Monday 30 April 2018

E for Excellence Winners

These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.

Shivangi Zala
Naz Benli
Freddie Little
Dorrie Lewis
Freddie Davey
Aaliyah Yasrin
Lukas Smirnovas
Melisa Uluer
Tiffany Dash
Lillie Mersh
Harvy Bende
Chiwendu Nwaokolo
Jennifer wall
Isabelle Munford
Christopher Russell
William Ilott

Tia Himuyandi

End of Day Dismissal

Just a reminder for all parents, school finishes at 3.00 pm. To ensure that all pupils fulfill their statutory hours of education each week, we are unable to dismiss pupils earlier than 3.00 pm without a valid excuse. If you do have to collect your child early due to an appointment, we kindly ask you to assist us by providing documentation to confirm this for Mrs Taylor at the school office.  

Learning Challenge

These children have been working hard at home and extending their knowledge through their learning challenge work.

Ife Ogochukwu-Ijehor, Riley Lamb

Reading Awards

In recognition of the pupils’ ability to devour books, immerse themselves in stories and read relentlessly at home.

Janiya Cousins, Jeremiah Adegbite, Christopher Russell, Bayleigh Parsons
Bronze Reader Award
Martin Sullivan, Alfie Clark, Jacob Wager, Jennifer wall, peter joy, Harry Lennon, Jeremiah Adegbite, Freddie Jordan, Tiggy Burnett, Andrew Mihai-Stoian, Sajida Khanam, Nathaniel Watson, Daisy Deitz, Nikola Lisiecka, Tutu Omisore, Ceejay Colley, Courtney Janes,
Silver Reader Award
Aksanan Legathas, Moyin Ayodola, Akunna Ezeogu, Charlie Simpson, Amelia Barnett, Harvy Bende, Tutu Omisore,
Gold Reader Award
Matilda Butler, Leah Sharpe, Kanishka Chintala, Amandeep Ubhi, Isaac Gilmour-Woodstock, John Owers, Finley Clark, Madalina Luca, Louie Athey,
Platinum Award
Anish Kokulan

Usborne Book World Book Day Sponsored Read

These pupils took part in the Usborne Books world book day sponsored read. Between them, they have read so many books they have raised nearly £300.00 to spend on new books for our school library. Well done to all of the amazing readers!

Frankie Barnick, Florence Ayres, Elsie-Rose Elsdon- Skehill, Courtney Simpson, Charlie Simpson, Hannah Wellings, Shirangi Zala, Peter oy, Ashanan Jegathas, Megan Lewis, Amelia Barnett, Freddie Lewis, Blake Maddox, Ruby Welch, Ehan Mollah, Danny Howe, pupils in Alder, Aspen and Apple classes.

Team Broadford Volunteering Rewards

Nicole Alao has been giving up her own time for the good of the Broadford community. She has been awarded her silver volunteering award.

Laura and Nicole were invaluable helpers at the last book fair. They helped Mrs Macfarlane set up the books and sold lots of books. Fabulous work ladies.

Tracker Awards

These children have been working hard and achieving academic success and therefore have earned themselves the following rewards.  

Bronze certificate - Ethan Himuyandi, Weronika Harandi (prestige)
Silver pencil - Trinity Hawkes, Mis Borisova, Mini Wicher, Ethan Carruth
Silver certificate - Olivia Bartnik (prestige), Arya Shah (double prestige), Hannah Wellings, Amelie Gallagher
Golden bookmark - Finley Short, Ellis Drummond
Golden certificate -  Riley Taylor, Connor Holloway (prestige), Freddie Sheppard, Finley Short
Platinum prize- Emily Claydon
Platinum certificate - Archie Dempsey
Diamond prize - Kaitlyn Smethurst
Star prize - Oliwier Bartnik
Star certificate - Daniel Tonu

Shared Mailboxes and Communication

Don’t forget that you can contact staff using the shared mailboxes. They are checked daily and can be used to ask questions, pass on information or check details:

We are always happy to answer any questions you may have. I will be on the gate every morning for you to speak to in person. Most morning you will also be able to find Mrs Stanley, Mrs Ward, or Mrs Wallis to help you with any enquiries. If you would prefer an appointment please call into the office to fix a time.

Happy Teacher

These children have made their teachers smile and kept them smiling all week.

Caitlin Bowden, Hollie Gray, Oliver Wright, Alfie Donnelly, Storm Hawkes, Khaira Hascar, Alex Kopiec, Arya Shah, Ethan Himuyandi, Fallon Sharpe, Phoebe Adams, Sofia Raif, Archy Gore, Lilly Reynolds, Ronnie Gayle.

