We return to school for the summer term on Tuesday 30th April with breakfast club starting at at 7.45 am and for all other pupils the doors will be open at 8.30 am.
Sunday, 28 April 2019
Saturday, 13 April 2019
House Points Winners
Well done to all members of Red house (Faringdon) who were the house point winners for the spring term. They earned the most house points and enjoyed a cupcake party.
End of Spring Term
It is wonderful to finish the spring term with everyone feeling very excited about the summer term and fully moving into our new building. We have started to slowly move into the new premises and the nursery children have been enjoying their new room and facilities. Over the course of the summer term the builders will continue to work on the outside areas and then we can move in completely. By the end of the summer term we will be hosting an official opening which will give parents the opportunity to look around the new facilities. We are going to start the summer term with an great competition for the children to come up with a name for our building. The lucky winner with the most imaginative name will play an important role in the opening ceremony. I am sure that many of you will remember the old building and the final part of that building is being demolished over the Easter break. We have waited a long time for our school to be finished and I can absolutely state that you will not be disappointed with the end result.
I hope that you all have a restful break and enjoy quality time with families and friends. I look forward to welcoming your children back to school on Tuesday 30th April.
LFPA Volunteers
The structure of the LFPA has recently changed and we are looking for new members to fulfil a number of roles including; Charity trustees, event planning committee members, casual volunteers and helpers.
If you have a few hours a month you could spare or even just an odd afternoon a few times a year we'd love to hear from you.
Please complete the form and return it to the office or email LFPA@email.com with your name, which school you are associated with and whether you are available to be a committee member, casual volunteer or if you could help in other ways.
Your continued support is as always much appreciated.
Weekly Attendance
KS1: 96%
KS2: 95%
Overall: 96%
Congratulations to Pine who have won the overall Attendance for this term and will look forward to a trip to Jump Evolution, Well done Pine Class!
E for Excellence Winners
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Charlie P
Reading Awards
In recognition of the pupils’ ability to devour books, immerse themselves in stories and read relentlessly at home.
Bronze reader award
Rubie-Rae, Isla, Aaliyah-Shae, Laicey
Silver reader award
Molly, Freddie, Lillie
Gold reader award
Platinum reader award
Bronze reader award
Rubie-Rae, Isla, Aaliyah-Shae, Laicey
Silver reader award
Molly, Freddie, Lillie
Gold reader award
Platinum reader award
Tracker Awards
These children have been working hard and achieving academic success and therefore have earned themselves the following rewards.
Bronze - Ava, Janiyah, Nela (prestige), Harry (prestige), Nicholas, Fayo (triple prestige)
Silver pencil - Fatimah, Faye, Finley
Silver certificate - Nabeel (prestige), Gregori, Noah, Anna, Vinney, Caden
Golden certificate - Kanishka (prestige)
Platinum prize - Charlie, OLiwia B (prestige), Harry
Platinum certificate - Mikkileigh, Victoria, Aarna
Diamond prize - Molly, Riley, Keira
Diamond certificate - Vinnie, Ellie
Star prize - Maisie, Joshua, Kara, Hayden
Star Writers
These children have been awarded a star writer certificate and golden pencil in recognition of their excellent writing, use of powerful vocabulary and sophisticated writing techniques.
Friday, 12 April 2019
Weekly Newsletter - Friday 12th April, 2019
Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls
Dear Parents and Carers,
It is wonderful to finish the spring term with everyone feeling very excited about the summer term and fully moving into our new building. We have started to slowly move into the new premises and the nursery children have been enjoying their new room and facilities. Over the course of the summer term the builders will continue to work on the outside areas and then we can move in completely. By the end of the summer term we will be hosting an official opening which will give parents the opportunity to look around the new facilities. We are going to start the summer term with an great competition for the children to come up with a name for our building. The lucky winner with the most imaginative name will play an important role in the opening ceremony. I am sure that many of you will remember the old building and the final part of that building is being demolished over the Easter break. We have waited a long time for our school to be finished and I can absolutely state that you will not be disappointed with the end result.
