Friday 12 July 2024

Weekly Newsletter - Friday 12th July, 2024

Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls 
Dear Parents and Carers,

Part 1 Broadford News

Reports and Parents Evening

Your child’s end of year report will be sent home today. If you would like to discuss the report with your child’s class teacher all staff  will be available from 3.30 pm on Monday 15th July. If you would like an appointment please email the year group email box, which is on the letter you will receive today. There is a feedback form which we would ask all parents to complete and send back to school by the end of the term. We warmly welcome your feedback and would love to hear if there is anything you feel we could improve. 

Meet the New Teachers and Classes

Transition activities have been in full flow over the last few weeks in school. There will be blogs posted after school, which will be available to read via the school website and facebook. This information will include year group staff for September and there is a letter with your child’s report today informing you of your child’s new teacher and class name. On Tuesday 16th July, all pupils will have the opportunity to spend time with their new teachers in their new classrooms. I have no doubt you will hear all about it when you collect your child at the end of the day. 

Year 6 Leavers
Year 6 enjoyed their leavers celebration this week and it was a wonderful occasion and a great time was had by all. Well done to year 6 who spoke, sung and presented like professionals. Thank you to the staff for putting it all together and many thanks to all of the parents who supported this occasion. 

Year 6 Parents
Walk your child to school one last time this week. Even if they don’t want you to. Laugh about the sticks they used to collect or the painting they so carefully carried. Reminisce about their sports days and how funny they were in their nativity. Tell them how proud you are of them and how excited you are to see them grow. Remember how little their hand was when you held it on the first day of reception. Hold that hand again as you walk with them one last time.
You have done a great job.

Go Bonkers
Yesterday we had a fabulous day in school and pupils enjoyed their sessions on the inflatables and cooled down after all the bouncy fun with an ice cold popsicle

Uniform shop
A thank you to Mrs Crane and Mrs West for organising the uniform pop up shop on Monday this week. Thank you and well done to all parents who used this opportunity to get organised and purchase uniforms ready for September. We are aware that this saved many families paying a P&P charge. The event was very successful and hopefully we will be able to host another one in the future. 

Sports Afternoon

A big thank you to all parents and carers who attended our sports afternoon on Monday this week. Everyone enjoyed themselves and there was a wonderful sense of sportsmanships from all of the young  participants. Thank you also to the staff for organising and preparing the pupils for the event. We apologise once again that we had to cancel the years 2,3&4 and  year 5 & 6 events due to the weather but I am happy to invite parents into school to enjoy the sports afternoon on Monday 15th July at 2pm. 

Sports Afternoons

Unfortunately, we have had to reschedule some sports afternoons due to the weather. At the moment the forecast for Monday and Tuesday afternoon is looking good. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed over the weekend to ensure that we can go ahead with sports afternoons on Monday and Tuesday afternoons

Monday 15th July @ 2 pm - years 5&6
Tuesday 16th July @ 2pm - years 2,3&4

Next week we are inviting parents to join us for sports events to cheer on the pupils and celebrate their sportsmanship. Please see the arrangements and expectations below. 

  • On their sports day, pupils must wear the school PE kit to school (navy blue shorts, plain white t-shirt with or without the Broadford logo, trainers or plimsolls and a sun hat). Sunscreen must be applied before school and children should bring a water bottle with them. 

  • Please arrive on the allocated date and time and wait at the grey double doors to the left of the main school office. 

  • The doors will be opened at 2.00pm and our year 6 prefects will be waiting to show you to the school field where the pupils will be ready to start. 

  • If you arrive late and the sports event has already started, you may not be able to access the field, please arrive on time.

  • We would like to remind you that you are welcome to take photos of your own child. Please do not take videos or photographs of the whole class or groups of children and share them on social media. Not every parent gives permission for their children’s photographs to be shared on the internet. Class teachers will be taking photographs and will share these on the schools social media platforms for pupils who we have parental permission to do so. 

  • Please encourage and cheer all pupils during the event.

  • Once the event has finished all pupils will go back to their classrooms to get ready to go home and you can wait for your child to be dismissed at their classroom door as usual. 

We look forward to welcoming many of you next week which I have no doubt will be a wonderful event!

Last day for Clubs
After school clubs finish today, Friday 12th July for the summer term. 

Return to School: Wednesday 4th September

We are looking forward to welcoming back pupils in years 1 - 6 on Wednesday 4th September after the summer break. 

Reading Books
Please can you ensure that all school reading books, Read, Write, Inc books and library books are returned to school by Wednesday 17th July.

Part 2 Broadford Information

Summer Term Dates 

Monday 15th July 

Rescheduled years 5&6 sports afternoon @ 2pm. 

