Tuesday 31 July 2018

#Veggierun Awards

Thank you to Havering Catering for the fantastic bike prizes. The Veggie Run app has really energised interest in school lunches this term.

We are delighted to confirm that the winners are:

Maisie - Italy
Ramone - Germany

Mia - Elm
Joshua - Ash

Nursery Graduation

We were delighted to see such a fantastic turn out for the Nursery Graduation ceremonies this year. The children have all come so far since they joined our school community in September. At this stage of their school life they make the most amazing leaps forward with self control, communication and physical development.

All of the staff are so proud of what this cohort have achieved. To have the chance to celebrate that with families is so special. It is also tinged with a little bit of sadness as some of our graduates will be going on to start Reception in other settings. We wish them all the best for the future, but they leave knowing they have made a fantastic start to their school life.

Well done to the Nursery Class of 2018!

Experiences Entitlement
At the Learning Federation we believe in providing the pupils with a wide range of experiences. The chance to take part on a graduation ceremony, with caps and gowns is a very memorable one. It fits well with our Broadford & Mead University approach, that starts encouraging pupils to consider further education from the earliest possible time.

We will be looking out to see if any of these pupils go on to graduate for real in 2035!

New Building Update - July 2018

We are now really seeing rapid progress with the new building. The outer brick work is almost at roof level. Internal walls are being installed and the initial work on the Nursery roof has started. It means we have a much clearer idea of what the additional space will look and feel like.

So far we are still on track for a January opening... so it won't be long!

Sunday 29 July 2018


I am sure you will all join me in wishing Miss Richardson and her fiance all the best for their upcoming wedding. We hope that they both enjoy their wonderful wedding day and have a very happy life together.

Also please join me in sending Mrs Smith best wishes as she starts her maternity leave and with her husband prepares for their new arrival. We are all looking forward to meeting her bundle of joy very soon. Best wishes from us all.

100% Attendance Awards

These brilliant pupils have been living and breathing examples of the Broadford pupil jobs this year. Particularly, pupil job number 1 - coming to school every day! 

Well done to all of these pupils for their 100% attendance award. You should feel VERY proud of yourselves. 

Don't forget at Broadford we do not only reward 100% attendance but if you keep up attendance above 96% you become part of the 96%+ club and earn yourself extra bouncing time on 'Go Bonkers' day in the summer term. 

The class attendance league will kick off again in September. Each week the class with the highest attendance win the most points in the league and displays the shiny attendance trophy proudly in their classroom. At the end of each term, the class with the most points earns a class trip to Jump Evolution!
If your class gets 100% attendance for a whole week you could earn a cupcake party. 

At Broadford we take attendance very seriously, with sprinkles on top and lots of bouncy fun!! 

Pupil Job Number 1 
Come to school every day on time. 

Super Speller Awards

These amazing children have been working so hard this year learning their spellings. They have been awarded with the prestigious super speller certificates and prizes.

The following pupils earned full marks in their spelling test every week for one term and received a £5 voucher for their efforts:
Sophie, Eriya, Arhaan, Alfie, Freddie and Jacob. 

The following pupils earned full marks in their spelling test every week for two terms and received a £10 voucher for their efforts:
Iniya, Aarna, Fayo, Finley L, Ranita, Fitzroy and Georgia C. 

The following pupils earned full marks in their spelling test every week for three terms and received a £20 voucher for their efforts: 
Katlyn, Kanishka, Nela, Alex K, Deborah, Sofia, Adam A, Paige, Isabelle, Rashida and Jack E. 

End of Year Awards - Year 6 Awards

Please join me in congratulating the following pupils for their year 6 attainment awards in Mathematics, English and for making great progress during their final year at Broadford.

Well done to the following pupils ...

Maths Award
English Award
Progress Award
Oliver & Ellie-Mae
Alfie & Elina
Shane & Tegan

Sunday 22 July 2018

End of Year Awards - Resourcefulness

Being able to show that you can make links between ideas and showing imagination demonstrates resourcefulness. These pupils have been awarded their Resourcefulness certificate this year: They have shown curiosity, made link between ideas, demonstrated imagination, reasoned methodically and capitalised on resources.

Well done to all of you! 

End of Awards - Resilience

These children have shown that they can manage distraction, notice patterns and become absorbed in their tasks – well done for your Resilience certificate.

Your resilience will ensure that you are successful life long learners! 

End of Year Awards - Reciprocity

These children have demonstrated effective Reciprocity this year – able to listen carefully to their peers, work collaboratively and take turns.

Well done to all of our reciprocal learners.   

End of Year Awards - Reflectiveness

These children have managed to show that they can plan and revise ideas to earn their Reflectiveness award.
Congratulations to you all. 

