Wednesday 26 June 2024

Primary Inclusion Parent Survey


Dear Parent/ Carer 
Great News!
Broadford Primary is one of the schools that has been selected to take part in the national Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) Project.
This project has been created due to the success of the national Autism in Schools project. The approach of PINS has been developed around the key principles of the Autism in Schools:
·        Whole School Approach
·        Good quality training for staff
·        Parents Supporting Parents groups
·        Understanding students experience of schools
Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) will bring health and education specialists and expert parent carers into mainstream primary settings to:
·        Help shape whole school SEND provision
·        Provide early interventions at a school level
·        Upskill school staff
·        Support strengthening of partnerships between schools and parent carers
As a parent forum we will be working with Health, Education and your school to support parents and we hope to take part/run coffee mornings and parent learning sessions with your school during the new school year.
To be able to do this we really need your help! In order for the Project Group to understand better the needs for each school, please could you take a few minutes to complete the survey below.
Or use the QR code
This is a whole school survey, not just for those with neurodivergent children. We very much welcome all viewpoints.
Best wishes
Havering SEND Family Voice Team 
Havering SEND Family Voice Team 

Tel: 07858 406 933 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Term Times  

Saturday 22 June 2024

Repost: NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. programme, Summer 2024

 Dear Parent/Carer

NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. programme, Summer 2024

I am pleased to inform you that we are participating in the NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. Programme this term. Speak out. Stay safe. is a programme for children aged 5-11 which aims to help children understand abuse in all its forms and to recognise the signs of abuse. Children are taught to speak out if they are worried, either to a safe adult or Childline.

This child friendly programme is aligned with the curriculum and consists of age appropriate virtual assemblies and supporting classroom based activities which we have reviewed, alongside NSPCC volunteer led face to face workshops for children aged 6-7 and 9-11. The content is delivered in an engaging and interactive way with the help of the NSPCC mascot Buddy. If you would like to know more about the Speak out. Stay safe. programme visit

Virtual assemblies for all pupils in Y1 to Y6: w/c 17th June 2024

Follow up lessons for all pupils in Y1 to Y6: w/c 24th June 2024

Workshops for pupils in Y2, Y5, Y6: Tuesday 2nd July 2024

Feedback survey for pupils aged 7-11

The NSPCC would like to gather feedback from pupils aged between 7-11 about the Speak out. Stay safe. programme to gauge their learning. This will be voluntary and children can still take part in the programme if they don’t take part in the survey. 

·         All survey questions are multiple choice and focussed on the programme.

·         The survey is anonymous and confidential.  However, if in the process of completing the survey, a teacher becomes concerned for a pupil’s welfare (e.g., through something a pupil says) we will follow our school’s safeguarding procedures.

·         If you do not want your child to take part in the survey, please email your year group email box. 

·         If you have agreed that your child can take part in the survey but your child changes their mind on the day, that is also okay.


Additional NSPCC resources for families to help keep children safe

The NSPCC have shared some important information below on wider NSPCC resources and support to help keep children safe.

Parent/Carer support

Take a look at information, support, advice and activities from NSPCC for parent and carers.

Activities to extend learning at home

Take part in games and activities at home to help children learn about speaking out and staying safe.

 Online Safety Hub

For information on a range of different online safety topics including gaming, social media, sharing images, parental controls and more.

Childline – under 12’s

Childline have an accessible website with advice, support, games and activities. Children can change the language, enlarge text and also listen to the content. (5-7) (7-11)

Talk PANTS with your children

Talk PANTS is a simple conversation to help keep children safe from sexual abuse. From P through to S, each letter of PANTS provides simple but important messages. Download the free resources at


I hope you find this information about the NSPCC and the Speak out. Stay safe. programme helpful. Please do contact me if you have any further questions.


