Friday 2 March 2018

Weekly Newsletter - Friday 2nd March

Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls 

Dear Parents and Carers,

Inclement Weather
Well done to everyone for battling the arctic conditions to get to school on Wednesday. However as conditions deteriorated it became clear that for safety reasons we would need to close on Thursday and Friday. Thank you to everyone for their support and co-operation this week during the closure. It is not a decision that is taken lightly. and we do try to do as much as we can to keep our schools open for the children. However a large number of our staff drive in from quite a distance away and must ensure that we have sufficient staff to pupil ratios. We appreciate how difficult  this is for working parents and we hope that you had enough time to make alternative arrangements. Thank you once again for your continued support. We fully expect the situation to improve by Monday so we can carry on as normal next week.

Diary Dates
On Monday 5th, some year 6 boys are visiting Crow Camp for the finale of Boys Keep Moving. Elm class continue to swim in the afternoon.
On Wednesday 7th, year 2 pupils will enjoy the rescheduled sculpture workshop. Larch class will be representing their work during sharing assembly at 9.00 am. All parents and carers are welcome to come along and join us on this occasion. LAMDA lesson continue on Wednesday afternoon.
On Thursday 8th, school council representatives are visiting City Hall for the day and in the afternoon year 3 spinebreakers are going to Waterstones in Romford to choose some new reading materials for the library.
Year 4 are hosting their maths party on Friday 9th at 9.00am. We invite all of the parents and carers of year 4 pupils to come along and join in the Maths fun.

World Book Day
We were all disappointed that we couldn’t celebrate book day this week. No need to be upset, the children will get a chance to wear those costumes. We will be rescheduling our World Book Day celebrations for this coming Friday. We look forward to seeing all of the costumes on Friday and hopefully the temperature will have risen as well.

Havering Catering Services
Week beginning 5th March is week 2 on the havering catering Services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.20.

Weekly Attendance:  
KS1: -96.31%          KS2: - 95.61 Overall:  96%
Congratulations to Cherry and Rowan who top the attendance table this week.  This is the attendance percentage for last week in school.  

I hope you all have a warm and safe weekend. Be careful out there!
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Nicholls


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