Wednesday 28 February 2018

Thursday 1st March - SCHOOL CLOSED

Dear Parents

We are sorry to inform you that we will be closed tomorrow. This is not a decision that we take lightly. I hope you could see from our efforts today that we do all we can to keep our schools open for the children. However the forecasts overnight, the ice expected as a consequence of today, high winds and guidance from weather warnings mean that we feel it is best to make a decision now.

A large number of our staff drive in from quite a distance away. Some were not able to make it today and we would expect more to be affected tomorrow.

Hopefully the situation will have improved so that we can open on Friday. We will keep you updated.

We appreciate that this is very difficult for working parents. By making the decision tonight we hope to give you time to make alternative arrangements that would be even harder if we delayed until 7am tomorrow.

Thank you for your understanding and we hope to see you on Friday.

Please share this post with any other families that you know.

World Book Day will be rearranged ASAP! Don't worry your costumes will get used!


Dear Parents

School is open as normal - breakfast club is open at the usual time.

Please send in pupils with gloves, wet weather gear and a change of socks/trousers so that they can play in the snow.

Pupils will only be allowed out to play in the snow IF THEY ARE DRESSED APPROPRIATELY

Clubs are cancelled tonight

Saturday 24 February 2018

Learning Challenge, Fact Hunters, Happy Teacher, Rock Star Maths & Project Super Stars

Learning Challenge
These children have been working hard at home and extending their knowledge through their learning challenge work.
Lacey Wall, Jessica Butler, Ameerah Bashir, Emly Russell

Fact Hunter
Isabelle Curtis-Rich has amazed her teachers with fantastic facts this week.

Happy Teacher
These children have made sure that their teachers have been smiling all week.
Lillie-Jo Guidotti, Samira Rahman, Violet Chilton, Elinga Garbaliaskaite, Harry Lennon.

Rock Star Maths
These children have earned a reward in recognition of their tables thrashing, maths moshing and sum shrieking achievements.  
Bailey Baker, Leo Whiten

Project Superstar
Congratulations to Simran Bashir, Ranita Ariyibi for the brilliant work they have been doing at home.

Parents Consultations

At the end of the term we will be holding parent consultations when you are invited to come and meet your child’s class teacher to find out how they are progressing this year. This will be an opportunity to discuss the year group passport and how your child is making steps towards meeting end of year expectations.

These events will be held on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th March.

World Book Day - Thursday 1st March

Thursday 1st March is world book day. We are going to celebrate the day by asking all pupils to dress as their favourite book character for the day. The children could be Harry, Matilda or Alice and we are looking forward to seeing all of the wonderful ideas that you come up with. There will be prizes for the most imaginative character costumes!

Please be mindful when choosing a costume as the children will still be going outside for play  as usual during the day. Ensure that your child wears their coat over their costume and has on sensible shoes such as their school shoes or trainers.

Diary Dates

On Monday morning our year 5 pupils will enjoy a visit from the author Cliff McNish and Elm class are swimming in the afternoon.

We have our spring term parent forum on Tuesday 27th at 9 am. Every year group has parent representatives, however any member of the parent community is welcome to come along. On Tuesday afternoon the spinebreakers from pine class are visiting Hilldene library.

On Wednesday 28th we would like to invite all parent and carers of pupils in Sequoia class to their sharing assembly. The children will be sharing their learning and this will be an opportunity to have a look through their books. Year 6 will be visiting the science museum and LAMDA lessons will be taking place in the afternoon and there is a football match at Drapers’ Pyrgo after school.

Thursday 1st March is bookday. Year 1 are taking part in a circus skills workshops and there is a tag rugby match at Drapers’ Brookside in the afternoon. Year 4&5 pupils are being treated to a virtual reality experience and will be visiting the rainforest.

On Friday we warmly invite year 6 parents to the year 6 maths party at 9am.

Look out for all of the above stores on the blog.

Havering Catering Services

Week beginning 26th February is week 1 on the havering catering Services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.20.

There is a special menu to celebrate world book day. On Wednesday 21st February. Menu choices will be sent home with the pupils. The cost of the special menu is £2.20 via sQuid and free for Infant aged pupils.

