Monday 29 June 2020

End of Term Arrangements

Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls
Interim Headteacher: Mr McLucas

Dear Parents
Just to give you an update on wider school reopening. Following the Prime Minister’s announcement in May regarding wider opening of schools Broadford is now welcoming back children from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. The school continues to cater for children of Key Workers and children deemed vulnerable.
To make sure that the children and staff are able to social distance when appropriate, returning children are in allocated bubbles of no more than 10 children. To enable this, each year group has allotted days and times. 
I would like to thank all parents and carers for supporting the school while we were setting up the systems to allow for wider opening and in following all of the guidelines when bringing children back into school. You have helped to make it a very smooth process for everyone.
To make sure we can continue to plan effectively, the school will not be taking any further children after 6th July, your last chance to request a place will be 1st July. You can book places as normal through the year group blogs. 
Earlier this week, the Prime Minister announced that in September all children will return to school. The school is currently waiting for guidance from the Department for Education to find out how this is planned to happen and whether we will still have to plan for social distancing etc. I will let you know as soon as I have further details. 
Please note that the last day of term is Friday 17th July 2020
Thank you again for your support,

Jim McLucas

Friday 26 June 2020

🔎 Look who! WC 22/06/2020

Children and families,

Thank you so much to all the parents, carers and children who took part in online, school learning and telephone calls this week. We have all been so glad to work with you digitally and in person.
Lots of you have produced some great work, beautiful drawings and imaginative writing to show us, and it really is a delight to see you and to enjoy all the lovely work and news you wanted to share.
We couldn’t be prouder of our Broadford community – these times, while
tremendously difficult, have also revealed the best in people and the positive
attitude, resilience and unfailing optimism of the children have raised all our
spirits this week. Keep it up, stay safe and have a lovely weekend.

Resources shared this week

 Activity Link
Story'I am Human'.
What is Racism?Blue Peter report
Story 'The Sneetches'.
We are differentPortrait drawing
Different is goodFamily discussion cards

Look Who!

Look how busy you've all been both in school and at home!

Friday 19 June 2020

Parents of Reception and Key Stage 1 Pupils - Lunches

A kind reminder that pupils attending school in Reception and Year 1 are entitled to a free school meal under the Universal Infant Free School Meals provision.
They include a baguette with a range of fillings, fruit, cake and a drink.  On a Friday, children can order chicken, tuna or cheese pasta. 


🔎 Look who! WC 15/06/2020

Children and families,

It has been lovely to welcome back some of the children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 this week. The children seem very happy to be back in school and the staff are really enjoying working with them again. 

You and your children may have seen some distressing scenes on the news over the last couple of weeks and hopefully have questions about what is happening and why.  The Yemen crisis and the situation in America, and now other cities across our world need talking about.

When we do not challenge bias and prejudice or injustice, when we sit back and and do nothing, we are left with tragic consequences.  The scenes in Yemen are truly heartbreaking and the continued racial bias in the 21st century is utterly unacceptable.

As a school we pride ourselves on our ability to constantly reflect, to constantly review our practice in order to better the life chances of the pupils who attend here.  We are working hard behind the scenes, and are continuing to develop a curriculum that allows our pupils to develop empathy, provides opportunity for open discussion and time to develop an understanding of others regardless of differences. 

We, you as parents and us as a school, have such an important duty and responsibility to be better, to help the next generation shape their world where no person is held back in life because of their race. No one should have a poorer life because of the circumstances they were born into, where they come from, what they believe or whether they have a disability. 

Next week, we will sharing some links and activities that may be useful conversation starters, often the hardest bit! 

Resources shared this week

Look Who!

Look how busy you've all been both in school and at home!

Thursday 18 June 2020

Update Contact Details

Dear parents and carers,

Since the end of March, we have all been finding different ways to communicate and share information with each other. Over the next coming months this will continue and therefore it is vital that we have everyone's up-to-date contact information.

We are setting up a new email alert system that we hope to use to share details regarding transition for the new academic year, but will also allow us to share other information about the school.

Please follow this link to update your contact details.

Thank you for your continued support.

Contact Us - Swansea University

Friday 12 June 2020

Message from Premier Schoolwear

Dear Parents/Carers

The Premier Schoolwear Trade Counter at Romford will only be operating online, click & collect or phone orders until the 2 metre social distancing is changed.

This is for everyone’s safety, we cannot have people queuing outside at 2 metre distance, and inside exactly the same.

Our changing rooms are out of bounds, due to government guidelines.

Ordering will have to be done via phone or online.

If you need advice on sizes just call us on 01708 377699

As soon as any changes are allowed, we will implement them, and let you know.

Kind regards,

Premier Schoolwear

Magento Commerce

🔎 Look who! WC 08/06/2020

Children and families,

You will have no doubt been keeping up to date with the news and according to the government their 5 tests are all being met meaning further restrictions are being relaxed.  Hopefully 'R' continues to be controlled and soon we will be able to see more of our friends and family.

In school, there have been big changes!  Many pupils in Y1 and Y6 returned and how wonderful it has been to have them back in the building.  Thank you to all staff who have made this possible and gave some normality for our pupils.  And a big thank you to the pupils for being sensible, careful and smiley!  You are all a real tonic.

Every week, we share some of the work completed at home and tell you how proud we are of you.  This week is no exception.  Well done, all!