End of Year Awards - Classmate of The Year

These pupils have been voted by their peers as the classmate of the year. They have demonstrated kindness, reciprocity and have been a brilliant role model for the pupils population. 

Well done to all of you, throughly deserved. 

Saturday 21 July 2018

50 Things To Do This Summer

If you are stuck for ideas on what to do this holiday, take a look at the ‘50 things to do this summer’ list. A lot of the ideas are free, simple and can be carried out with friends, siblings or even on your own. 

If you manage to complete one or more of the activities make sure you take a photo and send it to us via the school Facebook page, or email it to office@broadford.havering.sch.uk. Look out on the blog to see what all of your friends are up too this six weeks!

End of Year Awards - Outstanding Contribution

These pupils have been awarded the outstanding contribution award in recognition of their impact in school this year. They have proven themselves to be invaluable members of their classes and the Broadford community. 

We are very lucky to have you all on board. Keep it up! 

End of Year Awards - Academic Excellence

These pupils have been awarded the academic excellence award for reaching all of their goals and surpassing expectations. 

Congratulations to you all. Keep up the excellent work next year! 

End of Year Awards - Excellent Effort

These pupils have been award the end of term award for excellent effort in recognition of their constant strive towards excellence in everything that they do. 

Well done, we are very proud of you. We expect to see you achieve great things next year because of your excellent attitude to school. 

End of Year Awards - Sporting Excellence

These pupils have been represented with the sporting excellence award in recognition of their aptitude, enthusiasm and attitude towards all sporting activities. 

Congratulations to you all. These children are our future olympians. 

End of the Academic Year

As we move towards the close of another school year, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to you all for your continued support. We have made fantastic progress again and it has been wonderful to receive so many positive comments from parents, carers and the local and wider community. We are hugely proud of the children who are a real credit to our school, & to you as parents and carers. It is a joy to see happy children every school day, achieving and succeeding every step of the way.

I am very grateful to parents who have served on the Parents' Forum. Their feedback, detailing both our strengths and areas for development, has such a positive impact on the success of the school. On behalf of the staff I would like to thank all parents who have volunteered this year for school trips, listening to pupils read or helping the LFPA to raise much needed funds. We wouldn’t be able to achieve as much as we do if it wasn’t for the support of you all.

Outstanding or School of the Year, doesn’t mean perfect and we have some exciting new projects in the pipeline. We are developing our parents curriculum and we are very much looking forward to inviting you into the classroom to spend time learning alongside your child. We can also promise that during the next academic year the long awaited new extension of our school will open and your children will have access to brand new resources and all of the opportunities that a new building brings.

I am so proud and privileged to lead this school. The teamwork and dedication of staff, no matter what their role, in making sure your child is thriving educationally, socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually is second to none.

On behalf of the Broadford Primary School staff, I would like to wish you all an enjoyable and safe summer holiday. We also wish our Year 6 pupils all the very best for a bright and successful future – we hope they look back at their time at Broadford with fondness and happy memories.

For those returning in September, I will see you all as the school doors open at 8.30 am on Wednesday 5th September 2018. I look forward to seeing our pupils in their smart Broadford Primary School uniform, ready for the challenges of a new academic year.

Friday 20 July 2018

Get Caught Reading 2018

This year we will once again be running a 'Get Caught Reading' competition during the Summer Holiday. It is a competition that has typically been extremely popular across our Federation and led to some great photos of the pupils. It is also open to staff!

What are we looking for?
The best picture of a child caught in the act of reading - normally in a stunning, funny, historic, cultural or unusual  location (outside Buckingham Palace, or a beach somewhere tropical... the sky's the limit) wins a book voucher. Just follow the simple steps...
  • Get a good book
  • Get caught reading it somewhere unusual - have your picture taken
  • Send it in via the school Facebook page - or Facebook Messenger
  • Wait for confirmation that you have won the competition!
Please promote this with your friends and show them how to access the links. We will be posting the links to the map and tracker on the blog/Facebook page as well - this will keep reappearing during the holiday.

Summer Holiday Pictures
We'd also love to see images from the pupils' and staff travels this summer - please encourage them to upload these as well. On the Harry Potter Trip we were talking to a pupil who - last holiday - was able to actually see Mount Everest... that would be a cool photo to add. Pupils from Mead are off to Bulgaria, Lithuania & Poland. Broadford pupils will be travelling to India, Spain and Dubai! Already it could be quite some travel record.
Closing date will be the first Friday 7th September.