Important Dates - Summer Term

Thursday 3rd May  
Polling Day/Staff training - school closed
Monday 7th May
May Day holiday- school closed
Friday 25th May
Inset Day/Staff training - school Closed
Monday 28th May - Friday 1st June
Half term holiday - school Closed
Wednesday 13th June - Friday 15th June
Year 5 Residential trip to Mersea
Friday 29th June
Inset day/Staff training - school closed
Saturday 30th June
LFPA Summer Fete
Wednesday 4th July
Yr 5 Transition parent meeting
Tuesday 10th July
Go Bonkers day - attendance reward
Wednesday 11th July
Yr 6 Leavers evening
Monday 16th July
Parents evening
Friday 20th July
Last day of the summer term

Sunday 29 April 2018

Weekly Attendance

KS1: - 94.43%      
KS2: - 95.63%

Overall:  95.03%

Congratulations to Willow and Rowan who top the attendance table this week.  

Havering Catering Services

Week beginning Monday 30th April is week 3 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.20. 


Diary Dates

Next week is the second week of the Big Pedal, so we are asking all pupils to continue to scoot and cycle to school everyday.

On Monday 30th April, Reception pupils will be participating in the Hungry Caterpillar story workshop.

On Tuesday 1st May we invite the parents and carers of pupils who are going on the Mersea residential trip to meet with Mrs Cocks. There are two meetings one at 2.30pm and another at 5.30pm. Hopefully, you will be able to attend one of these meetings.

We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers of children in Pine class to their sharing assembly on Wednesday 2nd May. The choir pupils will be visiting Mead to rehearse for the Havering Music Festival with the choirs from cluster schools.

On Thursday 3rd May school is closed for pupils as the premises are being used as a polling station for local elections.

On Friday 5th some year 5 pupils will be participating in a cycling day with Phil Mylea.

Friday 27 April 2018

Cherry Sharing Assembly

Cherry put on a very informative sharing assembly this week: facts about space, diary writing and some inspirational singing!

First we heard what the children have been learning about the different planets in our solar system.

Did you know that Venus is the second planet from the Sun and is the second brightest object in the night sky after the Moon? The planet is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

Lucas had found out lots of information that helped him to describe Mars is great detail:
The average temperature on Mars is minus 80 degrees Fahrenheit -- way below freezing! Its surface is rocky, with canyons, volcanoes, dry lake beds and craters all over it. Red dust covers most of its surface.

Thank you for a fact filled assembly Cherry class!

Newsletter - Friday 27th April, 2018

Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls 

Dear Parents and Carers,

Diary Dates
Next week is the second week of the Big Pedal, so we are asking all pupils to continue to scoot and cycle to school everyday.
On Monday 30th April, Reception pupils will be participating in the Hungry Caterpillar story workshop.
On Tuesday 1st May we invite the parents and carers of pupils who are going on the Mersea residential trip to meet with Mrs Cocks. There are two meetings one at 2.30pm and another at 5.30pm. Hopefully, you will be able to attend one of these meetings.
We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers of children in Pine class to their sharing assembly on Wednesday 2nd May. The choir pupils will be visiting Mead to rehearse for the Havering Music Festival with the choirs from cluster schools.
On Thursday 3rd May school is closed for pupils as the premises are being used as a polling station for local elections.
On Friday 5th some year 5 pupils will be participating in a cycling day with Phil Mylea.

Pupil Jobs and Homework Expectations
As it is a new term we thought it would be a good time to revisit our pupil, parents and staff expectations.
Pupils are expected to:
1. Turn up every day on time
2. Do their best in every lesson
3. Be kind and polite to everyone that they meet
Parents and carers are expected to:
1. Ensure that our children arrive on time for school and ready to learn:
a. We will have provided our children with a healthy breakfast
b. They will have warm clean clothing
c. We will make sure they have the right equipment for school (book bag, reading record, PE kit)
2.     We will support our children’s learning at home through:
a. Reading regularly
b. Helping them to practise their spellings and mental maths
c. Encouraging them in their interests
3.      We will model politeness and kindness to every-one we meet
We will ensure that our staff are professional, approachable and focused on making sure that every child in their care achieves their full potential. Working together,  we can continue to deliver outstanding results for our pupils so that they have every chance of going on to succeed at the next stage of their education.

All pupils are expected to continue their learning at home. For children in years 1-6 there are three core elements for this:
  1. Pupils must read every night for 15 mins (this may involve an adult reading them a bedtime story)
  2. Pupils must practise their spellings for 15 mins ready for the test on Friday
  3. Pupils must practise their times tables for 15 mins a night
In addition to this we have a Learning Challenge which is set by every Year group. This helps to give ideas on how the children can enrich their learning by looking at specific paintings, composers, poems and significant people. We would anticipate  that it takes around 4-6 weeks for your child to complete the activities. They choose to do this and can take on as many elements as they wish.