Resources shared this week

 Activity Link
Random Acts of Wildness    Wildlife Trusts
BBC Bitesize 
World Environment Day
Theatre Production
David WalliamsAudio Book

Look Who!

Monday 8 June 2020

Wider Opening for Nursery and Reception

Broadford Primary School Reopening Details

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope this message finds you well and you have been doing some interesting Homeschooling. Staff at Broadford have been working really hard to get the school ready to welcome back children in Nursery and Reception in a safe way during these unusual times. There are quite a lot of changes to our normal systems which are detailed below.

Nursery will attend part time week commencing the 15th June. (Days and times will be allocated once numbers have been confirmed)

Reception will attend for two days a week during the week commencing 15th June, 9.30am - 3.15pm (Days will be allocated once numbers have been confirmed)

We are waiting for Government guidance regarding other year groups, I will contact you as soon as I hear anything.

For parents of children in Nursery and Reception, there are further details in year group blogs, which will also be published today. Parents and Carers of children in Nursery and Reception are asked to complete the Google survey using the link below. It is really, really important that we know which children are coming back to school so we can work out groupings and organise staffing. If you have completed the form, a member of the teaching team will contact you by phone by the end of the week to tell you which ‘bubble’ your child will be in.

Nursery form

Reception form

Attendance at the moment is optional. Parents will not be fined for non - attendance.
  • Each child will be grouped in a 'bubble' consisting of a maximum 15 children with at least 2 adults
  • Children and adults in a 'bubble' will not mix with children and adults from other 'bubbles'
  • Start of the day- We now have a set of distance markers in our playground for Reception children and outside Nursery for our Nursery children.
  • If your child is in Reception, we are requesting that children and no more than one adult are asked to come into the playground using the Bottom Gate and line up ready for the school day, using the distance markers. Teachers will collect the children and adults are then asked to leave by the same gate. The reverse will happen at the end of the day. Members of SLT will be on hand to make sure the process runs smoothly.
  • If your child is in Nursery, then we are asking that you enter via the Top Gate and line up on the markers outside the Nursery entrance.
  • The school kitchen is offering cold packed lunches for children in Reception. Nursery children will need to bring a packed lunch from home.
  • All children should bring a clean water bottle into school each day
  • Children need to wear clean clothes everyday, uniform is optional
  • We are sorry, we won't be able to have face-to-face conversations with our parents at the moment but we do very much want you to keep in touch so please phone or email
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Best wishes

Jim McLucas

Friday 5 June 2020

🔎 Look who! WC 01/06/2020

Children and families,

Congratulations on completing another week of home-learning.  Lots of you have been creative and imaginative in your tasks.  Thank you for sharing your work, sharing pictures and keeping touch via Google Classroom.

The staff have been extremely busy in school preparing for the wider opening, meaning those pupils in Y1 and Y6 who will be returning next week have classrooms, resources and cleaning facilities ready and waiting.  I can't tell you how excited we are to see you.  For those who will be continuing home-learning then please keep sharing all you do.  Teaching staff will continue to support you remotely.

Resources shared this week

 Activity Link
Random Act of Kindness
We are Unique
Story/conversation starter
Pop-up Cards
Pop-Up Card Making
Speak out, Stay safe
Actions to look after us
Joyful June
🔎 Look who!

Take care and stay safe!

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Wider opening for Years 1 and 6

Broadford Primary School Reopening Details

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope this message finds you well and you have been doing some interesting Homeschooling. Staff at Broadford have been working really hard to get the school ready to welcome back children in Year 1 and Year 6 in a safe way during these unusual times. There are quite a lot of changes to our normal systems which are detailed below.

Year 1 will attend part time on a Monday and Tuesday - starting from 8th June, 9am - 3pm

Year 6 will attend part time on a Thursday and Friday - starting from 11th June, 9am - 3pm

We will be opening to Reception and Nursery Children the following week, I will send further details of this shortly.

We are waiting for Government guidance regarding other year groups, I will contact you as soon as I hear anything.

For parents of children in years 1 and 6, there are further details in year group blogs, linked below. Parents and Carers of children in Years 1 and 6 are then asked to complete the Google survey which is also on the blog. It is really, really important that we know which children are coming back to school so we can work out groupings and organise staffing. If you have completed the form, a member of the teaching team will contact you to tell you which ‘bubble’ your child will be in.

Year 1

Year 6

Attendance at the moment is optional. Parents will not be fined for non - attendance.

  • Each child will be grouped in a 'bubble' consisting of a maximum 15 children with at least 2 adults
  • Children and adults in a 'bubble' will not mix with children and adults from other 'bubbles'
  • Start of the day- We now have a set of distance markers in our playground. Children and no more than one adult are asked to come into the playground using the Bottom Gate and line up ready for the school day, using the distance markers. Teachers will collect the children and adults are then asked to leave by the same gate. The reverse will happen at the end of the day. Members of SLT will be on hand to make sure the process runs smoothly
  • The school kitchen is offering cold packed lunches which will be provided free for children in receipt of Free School Meals (this includes EYFS and Year 1 through the Universal Free School Meals scheme) . If you pay for lunches this can be booked and paid for through sQuid as normal
  • All children should bring a clean water bottle into school each day
  • Children need to wear clean clothes everyday, uniform is optional
  • We are sorry we won't be able to have face-to-face conversations with our parents at the moment but we do very much want you to keep in touch so please phone or email

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch

Best wishes

Jim McLucas