Tuesday 30 April 2024

Dedicated Dads Event - Wednesday 1st May 2024 6-7pm

  Dear Parents/Carers,

The next Havering Dedicated Dads event is tomorrow in Hornchurch Fire Station (RM11 1SH) at 6-7pm. The theme this month is Anxiety in Children/Young People

This would be a great opportunity for Dads speak to HEST about their children’s anxiety and learn how to support them. It would also be a good place to socialise with fellow Dads from schools across Havering.


If any Dads wish to attend, please confirm your attendance by emailing this address (MHSThav@nelft.nhs.uk).


All Dad's are welcome!

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Broadford Book Fair!


The Bok Fair is coming to Broadford! 

Save the following dates and visit the travelling book fair, which will be coming to our school on Tuesday 8th May until Monday 13th May. Each day after school, the book fair will be set up ready for you to come and browse from the latest selection of books. As an extra bonus this year, you will be able to purchase 3 books for the price of 2!

Thursday 18 April 2024

🟢NSPCC - Speak out Stay safe programme (Y1 - Y6)🟢


Dear Parent/Carer

NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. programme, Summer 2024

I am pleased to inform you that we are participating in the NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. Programme this term. Speak out. Stay safe. is a programme for children aged 5-11 which aims to help children understand abuse in all its forms and to recognise the signs of abuse. Children are taught to speak out if they are worried, either to a safe adult or Childline.

This child friendly programme is aligned with the curriculum and consists of age appropriate virtual assemblies and supporting classroom based activities which we have reviewed, alongside NSPCC volunteer led face to face workshops for children aged 6-7 and 9-11. The content is delivered in an engaging and interactive way with the help of the NSPCC mascot Buddy. If you would like to know more about the Speak out. Stay safe. programme visit www.nspcc.org.uk/speakout

Virtual assemblies for all pupils in Y1 to Y6: w/c 17th June 2024

Follow up lessons for all pupils in Y1 to Y6: w/c 24th June 2024

Workshops for pupils in Y2, Y5, Y6: Thursday 4th July 2024

Feedback survey for pupils aged 7-11

The NSPCC would like to gather feedback from pupils aged between 7-11 about the Speak out. Stay safe. programme to gauge their learning. This will be voluntary and children can still take part in the programme if they don’t take part in the survey. 

·         All survey questions are multiple choice and focussed on the programme.

·         The survey is anonymous and confidential.  However, if in the process of completing the survey, a teacher becomes concerned for a pupil’s welfare (e.g., through something a pupil says) we will follow our school’s safeguarding procedures.

·         If you do not want your child to take part in the survey, please email your year group email box. 

·         If you have agreed that your child can take part in the survey but your child changes their mind on the day, that is also okay.


Additional NSPCC resources for families to help keep children safe

The NSPCC have shared some important information below on wider NSPCC resources and support to help keep children safe.

Parent/Carer support

Take a look at information, support, advice and activities from NSPCC for parent and carers.


Activities to extend learning at home

Take part in games and activities at home to help children learn about speaking out and staying safe.


 Online Safety Hub

For information on a range of different online safety topics including gaming, social media, sharing images, parental controls and more.


Childline – under 12’s

Childline have an accessible website with advice, support, games and activities. Children can change the language, enlarge text and also listen to the content.

www.childline.org.uk/buddy (5-7)

www.childline.org.uk/kids (7-11)

Talk PANTS with your children

Talk PANTS is a simple conversation to help keep children safe from sexual abuse. From P through to S, each letter of PANTS provides simple but important messages. Download the free resources at www.nspcc.org.uk/pants.


I hope you find this information about the NSPCC and the Speak out. Stay safe. programme helpful. Please do contact me if you have any further questions.


Yours sincerely,

Mrs Ward

Assistant Headteacher


Parent/carer SURVEY withdrawal form for children aged 7-11 only

I do not consent to (Name of pupil) ________________________ participating in the completion of the NSPCC Pupil Survey following the delivery of the Speak out. Stay safe. Programme.