E for Excellence Winners

These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.

Frankie Barrick
Ketty Omwanghe
Keira Atkinson
Tommy Watson
Ceejay Colley
Ananya Salla
Akunna Ezeogu
Finley Short
George Woolnough
Javy Needroo
Rashid Sillah
Ellie-Mae Wager
Joe Green
Brandon Cohen

Certificate of Presentation

The following children have presented their work beautifully and take pride in all that they do in their books.

Ayomide Otegbola, Ruby-May White, Lily Gray, Sam Middleton, Armani Peek, Jessica Simpson, Ronnie Gayle, Brooke Atkinson, Sajida Khanam

Star Writers

These children have been awarded a star writer certificate and golden pencil in recognition of their excellent writing, use of powerful vocabulary and sophisticated writing  techniques.  

Sienna Nickson, Zara Satti, Frankie Watson, Charlie Bott, Taylor Cohen, Iyinope Ariyibi, Alin Botonog.

Learning Power Awards

These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life.

These children have demonstrated effective Reciprocity this week – able to listen carefully, work collaboratively and take turns. Caitlin Bowden, Jeremiah Adegbite, David Mestre, Betty Rose Nichols, Harley Boland, Joshua Lott, Charlie Ilott, Aaliyah Yasrin, Jessica Chilvers, Lacey Joyett

These children have shown that they can manage distraction, notice patterns and become absorbed in their tasks – well done for your Resilience certificate:
Rhianna Morton, Tavia Towe-Enu, Charlie Randall, Maliat  Bakreen, Conner Holloway, Michael Sloan, Rayne Darcy

These children have managed to show that they can plan and revise ideas to earn their Reflectiveness certificate.
Riley Whitcombe, Lacey Wall, Sky Griffiths, Daniel Kalusha, Weronika Harandi

Being able to show that you can make links between ideas and showing imagination demonstrates resourcefulness. These pupils have been awarded their resourcefulness certificate this week:
Alisha March, Oliver Bartnik, David White, Oliver Hall

Reading Awards

In recognition of the pupils’ ability to devour books, immerse themselves in stories and read relentlessly at home.
Danny Little, Roxy Smith
Bronze reader award
Amandeep Ubhi, Polina Backane
Silver reader award
Molly May Bailey, Lucas Middleton, Livi Middleton, Zachary Auger, Awwal Asimiyu , Amandeep Ubhi.
Gold reader award
Lucas Kalmakrian

London Borough of Havering SEN Ofsted - Parents of children with SEN

Attention: Parents of children with SEN

Inspection of Havering local area’s effectiveness in identifying and meeting the needs of, and improving outcomes for, children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities from Monday 26 February 2018 to Friday 03 March 2018

Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will carry out jointly an inspection  of your local area. Under the Children and Families Act 2014, the government placed new duties on the local health, social and education services that provide for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities. The inspection will evaluate how effectively the local area:

-  identifies the needs of children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities
-  meets the needs of these children and young people so that their outcomes and chances of participating fully in society improve.

The views of children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, and the views of their parents and carers will be gathered during visits to a number of early years settings, schools, colleges and specialist services. These views are critical to the inspection process. During the inspection, Ofsted and CQC inspectors will be keen to speak to as many children and young people and their parents and carers as possible. Inspectors will not be visiting your child’s provision.

The inspection will also include an online webinar to allow other Havering parents and carers to contribute. The webinar will take place at 10:00am on Friday 23 February 2018. It will led by the lead inspector, who will ask parents and carers about their views and experiences on how effectively Havering is fulfilling the above responsibilities.

If you would like to take part in this webinar then please follow this internet link

While we understand that many parents and carers may have views on their experience that extend before the introduction of the reforms in September 2014, it is important that this date is used as the start for gathering evidence about the impact of the reforms. We would also like parents and carers to understand that we will not be able to follow up or comment upon individual cases.

Information on local area duties toward children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities can be found on the Department for Education’s website:

Yours sincerely

Brian Oppenheim

Her Majesty’s Inspector

Tracker Awards

These children have been working hard and achieving academic success and therefore have earned themselves the following rewards.  

