Tuesday 31 October 2017

Nicole's Artwork

Thank you to Nicole for bringing in this stunning piece of artwork. Nicole has been learning about Pointilisim and the artist Georges Seurat.

I used lots of dots to make this painting of the school badge. This is called pointilism, it took me a long time to complete.

If you'd like to have a go at your own painting at home, try this link for inspiration...


Thank you for bringing in the painting - it now has pride of place in Mr Drakes's office.

David's Judo Award

Well done to David who has successfully completed another grade at his Judo club. This certificate recognises that David has passed his 1st Mon.

Great job David - it is always lovely to hear of your judo successes.

Monday 30 October 2017

Fireworks Volunteers - The LFPA Need You!

Dear Parents,

We still have some vacancies for volunteers on the night of our Fireworks Extravaganza. The Parents' Association are aiming for 20+ volunteers on the evening.

If you would be able to help on the evening of the 6th November, please contact Lisa O'Flynn or Jenny Porter by email:

Thank you for your support, it looks set to be a fantastic first run for a Harold Hill, Learning Federation fireworks night.

Skye’s Amazing Maths

Well done to Skye who took on a maths challenge from Mr Nicol. The question was RAIN + SNOW = SLEET. Skye then had to work out which numbers would substitute into the question in order to make it work.

I had to play around with it for quite a while, but I solved it in the end.

Well done for showing great resilience!

Summer Holidays' Reading Challenges

Well done to those pupils who successfully completed the Summer reading challenges set by Mrs Macfarlane.

Broadford named a National Support School

Just before half term, Mr Drakes had to journey up to Leeds to be inducted as a National Leader for Education. With this accreditation, Broadford is also designated as a National Support School - which runs alongside our Teaching School designation.

The status is great recognition of the work that has been done by all parents, governors and staff to improve outcomes for our pupils. Now it also means that we can work alongside other schools to support their improvement journey as well.

Broadford has really benefitted from sharing ideas with others, seeing best practice in action and being supported by other school leaders. It is now wonderful to have the chance to repay some of the kindness and support that was shown to us as we started out journey. To continually work alongside and with others will only help to keep our ideas fresh and challenge our thinking so that our school continues to develop and flourish.

House captains

Congratulations to the following pupils who have been elected as House captains. 

Chatteris (Blue): Ellis Curtis-Rich (Vice captain: Martin Wicher)
Cricklade (Green): Michael Rack (Vice captain: Rhianna Morton)
Dulverton (Yellow): Arhaan Kashual (Vice captain: Lillie-Jo Guidotti)
Faringdon (Red): Teni Adu (Vice captain: Jack Eve)

A huge well done to all pupils who prepared a speech and delivered it in front of their peers last week. The standard of presentations has been very high this year and the calibre of candidates extremely strong. You should all feel very proud of yourselves.

Get Caught Reading


Well done to all those pupils who submitted GCR photos this Summer. This year saw the greatest response that we have ever had - and there was a really wide variety of locations for the pictures.

We also had the widest geographical spread - from a palm tree in Cuba to an Auntie's house in India!

Great job everybody.

Check out the map here

Read Write Inc - Model School Status

We are delighted to be able to display our certificate confirming our status as a Read Write Inc Model school. Over the last six years our teachers have worked tirelessly to ensure that we are providing the best phonics teaching for our youngest pupils so that they are able to read by the age of 6.

Now that we have established a number of years of outstanding results and teaching we are able to offer our school as a support for others who are looking to improve and develop their phonics teaching.

Last year the National pass rate for the Year 1 Phonics screening test was 81% and at Broadford we achieved 89%.

Charity Cake Sale

Year 6 hosted another very successful bake sale in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Thank you to all of the children, families and staff who donated cakes for the event.

The sale was extremely well attended by pupils and families.

It was so busy on the stall. We had to be very quick with our mental calculations... adding up all that money and working out change was tough.

Pupils served the cakes, handled the money and prepared the teas and coffees for guests.

The reciprocity was very important. We had to work as a team to handle the orders and make sure we made the drinks correctly. There were loads of parents at one point and it was tough to make sure we had the right mil and sugar.

The event has made over £500 for the charity, thank you for all of your support and well done Year 6!

Get Caught Reading Winners

Well done to the children who were chosen as our Get Caught Reading Winners.

Conor was photographed reading to some Stormtroopers, while Caitlin was caught reading in Stratford Upon Avon.

Ethan and Leah also sent in great pictures of them reading during the holiday.

Why not have another look at the GCR Map for 2017...

Click here for the map

Bancrofts - Serious Fun

Our Y5 pupils benefitted from another fantastic morning of activities at Bancrofts. They are currently taking part in the 10 week 'Serious Fun on Saturdays' project, which sees pupils from both Brookside Drapers & Broadford join up with other Woodford primary schools for a wide range of lessons at the independent school.

This week we had a philosophy lesson. It really made my brain ache. We had to consider if a chair is a chair because of its name, or because of how we use it. Would an alien think it was a chair, or a helmet, or a climbing frame? 

I hadn't thought before about how something changes depending on your size and perspective. It really made me think

Following this the children spent an hour looking at classical civilizations, specifically the Ancient Greeks. They had to examine the story of Theseus and the Minotaur.

Thank you to Bancrofts for hosting a great morning of activities. We look forward to resuming the programme after half term

Adam's Giant Award

Adam was very proud of his fantastic trophy. This award was to recognise his sustained effort over the year for his club.

