Tuesday 6 December 2016

Taking Steps Magazine

We are delighted to inform you that our JTAs (Junior Travel Ambassadors) have been chosen to take over the Havering 'Taking Steps' magazine for the latest edition.

Taking Steps magazine promotes safer travel by bicycle, public transport or on foot, and is edited by students from the borough's schools. Produced twice a year each edition includes interviews, tips and advice, features, local news, puzzles and competitions.

While we have been JTAs we have had lots of chances to interview councillors, launch campaigns for Road Safety and inform our classmates. This chance to edit the magazine meant we could share everything we have been doing!
Kieran Dash - Year 6

Thanks to the initiatives run by our JTA team we have seen cycle and scooter use increase by 18%! The number of pupils walking to school has also increased by 13%... a tremendous impact!

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