Signed (Parent/Carer)   :______________________ Date: __________

Welcome to Broadford - Reception cohort 2024

Welcome to Broadford

Children starting school in September 2024

A warm welcome to all families that have been offered a Reception place for their child at Broadford Primary School. Thank you for choosing Broadford. We look forward to your child starting their school journey with us in September and getting to know them as the wonderful individuals that they are!

Please refer to the Local Authority guidance below to ensure you accept your place by 30th April 2024.

At Broadford, we aim to build excellent relationships between home and school. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information.

School office phone number: 01708342880

School email: office@broadford.havering.sch.uk

We look forward to meeting you all in the coming months.

Guidance from the Local Authority

Parents/carers will have received an email during the evening of the 16 April 2024 advising them of the school they have been offered.

Parents/carers will also be advised in the email to log back onto the eAdmissions website to accept or decline the school offered by 30th April 2024.

Accepting or declining an offer, Havering strongly recommends that all parents/carers accept the school place offered.

Accepting a school place does not prejudice the chances of being offered a higher preference later on in the process as the child’s name will automatically be placed on the waiting list for the schools listed higher than the school offered.

If you have been offered a school that wasn’t your first preference, your child will remain on the waiting list for any other schools that you ranked higher than the one they have been offered. If a vacancy then comes up because another child decides not to accept a place, the LA will allocate the place to the next child on the waiting list. You can find out where your child is on the waiting list by contacting the Havering school admissions team after the 1 May 2024

Monday 8 April 2024

Weekly Newsletter - Thursday 28th March


Broadford Badge - Master - Full Colour.png

Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls

Dear Parents and Carers,

Part 1 Broadford News
End of Term 

I hope this newsletter finds you well. As we approach the end of the spring term, I wanted to take a moment to update you on the exciting events and achievements that have been taking place at Broadford Primary School.

I am delighted that our pupils have enjoyed the University of Broadford programme this term. This initiative aims to inspire our pupils to strive for excellence and develop a lifelong love for learning. Through 10 weeks of engaging workshops and activities, our dedicated staff members have been working tirelessly to create a stimulating environment where every child can thrive. Pupils were able to develop their team-building skills in ‘I’m a Pupil Get Me Out of Here!’ and within the Year 5 ‘Stepping Up’ program. This invaluable experience not only fostered a sense of camaraderie among the pupils but also taught them the importance of collaboration and effective communication. We firmly believe that such skills are essential for their personal and academic development.

I am also thrilled to share with you the success of our year 6 quiz team, who made it through to the semi finals of the Havering Rotary school quiz competition. Their dedication and hard work have truly paid off, and we couldn't be prouder of their achievements. Additionally, our Year 4 Junior Duke cohort are halfway to achieving their silver award, marking another milestone in their journey towards becoming responsible and compassionate individuals.

On a more artistic note, as well as all of the creative fabulous finales during our UoB graduations,  our pupils recently showcased their musical talents at the iRock concert. It was a joyous event filled with melodious performances and enthusiastic applause. We firmly believe in nurturing the creative abilities of our pupils and providing them with opportunities to express themselves through various art forms.

I would like to remind all parents about the upcoming end-of-term spring break. Time has flown by so quickly, and it is hard to believe that we are already nearing the end of another successful term. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the entire Broadford Primary School community for their unwavering support and commitment to our children’s education.

I am thrilled with the progress and accomplishments of our pupils and staff. Broadford Primary School continues to be a place of growth, learning, and celebration. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you for your continued trust in our school.

University of Broadford

Thank you to all parents and carers who attended our Graduations over the last week. All of the staff and pupils enjoyed sharing their work with you. We are sad that the UoB  is over for another year but we are looking forward to next year already. You will receive your official graduation photograph today, which we hope you will enjoy. 