Well done Adam and thank you for sharing your trophy with us.

Isabelle's Swimming Award

Congratulations to Isabelle, who has collected another swimming award. She is now able to perform a range of strokes, tread water and perform some gymnastic moves in the water!

A great effort Isabelle - and thank you for sharing your award with us.

Friday 27 October 2017

Congratulations - Miss Hammond is getting married!

I am sure you will all join me in wishing Miss Hammond and her fiance  all the best for their upcoming wedding. We hope that they both enjoy their  wonderful wedding day and a very happy life together. Congratulations!

Havering Catering Services

There is a new menu which starts the first week back after half term. There will be a picture of the full menu on the blog post for you to view. Week beginning 30th October will be week 1. The price of a meal at lunchtime is £2.20.  

Back to School

We return to school for the second half of the autumn term on Monday 30th October with breakfast club starting at at 7.45 am and for all other pupils the doors will be open at 8.30 am. After school clubs will commence on the first day back as usual.

E for Excellence Winners

These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.

Daisy Bones
Arya Shah
Tiffany Dash
Paige McGeoghan
Charlie Bott
Amelia Hynes
Roberto Silva
Aimee Borrell
Bella Hyder
Emily Claydon
Kara Middleton
Ayomide Otegbola
Summer Baker
Caitlin Bowden

Certificate of Presentation

The following children have presented their work beautifully and take pride in all that they do in their books.

Georgia Chilvers, Grace Gore, Megan Lewis, Fayo Ayodola, Indie Sale, Simran Bashir, Matthew Murcia


Star Writers

These children have been awarded a star writer certificate and golden pencil in recognition of their excellent writing, use of powerful vocabulary and sophisticated writing  techniques.  

Levan Towe-Enu, Javy Needroo, Finley Short, Aaliyah Yasrin, Jessica Butler, Yemi Adedipe, Ollie Venables, Neo Chambers, Spencer Abrahams, Naiara Cruz Botonog, Callie-Rose Barnett, Sydney Griffiths, Isla Saunders

Diary Dates

On Monday 30th October the NHS team will be in school to administer the flu immunisation to pupils. If you would like your child to receive the vaccination please return the form to the school office.  In the afternoon, year 3 parents are invited to the year 3 reading afternoon which is being held in the school hall.

On Tuesday 31st Larch class are visiting Pizza Express for a cookery workshop. At 10.00 am Miss Taylor will be showing prospective parents around the school. If you know anyone who would like to look at the school in the hopes of their children attending, please ask them to book a place on the tour via the school office. In the afternoon Rowan class are visiting Hilldene library and year 4 parents are invited to the year 4 reading afternoon.

On Wednesday 1st November in the afternoon, Mulberry class are visiting the library.

On Thursday 2nd November pupils in years 2-6 have the pleasure of watching ‘Just Joshing’ an anti-bullying theatre in education project. Reverend Rich is in school to work with year 4 pupils regarding their storytelling project which will conclude with their Christmas presentation at the end of the term. Year 6 parents are invited to their reading afternoon.

On Friday 3rd November, parents of year 5 pupils are invited to a reading morning which will be held in the hall.

A very busy week! Please look out for the stories on the school blog.

Weekly Attendance

KS1: Pine 98.3%       

KS2: Maple 98.7%

Overall: 96%

Congratulations to Pine  and Maple who top the attendance table this week. Congratulations and well done to the whole school for keeping our overall attendance at 96% for the first half of the autumn term. Long may it continue.

I am thrilled to announce that Birch are currently top of the attendance leader board and in the running to win the end of term attendance prize.

Learning Power Awards

These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life.

These children have demonstrated effective reciprocity this week – able to listen carefully, work collaboratively and take turns. Rokas Zaikauskas, Ramone Holme-Slater, Lucian Bundy, Riley Hann, Rashid Sillah, Bobby Peak, Rajaab Imran, Layla-Rose Mahad, Harvey Bende, Miley Jeffery, Lily Lockhart, Summer-Rose Trew

These children have shown that they can manage distraction, notice patterns and become absorbed in their tasks – well done for your resilience certificate:
Alfie Donnelly, Sam Middleton, Chiwendu Nwaokolo, Callum Watson, Charlie Ilott, Lola-Mae Trinder, Joshua Lott, Kiera Taylor, Brooke Atkinson, Kabey Stevens, Morgan Palfreman, Aaliyah Theodore

These children have managed to show that they can plan and revise ideas to earn their reflectiveness certificate.
Rhianna Morton, Nikola Urban, Connor Robinson,Teni Adu

Being able to show that you can make links between ideas and showing imagination demonstrates resourcefulness.  These pupils have been awarded their resourcefulness certificate this week:

Ellis Curtis-Rich, Georgie Crane, Ella Nash, Molly Vincent, Iniya Boothiraj, Layla Millar, Ellie Chalmers

Maths Challenge

These pupils have used their ability to think both mathematically and creatively to solve maths challenges.

Augustus Baradinskas, Kaitlyn Mukandavire, Maisy Caine, Yemi Adedipe, Diya Patel.

Learning Challenge

These children have been working hard at home and extending their knowledge through their learning challenge work.

David Basilio, Hollie Gray, Nicole Alao, Blake Maddox, Klaidi Kasniqi, Harry Lennon, Molly Vincent, Kaley Rose Watson, Sophia Heron, Tutu Omisore, Ethan Carruth, Danny Howe