Friday 31 July 2015

Uniform Orders: 24th – 28th August 10am – 12pm

Please email in any uniform orders that you may have to

We will be open for uniform from w/c 24th August between 10am & 12pm.

There won’t be anyone in the school office prior to this to receive your orders or hand out the uniform.

We're In The Paper

Well done to our Year 4 pupils who are in the paper today for their charity coffee morning. With their delicious sweet cakes and hot frothy drinks they raised over £100 for the Stroke Association. This event followed on from their information session with Stroke nurse Sam Axford and the Purple Day activity session.

Thank you to Miss Cook's nan who volunteered herself and put in a lot of work baking up some tasty treats for the event! The rocky road was a big hit.

Monday 27 July 2015

Year 2 Cookery

As part of their topic of growing vegetables and healthy eating, our Year 2 pupils all got to experience a cookery workshop.

First they had to chop and prepare the vegetables. Then both classes had to slice up the chicken breast... which many found quite slippery! Mr Borrell then showed them how to create their own pasta and the way you make your own tomato based sauce.

Once the ingredients were ready, the children cooked it in a frying pan.

"I was a bit nervous about tasting it as I don't normally eat tomatoes. However it was delicious! I'd like to try this at home with my mum"

It really helped having Mr Borrell show us what to do. First he used the pasta machine, told us the steps and then we had a go. It was tricky, but he helped us to get it right.

Cedar cook pasta

We had great fun cooking pasta with Mr Borrell. We made our own pasta then added vegetables and sauce. Yummy!

It was really hard rolling out the pasta sheets... it kept breaking!

I loved getting to do the chopping. The knives were very sharp so we had to be careful!

KS2 Sports Day

We had a great KS2 Sports Day event this morning. It was even more special by the fantastic parental turn out to support the children. The pupils from Y3-Y6 competed in a range of activities:

Station 1 Tug of War
Station 2 Hurdle and Obstacle Relay
Station 3 Three Legged Race
Station 4 Hop Skip Jump
Station 5 Hockey Dribble
Station 6 Mega Howler
Station 7 Bean bag Target
Station 8 Long Jump

Watch out in the video for the parents tug o war!

Final results will be announced in the end of year assembly.

3-D Artwork

In their art classes our pupils have been taking inspiration from paintings and turning them into 3-D models. George White took the famous image of 'The Wave' (a Japanese painting). By using a layered approach he gave his sea a really stormy feel!

"I thought the picture was really scary. What if you were in a boat at the bottom of the wave? It would feel like your world was going to end! However the arch of the water and the blue and white colours still make it look beautiful."
George White

Daisy chose her favourite piece of art by Van Gogh and used it to help design her own bedroom.

"I thought the picture made the bedroom looked very different to mine. However it did seem to be warm and comfortable.It was hard getting the size and scale of the objects right, but in the end I think it looked quite good!"

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Free The Children Letter

Over the course of the year our pupils have run a number of campaigns to highlight the plight of children across the world in different contexts.

  • We Are Silent
  • We Scare Hunger
  • London Knowledge Quiz
  • Buy A Goat Campaign
"I didn't realise how many children around the world struggle for basics that we take for granted: education, fresh water, slavery and food. It made me think that I should do more to help"
Sophie - Year 6

"During our We Are Silent campaign I was able to reflect on who my role models are that inspire me. I'd like to think that by taking part we inspired our classmates to help others too."

"With the hunger campaign, we had to work as a team to count in all the food, transport it to the Food Bank and then design a presentation to tell the classes about where the food had gone and the impact it would have. I didn't realise how many people on Harold Hill use the food bank. If we don't support it and help them, many families would go hungry."
Emma - Year 6

Terrika's Race For Life

Terrika recently completed a Race for Life event in Chelmsford. She ran the 5Km coures to help raise money for Cancer Research!

Well done for your efforts Terrika.

Secondary Transfer 2016 (Current Year 5)

Dear Year 5 Parents,

The “Transferring to a Havering Secondary School (September 2016)” is available to view / download from the Havering website

A direct link to the brochure is

This brochure forms part of the application terms and conditions so it is imperative that as parents you read the documentation prior to submitting an application.

If you have any questions, please contact our office in September and we will be happy to assist you.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Amy's Project

Well done to Amy who has been learning about Leonardo Da Vinci and his famous painting of Mona Lisa.