Bronze certificate - Saarah Khanan, Tiffany Dash
Bronze prestige certificate - Ramone Holme-Slater
Silver pencil - Ranita Ariyibi, fallon Sharpe, Courtney Simpson, Adrian Luca,
Silver prestige certificate - Ranita Ariyibi, Megan Lewis, Amy Callum, Srinika Manickavasagam,
Golden bookmark - Olivia Wheal, Sam Handoo
Golden certificate - Lea Cerqueria, Sam Handoo, Ashlee Wright, Nicole Alao,
Platinum prize - Alfie Clark, Molly-May Harrop, Yazmin Satti
Platinum certificate - Chiwendu Nwaokolo, Yazmin Satti
Diamond prize - Ellie Wise, Simran Bashir, Diya Patel, Oliwier Bartnik
Diamond certificate - Rashid Sillah
Star Prize - Maliat Bakreen, Lily O’Leary, Javy Needroo, Libby Northwood
Star certificate - Sofia Raif, Weronika Harandi, Eriya Byamuyisha

Friday 23 February 2018

Weekly Attendance

KS1: 96.98%
       KS2: 97.03%
Overall: 97%

Congratulations to Willow and Cherry who top the attendance table this week, both classes achieved with 100%.

Weekly Newsletter - Friday 23rd February

Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls 

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a fantastic and hectic first week in school. I am sure the children have enjoyed mystery writing, Harry Potter quizzes and cycling sessions.  The pupils have also been working very hard which you will see from the extensive list of certificates and awards below. Well done and thank you to all staff and pupils who make Broadford such an amazing place to learn.                                                     
Diary Dates
On Monday morning our year 5 pupils will enjoy a visit from the author Cliff McNish and Elm class are swimming in the afternoon.
We have our spring term parent forum on Tuesday 27th at 9 am. Every year group has parent representatives, however any member of the parent community is welcome to come along. On Tuesday afternoon the spinebreakers from pine class are visiting Hilldene library.
On Wednesday 28th we would like to invite all parent and carers of pupils in Sequoia class to their sharing assembly. The children will be sharing their learning and this will be an opportunity to have a look through their books. Year 6 will be visiting the science museum and LAMDA lessons will be taking place in the afternoon and there is a football match at Drapers’ Pyrgo after school.
Thursday 1st March is bookday. Year 1 are taking part in a circus skills workshops and there is a tag rugby match at Drapers’ Brookside in the afternoon. Year 4&5 pupils are being treated to a virtual reality experience and will be visiting the rainforest.
On Friday we warmly invite year 6 parents to the year 6 maths party at 9am.
Look out for all of the above stores on the blog.

Thursday 1st March is world book day. We are going to celebrate the day by asking all pupils to dress as their favourite book character for the day. The children could be Harry, Matilda or Alice and we are looking forward to seeing all of the wonderful ideas that you come up with. There will be prizes for the most imaginative character costumes!
Please be mindful when choosing a costume as the children will still be going outside for play  as usual during the day. Ensure that your child wears their coat over their costume and has on sensible shoes such as their school shoes or trainers.

Parents Consultations  
At the end of the term we will be holding parent consultations when you are invited to come and meet your child’s class teacher to find out how they are progressing this year. This will be an opportunity to discuss the year group passport and how your child is making steps towards meeting end of year expectations.
These events will be held on Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th March.

Havering Catering Services
Week beginning 26th February is week 1 on the havering catering Services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.20.
There is a special menu to celebrate world book day. On Wednesday 21st February. Menu choices will be sent home with the pupils. The cost of the special menu is £2.20 via sQuid and free for Infant aged pupils.

Weekly Attendance:
KS1: -  96.98%        KS2: -97.03% Overall:  97%
Congratulations to Willow and Cherry who top the attendance table this week, both with 100%.