Parent report drop in

Tuesday 16th July 

Rescheduled years 2,3&4 sports afternoon @ 2pm 

Moving up to new classes

Wednesday 17th July 

Attendance hub - 8.45 am 

Thursday 18th July 

IRock concert @ 2pm - Charlton Hall 

Friday 19th July 

EoY Awards assemblies 

Monday 22nd July 

Housepoints & attendance reward 

Tuesday 23rd July 

Broadford’s Got Talent 

Year 6 Goodbye walk - 2.30 pm

Last day of summer term

Wednesday 24th July 

INSET day - school closed for children

INSET Dates for 2023-24

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Polling Day 

Day 5

4th September

5th September

30th October

15th April 

2nd May 

24th July 

Havering school term dates 2023-2024

INSET Dates for 2024-2025

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4 

Day 5

2nd September

3rd September 

4th November

21st July 

22nd July 

Havering school term dates 2024-2025

Havering Catering Services

Week beginning 15th July is week 3 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.45.

Part 3 Pupil and Parent Responsibilities
At Broadford Primary pupils, parents and carers are expected to meet three key responsibilities

Pupil Job 1 - Come to school every day on time
Parent responsibility - Ensure that your child arrives for school on time, every day and ready to learn.

Weekly Attendance  Target 96%

KS1: 94% KS2: 94% Overall:  94%
Congratulations to Beech  and Elm who top the attendance table this week. 

Job 2 - Do your best in every lesson
Parent responsibility - Support your child’s learning at home.

E for Excellence Winners

These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.


Bathawar, Aadam and Freddie










































Learning Power Awards

These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life. 


These children have shown interdependence, collaborated effectively, listened to others, displayed empathy and have imitated effective  ideas and methods from others. 

Aryaan, Cameron,Adam, Charlie


These pupils have planned carefully, revised ideas, identified key features and can talk about their learning. 

Araoluwa, Carina, Niamh, Yehor, Samairah, Azyaha, Lavinia, Rojure 


These children have demonstrated perseverance, managed distractions, noticed patterns and been absorbed in their tasks. 

Happiness, Jessica, Ruta, Ava, Eddy, Harvey, Edward, Peace 


These pupils have been curious about learning, made links between ideas, shown imagination, reasoned methodically and capitalised on resources. 

Kylie, Kayden, Elyakim,Tyler,Lucas, Princess-Aniyah, Sophie


Certificate of Presentation

The following children have been recognised for the beautifully presented work in their books. They clearly take pride in all that they do and are doing their best in every lesson. 

Ryan, Kezia-Fae 

Star Writers

These children have been awarded a star writer certificate and golden pencil in recognition of their excellent writing, use of powerful vocabulary and sophisticated writing  techniques.
Damian, Jimmy,Scarlet, Eleni, Ksenija, Athena, Ambica, Ameera, Joshua, Autumn, Evie, Anu, Lauren, Francesca, Kolby, Lillian, Poppy, Gracie-Ann

I Made My Teacher Happy

These pupils have all made sure their teachers have a smile on their face this week
Sophia, Kian, James, Eishan, Milan, Lily, Ava, Sreeja

105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford

These pupils have read five books and earned their Bronze certificate. 


These pupils have read 10 books and earned their Silver certificate. 

Alayah, Darcie, Emmy

These pupils have read all 15 books, earning their Gold certificate and completing their trackers. 

Maggie, Ava, Aiza, Anya

Tracker Awards


Bronze certificate

Zach, Sofia, Maya P, Isabella, Samariah, Issam, Alexandra, Rayyan, Alayna, Rory, Happiness, Ahmed, Damian

Silver Pencil 


Silver certificate 

Vikhyat, William, Riley, Asad, Elliot-Ellis

Gold Bookmark

Lily, Lemar, Millen 

Gold certificate 

Ryan, Anya

Platinum prize 


Platinum certificate


Diamond prize

Shivanshi, Ruta

Diamond certificate 

Darcie, Max, Elyakim

Job 3 - Be kind and polite to everyone you meet

Parent responsibility - Model politeness and kindness to everyone you meet.


Pupils are awarded housepoint for using kind words and actions and demonstrating good manners. These go towards their house teams weekly total but they are in competition with their  teachers (Dudley - orange house). If pupils do not demonstrate these behaviours then the teachers' house teams are awarded the house points instead. 


Red house  


Blue house


Yellow house 


Green house


Orange house






Weekly Winner - Dudley Orange house

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and enjoy the football final on Sunday.

Yours sincerely,


Mrs L Nicholls 


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