I hope that you all have a restful break and enjoy quality time with families and friends. I look forward to welcoming your children back to school on Tuesday 30th April.
University of Broadford
Thank you to all parents and carers who attended our Graduations over the past few weeks. All of the staff and pupils enjoyed sharing their work with you. We are sad that the University is over for another year but we are looking forward to next year already. You will receive your official graduation photograph, which we hope you will enjoy.
Dairy Dates - Monday 29th April - Friday 3rd May
Monday 29th April is an INSET day and school is closed for all pupils. Children return to school on Tuesday 30th April.
On Wednesday we have the author Sibel Beadle visiting school to work with pupils and year 1 spinebreakers are going to Hilldene library in the afternoon.
On Thursday there is a football match against Mead and our year 5 musicians have their final rehearsal before their performance at Cadogan Hall.
We finish the week with the cyclists taking part in the cycle club with Phil Mylrea.
The structure of the LFPA has recently changed and we are looking for new members to fulfil a number of roles including; Charity trustees, event planning committee members, casual volunteers and helpers.
If you have a few hours a month you could spare or even just an odd afternoon a few times a year we'd love to hear from you.
Please complete the form and return it to the office or email LFPA@email.com with your name, which school you are associated with and whether you are available to be a committee member, casual volunteer or if you could help in other ways.
Your continued support is as always much appreciated.
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning 29th April is week 1 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.20.
There is a new 3 choice menu in place from this week which will continue until October. New Menus were sent home earlier this week.
Start of Summer Term
We return to school for the summer term on Tuesday 30th April with breakfast club starting at at 7.45 am and for all other pupils the doors will be open at 8.30 am.
Weekly Attendance
KS1: 96% KS2: 95% Overall: 96%
Congratulations to Cherry and Elm who top the attendance table this week. Congratulations to Pine who have won the overall Attendance for this term and will look forward to a trip to Jump Evolution, Well done Pine Class!
House Points
Well done to all members of Red house (Faringdon) who were the house point winners for the spring term. They earned the most house points and enjoyed a cupcake party.
It has been a great end to the term and I know we can look forward to a greater summer term. I hope you and your family have a fantastic Easter break and I look forward to working with you again next term.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Nicholls
Monday, 8 April 2019
Breck Foundation
Parents and carers are invited to join us for a talk from the Breck Foundation. The Breck Foundation is a charity founded by Lorin LaFave after the tragic loss of her 14 year old son Breck Bednar through internet grooming. Using Brecks story, Breck Foundation Speakers travel the UK educating the Digital Generation to keep safer online. They campaign for a safer internet and help train police, educators, health practitioners, safeguarding leads, parents and pupils to ensure that young people are empowered to make safer choices for themselves online. The talk will support parents to keep children safe online and has been organised between all of the Harold Hill schools so that the whole community can benefit.
Parents/carers can attend any of the the dates and venues, the talk is the same just repeated three time to give as many parents as possible to attend. Please be aware that these sessions are for parents only, it is not appropriate for children to attend.
Book as soon as possible to avoid being disappointed.
Book as soon as possible to avoid being disappointed.
Wednesday 15th May - 9.30am Drapers’ Brookside Junior School : Book at www.drapers-schools.com/breck
Clubs Sharing Assembly - Wednesday 10th April
KS1 and KS2 choirs will be singing their hearts out at the clubs sharing assembly and the KS2 dancers will be demonstrating their moves as well. We are all looking forward to their fabulous performances.
We look forward to as many parents as possible joining us on this occasion at 9.05 am.
We look forward to as many parents as possible joining us on this occasion at 9.05 am.

Sunday, 7 April 2019
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning 8th April is week 3 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.20.
Diary Dates
Brandina Day - Wednesday 10th April
Each year our school council commits to raising money to sponsor s young lady who lives in Uganda. This sponsorship is facilitated through the organisation Watoto. Watoto is a family of people from all over the world who are working together to ensure that the forgotten have a place to belong.