Shared mailboxes and communication
Don’t forget that you can contact staff using the shared mailboxes. They are checked daily and can be used to ask questions, pass on information or check details:

We are always happy to answer any questions you may have. I will be on the gate every morning for you to speak to in person. Most morning you will also be able to find Mrs Stanley, Mrs Ward, or Mrs Wallis to help you with any enquiries. If you would prefer an appointment please call into the office to fix a time.

After School Clubs
I am pleased to announce that after school clubs will start on Monday 30th April. Thank you to Mrs Chance and Mrs Charlesworth for all of the hard work that they put into organising the staff and pupils.  

Swap Shop - Thursday 24th May 3.00 - 4.00 pm
On Thursday 24th May 2018, we will be holding our first children’s clothing swap shop. A swap shop is a great way to help families support each other, whilst emptying your wardrobe of those unwanted items. Often children grow out of their clothes so quickly, that many parents/carers are left with perfectly good clothes with plenty of wear still in them.
If you have clothes to donate, then we will gratefully receive them from Monday 30th April. To help with the organisation we would appreciate it if clean clothes can be donated in bags, labelled with gender and size.
For hygiene reasons we are unable to accept stained or damaged clothes or underwear/swimwear.
Any clothes which we have left after the event will be donated to a local charity shop. Thank you for your continued support.

Important Dates - Summer Term
Thursday 3rd May  
Polling Day/Staff training - school closed
Monday 7th May
May Day holiday- school closed
Friday 25th May
Inset Day/Staff training - school Closed
Monday 28th May - Friday 1st June
Half term holiday - school Closed
Wednesday 13th June - Friday 15th June
Year 5 Residential trip to Mersea
Friday 29th June
Inset day/Staff training - school closed
Saturday 30th June
LFPA Summer Fete
Wednesday 4th July
Yr 5 Transition parent meeting
Tuesday 10th July
Go Bonkers day - attendance reward
Wednesday 11th July
Yr 6 Leavers evening
Monday 16th July
Parents evening
Friday 20th July
Last day of the summer term

End of Day Dismissal
Just a reminder for all parents, school finishes at 3.00 pm. To ensure that all pupils fulfill their statutory hours of education each week, we are unable to dismiss pupils earlier than 3.00 pm without a valid excuse. If you do have to collect your child early due to an appointment, we kindly ask you to assist us by providing documentation to confirm this for Mrs Taylor at the school office.  

Havering Catering Services
Week beginning Monday 30th April is week 3 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.20.

Weekly Attendance
KS1: - 94.43%         KS2: - 95.63% Overall:  95.03%
Congratulations to Willow and Rowan who top the attendance table this week.  

E for Excellence Winners
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Shivangi Zala
Naz Benli
Freddie Little
Dorrie Lewis
Freddie Davey
Aaliyah Yasrin
Lukas Smirnovas
Melisa Uluer
Tiffany Dash
Lillie Mersh
Harvy Bende
Chiwendu Nwaokolo
Jennifer wall
Isabelle Munford
Christopher Russell
William Ilott

Tia Himuyandi

Certificate of Presentation
The following children have presented their work beautifully and take pride in all that they do in their books.  
Harley Boland, Isabelle Munford

Star Writers
These children have been awarded a star writer certificate and golden pencil in recognition of their excellent writing, use of powerful vocabulary and sophisticated writing  techniques.
Megan Lockhart, Adam Riaz, Ketty Omwanghe, Molly May Bailey, Tiggy Burnett, Sacha Raif, Rayne Darcy, Jaydon Holloway, Haliya Gbadamosi, John Olatunji, Betty Nichols, Thabang Sibanda, Lea Cerqueira

Super Spellers
This award is recognition of the effort these children have made every week to achieve a perfect score in their spellings text.
Perfect score for 1 term
Dhriti Patel, Moyin Ayodola, Fayo Ayodola, Tia Himuyandi, Ella Nash, Ty Sutton, Fitzroy Bamgbelu, Georgia Chilvers.
Perfect score for 2 terms
Iyinope Ariyibi, NIcola Alao, Katlyn Mukandavire, Kanishka Chintala, Alex Kopiec, Arya Shah, Finley Livingstone, Isabelle Munford, Teni Adu, Ayomide Otegbola, jack Eve, Rashida Sillah

Learning Power Awards:
These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life.
These children have demonstrated effective Reciprocity this week – able to listen carefully, work collaboratively and take turns. Jacob Owsley, Layla-Rose Mahad, Elina Joshi, Maisie Moss, Fayo Ayodola, Laicey McGeoghan, Sophie Porter, Ranita Ariyibi, Hayden Northwood,