I learnt that The Mona Lisa is probably the most well-known piece of artwork in the world! It was painted by the Leonardo Da Vinci between 1504 and 1519.

Well done for carrying on your learning beyond the classroom Amy and for sharing it with us.

Super Readers

Harlie has managed to read enough books (50) to earn his £5 voucher and Silver certificate. Kieran has reached the amazing total of 200 books and now has a Summer to spend reading the first 3 books in the Harry Potter series.

Daisy has managed to become a free reader and can now choose what she likes from the library.

Well done to all of you! 

Swimming Awards

Congratulations to our latest batch of swimming award winners. These pupils have demonstrated a good grasp of the key survival skills:

  1. Able to swim for a distance of more than 100m
  2. Can keep their head above water for 15mins
  3. Able to use clothes to fashion a flotation device
  4. Can enter water safely

Thomas's Karate Belt

Congratulations to Thomas who has earned his Red belt in Karate.

I go every week to practise my skills. I really enjoy my Karate club!

We always love to hear about the pupil's achievements outside of school! Great job Thomas!

Monday 20 July 2015

Fact Hunters: Rallies, pelican's and snails

This week we have had a tremendous number of interesting facts being shared by the children. Congratulations to the following children who have amazed us with their ability to hunt out interesting snippets of information:

Tyler Westbrook
Apparently the longest rally in a tennis tournament was one in which the ball passed over the net 643 times. The competitors were Jean Hepner and Vicky Nelson!

Harry Vincent
Did you know that tides are created because the Earth and the moon are attracted to each other, just like magnets are attracted to each other. The moon tries to pull at anything on the Earth to bring it closer.

Teni Adu
Incredibly a pelican's bill does have a larger capacity than its stomach! A pelican's stomach can hold up to 1 gallon (3.79 liters) of water.

Georgina Morton
The shell of a baby snail, often referred to as a protoconch or “earliest shell,” is colorless and very soft. Due to the fragile state of its shell, a newly-hatched snail needs to consume a lot of calcium, which will help its shell to harden.

Diary Dates:

Although the 2015-16 year is yet to get underway, we have some dates for you!
Thursday 3rd September – School reopens
Monday 21st September – Closed for INSET

This will be altered slightly for next term with the Year 5 classes attending separately.
Elm Class start swimming first Monday 7th September. 

Swimsuits should be one piece, not bikinis! Swim hats can be purchased from the school office. Maple will go in the Spring term.

Diamond Trackers

Congratulations to Sienna and Ellie Mae who managed to get to the next stage on their Diamond Tracker before the end of term.

Friday 17 July 2015

We're In The Paper: Cycle Safety Course

Summer Holiday Biking Events:
We will be running some biking courses in the Summer holiday on Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th August. Please see the blog and Facebook page for information on how to sign up for these events: Bikeability, bike maintenance and Learn to Ride. It is also featured in the Romford Recorder this week!

Pupil Premium Applications: Call the office or email ASAP!

We are aware that we have many families in our Nursery and Reception who are eligible for Pupil Premium support but have not yet claimed it. It is a very simple check that we can do for you:
We just need your: National Insurance Number & date of birth

If you supply us with this information for both Mum and Dad then we can see if you are eligible. The funding is worth £1,300 for every full time pupil and £0.53 per hour for every Nursery pupil. This money is used to provide staff to support your children, additions to the environment to improve the school for them (play areas, canopies etc), uniform, extracurricular clubs and trips.

Even if you are in Year 1-6 please call the office and give us the details as it would mean we can help you with some free school uniform and the cost of school trips.

Thank You!

Dear Parents and Carers,

I’d like to start off with a huge thank you from myself, and on behalf of all the teaching staff, for the generous gifts and kind words that you have given us this week and over the course of the year. It is a privilege to be able to serve the children of Harold Hill and contribute everyday towards improving their life chances. This year we had great results at Year 6, Year 2, Year 1 and this is only possible if everyone pulls together with the common goal of giving our children the best possible start to their education. I’d also like to thank Miss Feschk (Cedar), Miss Morris (Apple) and Miss Takle (Mulberry) who are leaving us this year to move onto new schools. They have all worked extremely hard to raise the attainment of the children in their care.

