Friday, 7 March 2025

Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality week

Pupil job number 1 - Come to school everyday on time

This was the second Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality week at Broadford, thank you to everyone who made an effort to arrive at school everyday on time. The overall attendance for the week was 96%, which is amazing as this means we have hit the target!  We saw those pupils making an extra effort to arrive before 8.45am to ensure that they get to put their names into the lucky buckets and we appreciate your effort. Keep it up!

Congratulations to the lucky bucket winners, we hope you enjoy your prize bags.

Reception: Nathan, Kameron and Sophia

Year 1: Daniel, Santian and Aslan

Year 2: Teddy-James, Mfon and Damian

Year 3: Elsie, Wais and Iustin

Year 4: Isabella, Zimel and George

Year 5: Tayla, Flynn and Eason

Year 6: Maxi, Aaron and Raffy

Classes this week with best attendance in KS1 and KS2 are:

Larch 100%

Apricot 98%

Larch and Apricot  have won a non-school uniform day next Friday. There will be a separate letter for parents regarding this.

Look out for the next 'Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality Week', which will be after the Easter break.

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