Weekly Newsletter - Thursday 19th July, 2018

Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls 

Dear Parents and Carers,

End of the Academic Year
As we move towards the close of another school year, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to you all for your continued support. We have made fantastic progress again and it has been wonderful to receive so many positive comments from parents, carers and the local and wider community. We are hugely proud of the children who are a real credit to our school, & to you as parents and carers. It is a joy to see happy children every school day, achieving and succeeding every step of the way.

I am very grateful to parents who have served on the Parents' Forum. Their feedback, detailing both our strengths and areas for development, has such a positive impact on the success of the school. On behalf of the staff I would like to thank all parents who have volunteered this year for school trips, listening to pupils read or helping the LFPA to raise much needed funds. We wouldn’t be able to achieve as much as we do if it wasn’t for the support of you all. 

Outstanding or School of the Year, doesn’t mean perfect and we have some exciting new projects in the pipeline. We are developing our parents curriculum and we are very much looking forward to inviting you into the classroom to spend time learning alongside your child. We can also promise that during the next academic year the long awaited new extension of our school will open and your children will have access to brand new resources and all of the opportunities that a new building brings. 

I am so proud and privileged to lead this school. The teamwork and dedication of staff, no matter what their role, in making sure your child is thriving educationally, socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually is second to none.

On behalf of the Broadford Primary School staff, I would like to wish you all an enjoyable and safe summer holiday. We also wish our Year 6 pupils all the very best for a bright and successful future – we hope they look back at their time at Broadford with fondness and happy memories.

For those returning in September, I will see you all as the school doors open at 8.30 am on Wednesday 5th September 2018. I look forward to seeing our pupils in their smart Broadford Primary School uniform, ready for the challenges of a new academic year.

Weekly Attendance

KS1 - 95.15% KS2 - 93.6% Overall - 94.37%
Congratulations to Hazel and Mulberry who top the attendance table this week.

Return to School: Wednesday 5th September
Year 1 - Year 6 pupils are expected back at school for 8.30am on Wednesday 5th September. Breakfast Club will be open as usual that day from 7.45am

Summer Reading Challenge & Activities
Each summer Mrs Mcfarlane runs the reading competition where you have to get caught with a book in an unusual place. We've seen children reading in: airports, on sun loungers, in trampoline enclosures, on the beach and by a palace! All you need to do is snap a photo of your child reading their book and message it to us via the school Facebook page, or email it to office@broadford.havering.sch.uk

Mrs Mcfarlane will judge the winning entries on the return in September, with the best photos earning a prize and certificate… so get reading!

If you are stuck for ideas on what to do this holiday, take a look at the ‘50 things to do this summer’ list. A lot of the ideas are free, simple and can be carried out with friends, siblings or even on your own. If you manage to complete one or more of the activities make sure you take a photo and send it to us via the school Facebook page, or email it to office@broadford.havering.sch.uk. Look out on the blog to see what all of your friends are up too this six weeks!

Term Dates 2017-18

5th September - Return to School
Friday 19th October - Break up for half term
19th December - Last day of autumn term

I am sure you will all join me in wishing Miss Richardson and her fiance all the best for their upcoming wedding. We hope that they both enjoy their wonderful wedding day and have a very happy life together.

Also please join me in sending Mrs Smith best wishes as she starts her maternity leave and with her husband prepares for their new arrival. We are all looking forward to meeting her bundle of joy. Best wishes from us all.

All that leaves me to do is to wish you a relaxing and enjoyable summer break. For those of you moving on to secondary school we will miss you but we know you are well prepared for the challenges you will face and you go with our very best wishes for the future. If you are travelling, then I wish you a safe journey and we look forward to seeing you rested and refreshed for the start of the new school year on September 5th.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.
Yours sincerely,

Mrs L Nicholls

Monday 16 July 2018

Y6 Quest for Arthur

Well done to all of the Year 6 team who helped to put together a fantastic performance of The Quest for Arthur. Based on the tale of the Sword in the Stone and the legends of the Knight of the Round Table, the children had a great time exploring the myth as they prepared the show.

However this wasn't an ordinary performance. With the support of the National Theatre the children were helped with stage management workshops, lent smoke machines and lights. This expert help really ensured that it was a fabulous finish to the year. 

LACA Catering Champions

At Broadford we believe in doing all we can to provide a world class education. This was recognised last year at the TES Awards when we became the overall School of the Year for 2017. Of course, an outstanding school needs an outstanding kitchen. When the Havering Catering team decided to enter our cooks into the LACA awards, we had every confidence that they would be successful.

Every year the LACA Awards for Excellence acknowledge individuals and teams of people who continue to make a real difference in education catering. 

Good management, strong performances and high achievements deserve to be recognised at any time. Acknowledgement of effort is particularly important to not only reward but sustain motivation.