I hope that you all manage to have a well-earned rest in the holidays and come back refreshed to start again in September. We are already well under way with the preparations for 2015-16, new staff are joining the team, we are getting very close to the milestone of 500 pupils on roll and some further improvements to the building are nearing completion. Broadford is now established as a school where only the best is good enough. Our pupils are now talking about wanting to go on and become judges, lawyers, doctors and biologists… we will hold them to their aspirations! So we’ll see in you September to start all over again!

We're In The Paper: Pupils at Community Event

Although the Harold Hill Festival wasn't able to run this year, we were delighted to hear that local residents still managed to put on an event for the children. From the look of our pupils' faces they had a great time enjoying the different entertainments and stalls!

Hopefully we will see the Harold Hill Festival bought back to life next year.

Thursday 16 July 2015

Attendance Heroes

Congratulations to our Attendance Heroes! They have managed perfect attendance for more than just the one year!

Silver Award (two consecutive years)

Gold Award (three consecutive years)

To think that three pupils have not missed a single day of school for three years is amazing! To recognise their achievements the children were invited to a cup cake party with the Governors, had a certificate, were awarded a trophy and given an Argos voucher!

Well done to all of you, we'll be keeping our fingers crossed that you can manage it again next year.


Summer 241 Vouchers

We have received some leaflets that may be able to offer you a discount on some local Essex attractions. If you then add it our school name in the comment box, our school receives £1 off the next trip we book.

Bouncy Castle Day 2015

This year we had another fun filled day with a wide collection of bouncy castles. We were able to share the experience with some pupils from Bannockburn Primary - who had travelled all the way from Greenwich to be with us!

Why do we have Bouncy Castle Day?
Pupils are set the target of 95% attendance for the year. If they achieve that goal by coming to school every day then they earn themselves a session on the bouncy castles as a reward. Throughout the year there are a number of ways you can earn recognition for your attendance...

  • 100% Cupcake parties for classes where everyone attends for a whole week
  • Attendance badges if you manage to get 100% for the whole term
  • Certificates for 95%+ and 100% at the end of each half term
  • A class reward of a trip to The Brewery if you win the Attendance League
  • A cupcake party with the Governors if you have a perfect attendance for the whole year
Pupil Values
We also have the bouncy castles as a reward for the pupils hard work and achievement throughout the year. This year we have achieved our best Level 6 scores and our highest Level 5 scores. Our Year 1 pupils are above National Expectations for the Phonics Screening. Across the school pupils have been doing their best in every lesson, which ensures they make all the progress they can!

Mr Drakes expects us to work hard. If we do that every day we will do well in our learning and he will reward us!

I love Bouncy Castle day and look forward to it all year. It is so much fun and there is free ice cream! I know I can have more time if I just turn up every day

100% Attendance Awards

This week we held the annual cupcake party for pupils who have managed 100% attendance up to and including Tuesday 14th July. Incredibly we had 48 pupils who managed to achieve that perfect score.

Our number one job is to turn up every day on time. If you missed just 5% of your schooling each year, then between Nursery and Year 6 you would have lost a whole term of teaching!

I was determined to achieve my 100% this year. I had seen many other children do it and know I could as well!
Holly Maskell

The lessons are great fun and I always learn lots of new things, so I don't want to miss a day!
Tahani Lowe Enu

Mr Drakes keeps telling us how important it is to come to school everday. I don't want to let him down!
Yemi Adedipe

Once the pupils had their certificates presented to them by the Governors, they enjoyed a cupcake party to celebrate. Well done everyone. You have made a massive contribution to our school meeting the target of 95.5% attendance for this year!

Mrs Gordon (our Chair of Governors) explained to the pupils about the importance of punctuality and attendance when they go onto have a career and how it is a life skill they are well on the way to embedding.

I am so proud of how they have come in every day. Quite often you can feel a bit poorly and it might be easy just to stay at home. However they have shown real grit to make sure they don't miss a day!
Mrs Gordon

Wednesday 15 July 2015

School Council Assembly

After a long year of representation, meetings, trips, visits to Parliament, discussions and help, our School Council members gave a presentation to the rest of the school about what they have achieved.

