Part 1 Broadford News
Welcome back, I hope that you all had a wonderful half term break.
I have no doubt that this half term will pass by as quickly as the last as it is a short one. There are lots of exciting events to look forward to. World Book Day, pupils will be graduating from the University of Broadford and of course we will be hosting our annual Easter parade before we break up for the Easter holidays and our very first cultural day!
Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality Week - Monday 3rd March - Friday 7th March
After the success of our first amazing attendance and perfect punctuality week I am thrilled to announce that we will be doing it all again this half term!
As we kick off the new school year, we’re excited to introduce our ‘Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality Week', on Monday 3rd March.
This special initiative is designed to encourage everyone to embrace the importance of being on time, remembering our 'Pupil Job 1', while having a bit of fun along the way.
Pupil Job 1 - Come to school every day on time
Parent responsibility - Ensure that your child arrives for school on time, every day and ready to learn.
Weekly Attendance Target 96%
Here’s how it works:
📅Daily Prize Draw
Each day of the week, if you arrive at school on time, your name will be entered into a prize draw for a chance to win a delightful bag of treats! The more days you arrive on time, the more chances you have to win! It’s a simple and fun way to motivate everyone to prioritise punctuality.
🍽️Early Bird Breakfast Treat on Friday:
As an extra incentive, we’ll be hosting a ‘special early bird breakfast treat’ this Friday for all children who arrive by 8:45 AM. Collect your treat from outside the main office before you head off to your classroom. It’s our way of saying thank you for your commitment to being on time and starting the day off right!
🎉Whole Class Treat:
We want to elevate the excitement even further! Any class that achieves amazing attendance and/or perfect punctuality for the entire week will receive a special whole-class treat. So, encourage one another and show your commitment to being present and punctual!
Let’s make a fantastic start to the school year by showing our commitment to attendance and punctuality. Remember, arriving on time not only helps you settle in for a successful day of learning, it also sets a great example for your peers.
We are excited to see all of you bright and early, ready to learn and participate. Let’s set a positive tone for the rest of the year and build the habits that will lead us to success!
Best of luck to all, and let the attendance challenge begin!
World Book Day - Thursday 6th March
The theme for this year is 'Read Your Way!' At Broadford Primary School, we love reading and thoroughly look forward to World Book Day every year. We have been busy making preparations for a day of book-themed fun! Here are just a few things we are looking forward to:
Character Costume Or Snuggly Pyjamas
To coincide with this year's 'Read Your Way' theme, we are inviting children to come into school on World Book Day in either their Favourite Character Costume or their Snuggly Pyjamas.
Please remember, as this time of year is particularly cold and wet, it is really important that the children are dressed appropriately and have suitable footwear (such as long sleeves, trousers and outdoor shoes) to be able to enjoy any outdoor activities on the day.
We know that shop-bought costumes can be a little expensive, so why not try making something to wear instead... a character mask maybe? Here's a few ideas!
Young Interpreters
Congratulations to the following pupils who were successful in the applications to become young interpreters. Their role includes welcoming new pupils to school and helping to translate if required. They will receive full training which starts next week. Well done and good luck to you all.
Najat, Vanessa, Karim, Karimah, Scarlet, Cruz, Ruba, Rio, Moyo, Joshua and Emma.
Miss Brimmer is looking forward to working alongside you all to welcome our new pupils and families to Broadford.
Easter Raffle
Tickets for our easter raffle will start to be sold on Monday 10th March. Tickets are priced at £1 per strip and there are a variety of eggs in all different sizes and a selection of Easter baskets up for grabs!
Mothers’ Day Sale
Once again this year we will be selling Mothers’ day gifts. These are priced at £3 per gift. There are a variety of gifts available, key rings, socks and pretty coasters. Gifts will start to be sold on Monday 10th March. Further details will be sent soon with details regarding how to choose and purchase gifts in time for Mothers’ day next weekend.
Part 2 Broadford Information
Spring 2 Term Dates
Monday 3rd - Friday 7th March | Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality Week |
Tuesday 4th March | Year 5/6 sitting volleyball competition Reception parents stay & learn @ 2.30 pm |
Wednesday 5th March | Reception - height, weight, vision and hearing check |
Thursday 6th March | Reception - height, weight, vision and hearing check World Book Day Nursery parents stay & learn 9am - 2.30 pm |
Monday 10th - Friday 14th March | Science week |
Monday 10th March | Nursery parent meetings |
Tuesday 12th March | Year 2 sportshall athletics |
Thursday 13th March | Year 4 spinebreakers library trip |
Tuesday 18th March | Year 5/6 quiz team semi finals |
Wednesday 19th March | Year 1 sportshall athletics |
Monday 24th March | Year 5/6 badminton University of Bradford Graduation @ 2 pm |
Tuesday 25th March | University of Bradford Graduation @ 2 pm |
Wednesday 26th March | Year 1/2 football festival University of Bradford Graduation @ 2 pm |
Thursday 27th March | Year 3 spinebreakers waterstones visit University of Bradford Graduation @ 2 pm |
Friday 28th March | Parent forum 1-2 pm University of Bradford Graduation @ 2 pm |
Wednesday 2nd April | Easter Parade £1 entry |
Thursday 3rd April | Fluoride Varnish Programme Rec-Year 1 Year 5/6 basketball competition iRock concert |
Friday 4th April | Whole school event: Eid Al Fitr / culture day |
INSET Dates for 2024-2025
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
2nd September | 3rd September | 4th November | 21st July | 22nd July |
Havering school term dates 2024-2025
Spring term:
Monday 6 January to Friday 4 April 2025
Summer term:
Tuesday 22 April to Tuesday 22 July 2025
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning 3rd March is week 3 on the Havering catering services menu.