On Wednesday 10th April, we are fundraising to raise money to cover the cost of Brandina’s sponsorship. We are asking children to come to school dressed in one of the colours of the Uganda flag - red, yellow or black. This could be a t-shirt or jumper, scarf or pair of socks. We suggest 50p per child towards the Watoto charity for the occasion. The children will also be taking part in some Ugandan dancing on the day, which I am sure they will be keen to demonstrate when they get home.
Litter March
The school council have been exploring environmental issues and have decided to take a stand against litter in our local environment. All pupils will be taking part in a litter march next week to ensure that our community is clean and presentable.
Dairy Dates - Monday 8th - Friday 12th April
On Monday at 2.15pm Creative Cards, Astonishing Art and Fashionistas are graduating from the University of Broadford. Nursery and Reception pupils are taking part in their litter marches. Parents evening after school will give you the opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher.
At 8.30 am on Tuesday 9th Cathy Forrester our school nurse will be in school to answer any health questions that you have. During the first part of the afternoon years 1 & 2 will be participating in their litter march and year 5 school council pupils will be in the local area collecting litter. After school we have parents evening again.
Wednesday 10th March is ‘Brandina Day’ in school. Danielle Cummings is in school hosting a coffee morning regarding parents supporting each other. Year 3 will be completing their litter march and the Harry Potter book club will be taking part in the Slytherin quiz at Mead.
Some of our girls will be representing Broadford at the girls football tournament on Thursday 11th. Year 4 are taking part in the litter campaign. Broadford Glee, Stomp and Broadford Band are all graduating from the University of Broadford.
Friday 12th is the final day of our litter campaign and year 6 finish the week with their litter march. Comfy Cushions are the final group to graduate from the University of Broadford. At 3.00 pm school finishes for the end of of the spring term.
Important Dates
Monday 8th April
Tuesday 9th April
Friday 12th April
Monday 29th April
Parents evening
Last day of the Spring term
School closed - INSET day
Tuesday 30th April
| ||
First day of the summer term.
Friday, 5 April 2019
Weekly Newsletter - Friday 5th April, 2019
Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls
Dear Parents and Carers,
Brandina Day - Wednesday 10th April
Each year our school council commits to raising money to sponsor s young lady who lives in Uganda. This sponsorship is facilitated through the organisation Watoto. Watoto is a family of people from all over the world who are working together to ensure that the forgotten have a place to belong.
On Wednesday 10th April, we are fundraising to raise money to cover the cost of Brandina’s sponsorship. We are asking children to come to school dressed in one of the colours of the Uganda flag - red, yellow or black. This could be a t-shirt or jumper, scarf or pair of socks. We suggest 50p per child towards the Watoto charity for the occasion. The children will also be taking part in some Ugandan dancing on the day, which I am sure they will be keen to demonstrate when they get home.
Litter March
The school council have been exploring environmental issues and have decided to take a stand against litter in our local environment. All pupils will be taking part in a litter march next week to ensure that our community is clean and presentable.
Dairy Dates - Monday 8th - Friday 12th April
On Monday at 2.15pm Creative Cards, Astonishing Art and Fashionistas are graduating from the University of Broadford. Nursery and Reception pupils are taking part in their litter marches. Parents evening after school will give you the opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher.
At 8.30 am on Tuesday 9th Cathy Forrester our school nurse will be in school to answer any health questions that you have. During the first part of the afternoon years 1 & 2 will be participating in their litter march and year 5 school council pupils will be in the local area collecting litter. After school we have parents evening again.
Wednesday 10th March is ‘Brandina Day’ in school. Danielle Cummings is in school hosting a coffee morning regarding parents supporting each other. Year 3 will be completing their litter march and the Harry Potter book club will be taking part in the Slytherin quiz at Mead.
Some of our girls will be representing Broadford at the girls football tournament on Thursday 11th. Year 4 are taking part in the litter campaign. Broadford Glee, Stomp and Broadford Band are all graduating from the University of Broadford.
Friday 12th is the final day of our litter campaign and year 6 finish the week with their litter march. Comfy Cushions are the final group to graduate from the University of Broadford. At 3.00 pm school finishes for the end of of the spring term.
