community. The pupils learned about the issues and planned their next steps for action to create social change in their local communities. 

Leo Mbata year 5 from Broadford Primary School said 'I had an amazing day. I now understand my responsibility to keep my local environment clean. We had loads of fun at the park collecting the rubbish and making the art. The litter face is sad because of all of the rubbish people have thrown across the area.'

Mr Drakes, Headteacher at Broadford Primary School said 'I am so proud that our pupils are leading social change in their local communities. This day has given them the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and demonstrate reciprocity by collaborating with other Harold Hill pupils.'

Team London Event - Wednesday 10th February

To celebrate the success of Team London to date, the team welcomed their major stakeholders to City Hall on Wednesday 10 February, 5.30-7.30pm . The purpose of this event was to update funders and supporters on Team London’s many programmes and to thank them for their involvement. As part of the evening Team London’s Young Ambassadors were selected to host a short presentation in the style of ‘Have I Got News For You’. The group of six young people talked about the various successes with the help of newspaper clippings and images and was presented by Michael Absalom.

It was an honour for two Broadford Primary year 5 pupils to be involved in this event. Leo Mbata and Temira Hascar joined the panel and discussed the ‘We are kind’ campaign that they are leading at school. They will also be on stage at the SSE arena, Wembly on 9th March discussing their ‘kindness revolution.’

During the evening the pupils had the opportunity to rub shoulders with celebrities such as Barbara Windsor, Anneka Rice and footballer Ledley King, who are all ambassadors for Team London.

Leo and Temira did an amazing job and were very professional throughout the whole event. The other panellists were older secondary students but this did not faze them. They spoke very confidently and demonstrated just what pupils at Broadford Primary School can achieve. 

University of Broadford - Course Highlights 2

This year we are offering a wide range of courses where the children are able to develop a fantastic array of skills: art, dance, drama, fitness and music. Have a look at some of the courses below:

University of Broadford - Course Highlights 1

This year we are offering a wide range of courses where the children are able to develop a fantastic array of skills: art, dance, drama, fitness and music. Have a look at some of the courses below:

Year 5 - Viking Visitor

Our Year 5 pupils were fortunate enough to have the chance to meet a real Viking... Thorgil. During his presentation, Thorgil told the pupils about his journey from Denmark to England. The pupils also got to take part in a gripping retelling of the story of Thor’s Hammer.

The talk was a great way to explore different aspects of Viking life and ask questions of a real Viking!
Miss Corrales - Elm Class teacher

"A brilliant, interactive and fun addition to our Vikings topic.  The pupils absolutely loved it - they were completely engrossed and have been raving about it ever since!"
Miss Barron - Assistant Headteacher

I couldn't believe that women used to be sold into marriage! I don't just want to be someone's property. It meant I couldn't come back and see my own family.
Georgia Brooks 

24 Game

Well done to our Year 5&6 mathematicians who competed in the recent Count On Us Challenge with other Harold Hill Schools. The event was very successful, helping to strengthen their mental skills, encourage team work and develop our learning community.

The 24 game was my favourite part. The game is so quick, you really have to be on your toes if you want to get any points!
Bradley Joy

Make sure you pay a visit to our YouTube channel to see the video highlights!

Karate Queen

Well done to Miss Middleton who has been selected as the Karate pupil of the week at her local club. She has been chosen for the enthusiastic and accurate way that she performed the drills. Great job Livvi ! We are very proud of you.

Writing Display Y4

In Year 4 the children have been broadening their range of sentence types. In these pieces of work they tried to incorporate a Tell:Show 3 sentence...

The colonel was angry: fists clenched, brow furrowed he stared darkly across the battlefield

Gemma was scared: hand shook, her heart pounded, tears welled in her eyes.

The displays also show what they have learnt about Roald Dahlthis term.