Thursday 20 February 2014

Fact Hunters: Deserts, horses & lizards

Sophie Adams
The Atacama Desert is a plateau in South America, covering a 1,000-kilometre strip of land on the Pacific coast, west of the Andes mountains. It is the driest hot desert in the world.

Drew Burkett 
Although he was an accomplished driver, James Hunt never conquered his fears. In the garage his terror often caused him to vomit and on the grid he shook so much the car vibrated.

Jessica Simpson 
Were you aware that horses are divided into 3 categories? Hot bloods are fast, racing horses. Warm bloods are good for breeding and cold bloods are slower and adapted more for heavy work.

Spencer Higginson 
Until a few years ago, only two (the Gila Monster and the Mexican Beaded Lizard) were thought to be venomous. Now it is believed that as many as 100 species of living lizards actually use venom.

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