Part 3 Pupil and Parent Responsibilities
At Broadford Primary pupils, parents and carers are expected to meet three key responsibilities
Pupil Job 1 - Come to school every day on time
Parent responsibility - Ensure that your child arrives for school on time, every day and ready to learn.
Weekly Attendance Target 96%
KS1: 95% KS2: 97% Overall: 96%
Congratulations to Elm and Walnut who top the attendance table this week.
Job 2 - Do your best in every lesson
Parent responsibility - Support your child’s learning at home.
E for Excellence Winners
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Nursery | Marley and Ayan | Ash | Jessica |
Alder | James | Cedar | Danni-Ella |
Apple | Stefania | Cherry | Aisosa |
Aspen | Harry | Elm | Haileigh |
Apricot | Neveah | Maple | Adam |
Beech | Zachary | Willow | George |
Walnut | Archie | Almond | Ollie |
Mulberry | Khushbakht | Lime | Gabi |
Pine | Noura | Oak | Dunsin |
Rowan | Zach | Birch | Sophia |
| Larch | Joni |
| Redwood | Miraz |
Learning Power Awards These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life. |
Reciprocity These children have shown interdependence, collaborated effectively, listened to others, displayed empathy and have imitated effective ideas and methods from others. | Olivia, Annie, Charlie, Megan, Kajus, Ayaan, Faith, Roman |
Reflectiveness These pupils have planned carefully, revised ideas, identified key features and can talk about their learning. | Ashar, Subhan,Elyakim, Ambica, Ryan, Nehemiah, Himanshi, Siana, George, Aayush, Poppy, Freddie |
Resilience These children have demonstrated perseverance, managed distractions, noticed patterns and been absorbed in their tasks. | Irfan, Louie-Ray, James, Elliot G, Victoria, Harvey, Flynn,Lama, Rosie |
Resourcefulness These pupils have been curious about learning, made links between ideas, shown imagination, reasoned methodically and capitalised on resources. | Emily. Kindah, Jaxon, Flynn, Dani, Eason, Ryan, Naomi, Adyaan, Tayla |
Certificate of Presentation
The following children have been recognised for the beautifully presented work in their books. They clearly take pride in all that they do and are doing their best in every lesson. Emmalee, Zimel
Star Writers
These children have been awarded a star writer certificate and golden pencil in recognition of their excellent writing, use of powerful vocabulary and sophisticated writing techniques. Happiness, Sophia. Renae, Aida, Duke, Jacob, Anu, Ruby, Carina,Pragya, Kenzie, Anaelle, Ethan, Mason M, James, Raoff, Ashlean, Aniah - Mai, Ibukun
I Made My Teacher Happy
These pupils have all made sure their teachers have a smile on their face this week Rory, Lawrence, Emma, Lexi, Cruz, Hope, Ara, Eliza, Billie, Safwaan, Vedasri, Lukas, Rithik
105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford
These pupils have read five books and earned their Bronze certificate.
Kindah, Tala
These pupils have read all 15 books, earning their Gold certificate and completing their trackers.
Aaira, Arabella, Frankie, Zara
Tracker Awards
| Prestige |
Bronze certificate | Santian |
Silver Pencil | Adyaan | Kenzie |
Silver certificate | Loui |
Gold certificate | Ronnie |
Platinum prize | Tyler |
Platinum certificate | Ollie, Jasmine |
Diamond prize | Manuella |
Diamond certificate | Adam H |
Star certificate | Nyasa |
Job 3 - Be kind and polite to everyone you meet
Parent responsibility - Model politeness and kindness to everyone you meet.
Pupils are awarded housepoint for using kind words and actions and demonstrating good manners. These go towards their house teams weekly total but they are in competition with their teachers (Dudley - orange house). If pupils do not demonstrate these behaviours then the teachers' house teams are awarded the house points instead.
Farringdon Red house | Chatteris Blue house | Dulverton Yellow house | Cricklade Green house | Dudley Orange house |
420 | 411 | 421 | 525 | 549 |
Weekly Winner - Dudley (Orange) House |
I hope you all have an excellent weekend.
Yours sincerely,

Mrs L Nicholls