Easter Hat Parade 

It has been a wonderful day in school today and the pupils have enjoyed a fabulous Easter hat parade. Well done to everyone who entered, we saw many creative and original designs. We have some very talented artists within our community!
Well done to all of the winners.
Nursery - Adelynn, Billie, Matei C and Patrick

Reception - Emir M, Ayesha and Mason M
Year 1 - Ryan, Sofia and David

Year 2 - Harry, Success and Olaf

Year 3 - Melody, Max and Robyn

Year 4 - Rosie, Mason and Eason

Year 5 - Flynn, Shivanshi and Megan

Year 6 - Lottie, Deivydas and Shivangi

Faringdon Crossing Patrol
I have previously shared with you that Havering council have made all crossing patrols across the borough redundant. I encourage all parents to write to you local MP regarding this issue. We are currently working towards future plans to ensure that we can keep our children safe when crossing Faringdon Avenue. 

However, we would like to thank Karen for her commitment to our Broadford pupils and ensuring that 100’s of pupils cross the road safely daily. We hope to see Karen again very soon. 

Goodbye and Welcome
This week we are saying Goodbye to Miss Spiers, who is returning to her homeland of Australia. It has been a pleasure to have worked with Miss Spiers over the last two years and we will all miss her very much, however, we understand that she is a long way from home and has decided that it is the right time for her to return. Please join me in thanking Miss Spiers for her incredible impact on our pupils and wishing her safe travels home and for the future. 

Miss Chappel and her family welcomed a baby boy into their family. They are all doing very well and I have sent congratulations on behalf of the whole Broadford community.


As you are aware we have been experiencing technical difficulties with our Facebook page. We do use Facebook as one of our forms of communication with parents. We thought that this was a good opportunity to review what we currently have in place and gather your views so that we can move forward in this area.
We would really appreciate it if you could take a few moments to respond to our parents survey regarding communication. We are aware there were some difficulties with the form last week; this has now been corrected.
Many thanks.
Home school communication 

Adventure Island Wristband - £15
We have 300 wristbands for Adventure Island priced at £15 each. This is a great day out for the whole family and at a reduced price. If you would like to purchase wristbands they are available from the school office before and after school, cash only please. 

Summer Fete

After our successful fete last year, we are thrilled to announce that we will be hosting another fete this year on Saturday 15th June. Save the date!

Summer Term After Schools Club

Please reply by Midnight on Friday 12th April.  Please complete only one application form per child. 

Application Form for Summer 2024 After School Clubs

Back to School 

 Thursday 28th March is the final day of the Spring term and children will be dismissed at the usual time of 3.15pm. The Summer term will resume on Monday 15th April, however, this is an INSET day. Pupils return to school on Tuesday 16th April.

Part 2 Broadford Information

INSET Dates for 2023-24

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Polling Day 

Day 5

4th September

5th September

30th October

15th April 

2nd May 

24th July 

Havering school term dates 2023-2024

Summer Term Dates
15th April - 24th May
3rd June - 24th July   

INSET Dates for 2024-25

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4 

Day 5

2nd September

3rd September 

14th February 

21st July 

22nd July 

Havering school term dates 2024-2025

Havering Catering Services

Week beginning 15th April is week 3 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.45.

Part 3 Pupil and Parent Responsibilities
At Broadford Primary pupils, parents and carers are expected to meet three key responsibilities

Pupil Job 1 - Come to school every day on time
Parent responsibility - Ensure that your child arrives for school on time, every day and ready to learn.
Attendance News
I am delighted to announce the winners of the attendance league for the Autumn term - Pine (EYFS & KS1) and Redwood (KS2) classes! They earned 184 and 164 points respectively. Both classes  enjoyed their reward of extra outdoor play on Monday morning. Congratulations to all of the pupils in these classes who have remembered their number one job of coming to school every day on time. The overall attendance for this term is 93%. We have the Summer term to make 3% improvement to reach our  target of 96%. 

Job 3 - Be kind and polite to everyone you meet

Parent responsibility - Model politeness and kindness to everyone you meet.

Housepoint Reward

I am thrilled to say that Blue House (Chatteris) are the Autumn term winners! They have earned the most housepoints during this term and enjoyed extra outside play time. Well done to all of the members of Chatteris Yellow House for displaying pupil job number 3 - being kind and polite to everyone that they meet. 

I hope you all have an eggcellent Easter break. We look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Tuesday 16th April. 

Yours sincerely,


Mrs L Nicholls 