In School
School Council members have helped to organise better facilities for the playground. They worked with Thames Chase volunteers to design the new play house around the tree and bring to life a previously dull area of the school grounds

With the help of our fundraising readers, the School Council chose the new play equipment for lunch times. Due to the amazing effort of our readers we had a record total to spend... £380.

Throughout the year the School Council have supported the school in tackling the issues of bullying...

"We designed a presentation about cyber bullying and how to stay safe online. Then we gave this presentation to our classes and handed out leaflets that explained how to use the internet safely"
Melisa Krasniqi

In addition to this the Council organised the Anti Bullying Day activities to ensure that all pupils were sure about our procedures.

"When new pupils join our school they might not know about the worry box. They also need to read and sign the Anti Bullying contract. We helped to design this with Miss Taylor."
Nathan Owsley

The School Council have helped to co-ordinate and lead many of the fundraising events this year. In consultation with their classes, it was their choice to support Sip for Stroke.

"Some of our children have had family who have suffered a stroke. Even one of the staff recently had a Nan who had a stroke. Our TA Mrs Axford has a daughter who is a Stroke Nurse, so it was a great charity choice"
Jude Gore

School Council members listened to a presentation about the principles of FAST, so that they could help in the event of a stroke. This was then shared with their classmates. After that the school hosted a Stroke Awareness Day and a Sip for Stroke coffee morning.

Elm Free Readers

Congratulations to the readers in Elm class who have made good progress this year. Now they have completed the reading schemes, they can browse and choose from any of the books in our library collection. Some have even joined our Spinebreakers team to help purchase and review new books for the library.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

School Start Time: 8.30am start for YR-Y6

We would like to remind you that we expect all pupils in class for 8.30am so that we can start their learning as quickly as possible in the morning. The time between 8.30am and 8.55am is vital for allowing them to reflect on marking, practise their mental skills, complete unfinished tasks, tackle oral and mental challenges, revise key concepts and work with their teachers.

This time has allowed us to offer your children the equivalent of 12 extra days worth of education this year and contributed to a level of performance that exceeds national expectations in Yr1 Phonics, Year 2 Reading and Year 6 SATs. This will continue to be the case next year… so see you at 8.30am sharp!

Learning Power Awards:

These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and be successful later in life. Jaseem Miah, Sophie Kaylor, Jack Silva, Joshua Ore, Daniel Kalusha & Mya Takhar have shown that they can manage distractions and notice patterns in their work. Well done for earning your Resilience certificate!

Lacey Joyett has shown curiosity about her learning, made links between ideas and been able to capitalize on resources to get her Resourcefulness certificate. Cydney Ridley, Holly Chilvers, Daniel Joy & Tia Takhar have collaborated effectively to get their Reciprocity award… well done!

Star Readers & Writers

Star Writers:
Grace Leadbitter, Ketty Omwanghe, Abbie Sullivan, Rashida Sillah, Elisabeth Ositelu & Elizabeth Byamugisha: these children have all produced pieces of outstanding writing this week. Look out for examples of their work on the blog!

Star Reading Awards:
Summer Rose Trew, Naleli Sibanda & Taylor Royer have all completed 10 books for their Bronze Reader award. Olumide Otegbola has completed 25 books and earn his bookmark. Harley Boland, Ruben Roberts, Iman Mitze & Jorja Dines have collected their £5 voucher and Silver certificate. Abbie Sullivan, Deborah Oluokun, Adam Abubakr, Alex Ianache & Maliat Bakreen have all read enough to earn their Gold Trophy. Well done to Ty Sutton & James Wise who have earned their Platinum Reader trophy.

E for Excellence Winners:

These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.

Max Holmyard – Mulberry

Fayo Ayodola – Pine

Rolan Vumuka – Cedar

Matthew Murcia – Cherry

Katrina Weaver – Ash

Emily Johnson – Rowan

Cydney Ridley – Birch

Temira Hascar – Willow

Sophie Nickson – Elm

Oliver Cummings – Maple

Ruden Roberts – Apple

Roxann Smith – Aspen

Tracker Awards:

Mya Takhar, Naleli Sibanda, Summer Rose Trew & Yazmin Satti have earned enough merits to collect their Bronze certificate. Daniel Kalusha has collected his Silver Pencil, while Iman Mitze picked up her Silver certificate. Sienna Nickson managed to stick the last stickers on her Diamond tracker. Well done!