Well done to everyone at Havering Catering - who also won an award for their new Veggie App game - and in the Broadford team. A fantastic achievement!

This is part of the nomination that contributed to the decision of the judges:
We believe that our staff should show passion, warmth and unconditional positive regard when interacting with the pupils. Michelle’s team Michelle and her team would be worthy winners as they have demonstrated a tremendous level of enthusiasm throughout the year. This commitment and effort to promote the school lunch service has seen an 18% increase in the number of lunches provided in 2017. Michelle has been a fantastic partner, working proactively with the Senior Leadership Team and teachers to devising and implement activities that have helped to drive this growth. For instance pupils has the chance to undertake a food technology course as part of the Broadford University provision, with pupils becoming real chefs under the guidance of the kitchen team - a key part of the nomination that earned our TES accolade.

Theme days have been a major contributing factor to raising both the profile and take up of the school meals offer. Fireworks Feast, Winter Wonderland and linking menus to our Broadford Sports Month saw participation rise by 26% on those occasions.

Y6 Legacy Assembly

Year 6 pupils at Broadford put on a fantastic Legacy Assembly - the final part of their four year long spiritual curriculum. In this grand finale the children are encouraged to reflect on their time at Broadford and consider:

  • what have they learnt, that they will take with them to their new school?
  • how have they had a positive impact on the school - what legacy will they leave behind?
With the support of Rev Rich, the pupils then write their key achievements and hopes for the future onto a key, and lock a padlock as a symbol of the part of them to be left behind.

During the assembly it is also a chance for the children to share their most memorable moments from the last eight years. Staff use it as a time to celebrate individual and team achievements with a wide array of awards.

Thank you to Rev Rich for the time that you gave to make this possible. 

Thomas’s Story

Thomas came straight into class and headed for the writing area.

I had a story in my head and I wanted to write it down!

We were all very impressed to read his story about a family of dinosaurs. They didn't live a 'very long time ago' they lived  a 'very, very, very, very long time ago.'

For a child of only 5 to be displaying that conscious control over formality is amazing!

Well done Thomas, we loved your writing!

Y5 Fiver Challenge

Our Year 5 pupils held their stall sale as the culmination of their Fiver Challenge project. Students will use £5 pledges to get their pupil business ideas off the ground during the four weeks of the challenge, aiming to make as much profit as they can.

By taking part in the project, pupils learn what is meant by enterprise and developing ‘enterprising’ skills. Pupils also learn about the role money plays in their own and others’ lives (including how to manage their money) and about being a critical consumer

In addition to this, the project allows the pupils to develop an initial understanding of the concepts of ‘interest’, ‘loan’, ‘debt’ and ‘tax’ (e.g. their contribution to society through payment of VAT)

The Fiver Challenge project also encourages the children to think about how resources can be allocated in different ways and how these economic choices affect individuals, communities and the sustainability of the environment

How does it work?
  1. Pupils work together to decide what product or service they’ll invest their fivers in
  2. Teams source materials or products, prepare sales pitches, and plan selling events
  3. Pupils prepare and promote their selling event
  4. At the end of the Challenge pupils will repay their £5 pledges plus the 50p legacy contribution
What did the pupils think?
85% agreed that the project had given them a chance to show their 4Rs: reciprocity was seen as particularly important as they realised you need a team to be able to complete all the tasks.

100% said that they were more confident at speaking to customers and explaining their product

76% strongly agreed that the design and technology element of the project was their best part.

I loved making all the materials we needed to sell. It was hard work, but the mums and dads really seemed to like them.

Spelling Bee Champions

Congratulations to our KS1 & KS2 Spelling teams. Up against the super spellers from other Harold Hill schools they had to pull out all the stops to win. In the Infant competition it went down to the Spelling equivalent of a penalty shoot out... Broadford vs St Ursula's Infants.

The resilience training really came to the fore as the children held their nerve. Unflinching with their accuracy the team managed to win the trophy for the first time!

In the KS2 event, our spellers had some very tricky words: bourgeois, camouflage and obsequious. 

The practice that they had put in saw them through, and suddenly were were double champions!

I was very nervous when it started. Even though you have practised, you can feel your mind go blank. I knew I had to take some deep breaths and compose myself. 

I was confident because I had rehearsed every night. If you do that all the time and make sure you spend longer on the words you find hardest it isn't that difficult.

Well done #TeamBroadford, we are all very proud of you!

New Build Update

We have now had a tour of the internal structure of the new building and it is really starting to take shape. You can clearly see the outline of the new hall space, the much larger Nursery area and the footprint of the classrooms.

Without a doubt it will be a fantastic addition to our current facilities and a welcome return to having two hall spaces.