E for Excellence Winners:
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Frankie Barrick
Ketty Omwanghe
Keira Atkinson
Tommy Watson
Ceejay Colley
Ananya Salla
Akunna Ezeogu
Finley Short
George Woolnough
Javy Needroo
Rashid Sillah
Ellie-Mae Wager
Joe Green
Brandon Cohen
Certificate of Presentation:
The following children have presented their work beautifully and take pride in all that they do in their books.
Ayomide Otegbola, Ruby-May White, Lily Gray, Sam Middleton, Armani Peek, Jessica Simpson, Ronnie Gayle, Brooke Atkinson, Sajida Khanam

Star Writers:
These children have been awarded a star writer certificate and golden pencil in recognition of their excellent writing, use of powerful vocabulary and sophisticated writing  techniques.  
Sienna Nickson, Zara Satti, Frankie Watson, Charlie Bott, Taylor Cohen, Iyinope Ariyibi, Alin Botonog,

Learning Power Awards:
These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life.
These children have demonstrated effective Reciprocity this week – able to listen carefully, work collaboratively and take turns. Caitlin Bowden, Jeremiah Adegbite, David Mestre, Betty Rose Nichols, Harley Boland, Joshua Lott, Charlie Ilott, Aaliyah Yasrin, Jessica Chilvers, Lacey Joyett

These children have shown that they can manage distraction, notice patterns and become absorbed in their tasks – well done for your Resilience certificate:
Rhianna Morton, Tavia Towe-Enu, Charlie Randall, Maliat  Bakreen, Conner Holloway, Michael Sloan, Rayne Darcy

These children have managed to show that they can plan and revise ideas to earn their Reflectiveness certificate.
Riley Whitcombe, Lacey Wall, Sky Griffiths, Daniel Kalusha, Weronika Harandi

Being able to show that you can make links between ideas and showing imagination demonstrates resourcefulness.
These pupils have been awarded their resourcefulness certificate this week:
Alisha March, Oliver Bartnik, David White, Oliver Hall

Learning Challenge
These children have been working hard at home and extending their knowledge through their learning challenge work.
Lacey Wall, Jessica Butler, Ameerah Bashir, Emly Russell

Reading Awards
In recognition of the pupils’ ability to devour books, immerse themselves in stories and read relentlessly at home.
Danny Little, Roxy Smith
Bronze reader award
Amandeep Ubhi, Polina Backane
Silver reader award
Molly May Bailey, Lucas Middleton, Livi Middleton, Zachary Auger, Awwal Asimiyu , Amandeep Ubhi,

Gold reader award
Lucas Kalmakrian

Fact Hunter
Isabelle Curtis-Rich has amazed her teachers with fantastic facts this week.

Happy Teacher
These children have made sure that their teachers have been smiling all week.
Lillie-Jo Guidotti, Samira Rahman, Violet Chilton, Elinga Garbaliaskaite.

Rock Star Maths
These children have earned a reward in recognition of their tables thrashing, maths moshing and sum shrieking achievements.  
Bailey Baker, Leo Whiten

Project Superstar
Congratulations to Simran Bashir, Ranita Ariyibi for the brilliant work they have been doing at home.

Tracker Awards
These children have been working hard and achieving academic success and therefore have earned themselves the following rewards.  
Bronze certificate - Saarah Khanan, Tiffany Dash
Bronze prestige certificate - Ramone Holme-Slater
Silver pencil - Ranita Ariyibi, fallon Sharpe, Courtney Simpson, Adrian Luca,
Silver prestige certificate - Ranita Ariyibi, Megan Lewis, Amy Callum, Srinika Manickavasagam,
Golden bookmark - Olivia Wheal, Sam Handoo
Golden certificate - Lea Cerqueria, Sam Handoo, Ashlee Wright, Nicole Alao,
Platinum prize - Alfie Clark, Molly-May Harrop, Yazmin Satti
Platinum certificate - Chiwendu Nwaokolo, Yazmin Satti
Diamond prize - Ellie Wise, Simran Bashir, Diya Patel, Oliwier Bartnik
Diamond certificate - Rashid Sillah
Star Prize - Maliat Bakreen, Lily O’Leary, Javy Needroo, Libby Northwood
Star certificate - Sofia Raif, Weronika Harandi, Eriya Byamuyisha

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Nicholls