Important Dates
Monday 8th April
Tuesday 9th April
Friday 12th April
Monday 29th April
Parents evening
Last day of the Spring term
School closed - INSET day
Tuesday 30th April
| ||
First day of the summer term.
Parents Evening
All parents should have received their appointment slips. We look forward to welcoming you all on Monday and Tuesday evening.
Breck Foundation
Parents and carers are invited to join us for a talk from the Breck Foundation. The Breck Foundation is a charity founded by Lorin LaFave after the tragic loss of her 14 year old son Breck Bednar through internet grooming. Using Brecks story, Breck Foundation Speakers travel the UK educating the Digital Generation to keep safer online. They campaign for a safer internet and help train police, educators, health practitioners, safeguarding leads, parents and pupils to ensure that young people are empowered to make safer choices for themselves online. The talk will support parents to keep children safe online and has been organised between all of the Harold Hill schools so that the whole community can benefit.
Parents/carers can attend any of the the dates and venues, the talk is the same just repeated three time to give as many parents as possible to attend. Please be aware that these sessions are for parents only, it is not appropriate for children to attend.
Book as soon as possible to avoid being disappointed.
Wednesday 15th May - 9.30am Drapers’ Brookside Junior School : Book at www.drapers-schools.com/breck
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning 8th April is week 3 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.20.
Weekly Attendance
KS1: 96 % KS2: 96% Overall: 96%
Congratulations to Birch and Hazel who top the attendance table this week.
E for Excellence Winners
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Charlie P
Certificate of Presentation
The following children have been recognised for the beautifully presented work in their books. They clearly take pride in all that they do and are doing their best in every lesson. .
Finley, Nikola, Maisie, Kanishka, Alfie, Brooke, Chris, Aaliyah-Shae, Katlyn, Tristan, Naleli
Star Writers
These children have been awarded a star writer certificate and golden pencil in recognition of their excellent writing, use of powerful vocabulary and sophisticated writing techniques.
Jacob, Vinnie, Tiren, Sacha, Conner, Freddie, Maisy, Vinnie, Olivia, Fatimah, Joshua, Charleigh, Isreal
Learning Power Awards
These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life.
These children have shown interdependence, collaborated effectively, listened to others, displayed empathy and have imitated effective ideas and methods from others.
Asroosh, Sam, Tyrell, Florence, Bonnie, Simran, Miraz
These pupils have planned carefully, revised ides, identified key features and can talk about their learning.
Weronika, Libby, Fayo, Leo, Charlie, Callie, Liam
These children have demonstrated perseverance, managed distractions, noticed patterns and been absorbed in their tasks.
Mia, Aaliyah, Harry, George, Summer Rose, Haliya, David, Ali, Adefolawemi
These pupils have been curious about learning, made links between ideas, shown imagination, reasoned methodically and capitalised on resources.
Aimee, Mikkileigh, Molly-May, JJ
Teacher Happy Award
Grace, Sacha, Fayo, Aida have made their teachers happy this week.
Learning Challenge
These children have been working hard at home and extending their knowledge through their learning challenge work.
Reading Awards
In recognition of the pupils’ ability to devour books, immerse themselves in stories and read relentlessly at home.
Bronze reader award
Rubie-Rae, Isla, Aaliyah-Shae, Laicey
Silver reader award
Molly, Freddie, Lillie
Gold reader award
Platinum reader award
Tracker Awards
These children have been working hard and achieving academic success and therefore have earned themselves the following rewards.
Bronze - Ava, Janiyah, Nela (prestige), Harry (prestige), Nicholas, Fayo (triple prestige)
Silver pencil - Fatimah, Faye, Finley
Silver certificate - Nabeel (prestige), Gregori, Noah, Anna, Vinney, Caden
Golden certificate - Kanishka (prestige)
Platinum prize - Charlie, OLiwia B (prestige), Harry
Platinum certificate - Mikkileigh, Victoria, Aarna
Diamond prize - Molly, Riley, Keira
Diamond certificate - Vinnie, Ellie
Star prize - Maisie, Joshua, Kara, Hayden
I hope you all have a very relaxing weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Nicholls
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