These children have shown that they can manage distraction, notice patterns and become absorbed in their tasks – well done for your Resilience certificate.
Rashida Sillah, Ella Hemsworth, Ella Nash, Jameel Ore, Javy Needroo, Fabian Cacaj, Alice Adedipe, Charlie Dash, Courtney Janes, Naiara Cruz-Botonog, Yugurtha Aityounes

These children have managed to show that they can plan and revise ideas to earn their Reflectiveness certificate. Being able to show that you can make links between ideas and showing imagination demonstrates resourcefulness.
Abbie Day, Charlie Marshall, Courtney Simpson, Olivia Bartnik, Sam Handoo

These pupils have been awarded their Resourcefulness certificate this week: They have shown curiosity, made link between ideas, demonstrated imagination, reasoned methodically and capitalised on resources.
Amy Cullum, Charlie Randall, Finley Redmond

Learning Challenge
These children have been working hard at home and extending their knowledge through their learning challenge work.
Ife Ogochukwu-Ijehor, Riley Lamb,
Reading Awards
In recognition of the pupils’ ability to devour books, immerse themselves in stories and read relentlessly at home.
Janiya Cousins, Jeremiah Adegbite, Christopher Russell, Bayleigh Parsons
Bronze Reader Award
Martin Sullivan, Alfie Clark, Jacob Wager, Jennifer wall, peter joy, Harry Lennon, Jeremiah Adegbite, Freddie Jordan, Tiggy Burnett, Andrew Mihai-Stoian, Sajida Khanam, Nathaniel Watson, Daisy Deitz, Nikola Lisiecka, Tutu Omisore, Ceejay Colley, Courtney Janes,
Silver Reader Award
Aksanan Legathas, Moyin Ayodola, Akunna Ezeogu, Charlie Simpson, Amelia Barnett, Harvy Bende, Tutu Omisore,
Gold Reader Award
Matilda Butler, Leah Sharpe, Kanishka Chintala, Amandeep Ubhi, Isaac Gilmour-Woodstock, John Owers, Finley Clark, Madalina Luca, Louie Athey,
Platinum Award
Anish Kokulan

Swimming Awards
Tommy Watson has been awarded his one width swimming award.

Usborne Book World Book Day Sponsored Read
These pupils took part in the Usborne Books world book day sponsored read. Between them, they have read so many books they have raised nearly £300.00 to spend on new books for our school library. Well done to all of the amazing readers!
Frankie Barnick, Florence Ayres, Elsie-Rose Elsdon- Skehill, Courtney Simpson, Charlie Simpson, Hannah Wellings, Shirangi Zala, Peter oy, Ashanan Jegathas, Megan Lewis, Amelia Barnett, Freddie Lewis, Blake Maddox, Ruby Welch, Ehan Mollah, Danny Howe, pupils in Alder, Aspen and Apple classes.

Maths Challenge
These pupils have used their ability to think both mathematically and creatively to solve maths challenges.
Tilly Butler, Hannah Wellings, Gracee-May Coble

Fact Hunter
James Olatunji has been demonstrating his thirst for knowledge and is rewarded with a fact hunter certificate.

Team Broadford Volunteering Rewards
Nicole Alao has been giving up her own time for the good of the Broadford community. She has been awarded her silver volunteering award.

Happy Teacher
These children have made their teachers smile and kept them smiling all week.
Caitlin Bowden, Hollie Gray, Oliver Wright, Alfie Donnelly, Storm Hawkes, Khaira Hascar, Alex Kopiec, Arya Shah, Ethan Himuyandi, Fallon Sharpe, Phoebe Adams, Sofia Raif, Archy Gore, Lilly Reynolds, Ronnie Gayle

Tracker Awards
These children have been working hard and achieving academic success and therefore have earned themselves the following rewards.  
Bronze certificate - Ethan Himuyandi, Weronika Harandi (prestige)
Silver pencil - Trinity Hawkes, Mis Borisova, Mini Wicher, Ethan Carruth
Silver certificate - Olivia Bartnik (prestige), Arya Shah (double prestige), Hannah Wellings, Amelie Gallagher
Golden bookmark - Finley Short, Ellis Drummond
Golden certificate -  Riley Taylor, Connor Holloway (prestige), Freddie Sheppard, Finley Short
Platinum prize- Emily Claydon
Platinum certificate - Archie Dempsey
Diamond prize - Kaitlyn Smethurst
Star prize - Oliwier Bartnik
Star certificate - Daniel Tonu

I hope you all have a wonderful  weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Nicholls