Yours sincerely,

Mrs Ward

Assistant Headteacher


Parent/carer SURVEY withdrawal form for children aged 7-11 only

I do not consent to (Name of pupil) ________________________ participating in the completion of the NSPCC Pupil Survey following the delivery of the Speak out. Stay safe. Programme.

Signed (Parent/Carer)   :______________________ Date: __________

Monday 17 June 2024

Weekly Newsletter - Friday 14th June, 2024

Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls 

Dear Parents and Carers,

Part 1 Broadford News

Summer Fete
Don’t forget that Saturday 15th June (tomorrow) is the annual school summer fete. Due to the weather forecast, the fete will go ahead but it will be held inside the school. The bouncy castles will be inside the new hall and then there will be games in the corridors and through the school leading to the hall in the older school building. This is where there will be stalls, refreshments and performances.
We look forward to seeing you there. It may be a rainy day but please come along, stay dry and have some fun! 

School Photographs

Carmel Jane Photography will visited our School on the 13th of June 2024, to take the Class Group Photos

All Parents are requested to pre-register to enable access to your child’s photographs. Pre-registration is required for every photo shoot.

Registration only takes a minute.  Please visit

and enter the following code:


You will then be asked to pre-register with your child's full school register name.

Once registered, as soon as the photos are available you will receive an automatic email notification to inform you that your child's photos are now ready to be viewed and can be purchased. 

Don't miss out pre-register today!


The preparation for moving on has started! This week the children have been inquisitive and have come up with questions that they want to know the answers to regarding the next year group. Next the pupils will start to answer those questions and elect a spokesperson to give feedback on behalf of the class.  


Unfortunately, we were unable to sort out our Facebook page but we are thrilled to announce that we have a new facebook page which has gone live today! You can find the new facebook page via this link. Please like the new page for the latest information. Many thanks. 

Broadford Primary School New facebook Page 

Part 2 Broadford Information

Summer Term Dates 

Saturday 15th June 

Summer fete - 11 am - 3 pm 

Monday 17th June 

Year 5 Mersea residential 

Wednesday 19th June 

Year 5 return from Mersea 

Year 3&4 Quad kids event

Havering junior music festival

Thursday 20th June 

Professional sportsman visiting

Tuesday 25th June 

New parents meeting 6pm 

Wednesday 26th June 

Year 1&2 Quad kids event

Thursday 27th June  

M&M Productions - Alice in Wonderland

Friday 28th June 

Year 6 Junior Citizen Event 

Monday 1st July 

Reception and year 1 sports - 2 pm 

Tuesday 2nd July 

NSPCC workshops for Y2, Y5, Y6

Wednesday 3rd July 

Year 3 Colchester Zoo 

Thursday 4th July 

Polling day - school closed for pupils 

Year 1 Barleylands Trip 

Friday 5th July 

Years 5&6 sports afternoon - 2pm 

Monday 8th July 

School uniform pop shop - details TBC

Tuesday 9th July 

Reception - Call of the wild trip 

Years 2,3&4 sports afternoon

Year 6 - leaving celebration after school 

Thursday 11th July 

Go Bonkers Day 

Friday 12th July 

Parent open forum - 1pm 

EoY reports
Year 6 Broadfest - organised by parents 

Monday 15th July 

Parent report drop in

Tuesday 16th July 

Moving up to new classes

Wednesday 17th July 

Attendance hub - 8.45 am 

Friday 19th July 

EoY Awards assemblies 

Monday 22nd July 

Housepoints & attendance reward 

Tuesday 23rd July 

Broadford’s Got Talent 

Year 6 Goodbye walk - 2.30 pm

Last day of summer term

Wednesday 24th July 

INSET day - school closed for children

INSET Dates for 2023-24

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Polling Day 

Polling Day 

Day 5

4th September

5th September

30th October

15th April 

2nd May 

4th July

24th July 

Havering school term dates 2023-2024

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4 

Day 5

2nd September

3rd September 

4th November

21st July 

22nd July 

Havering school term dates 2024-2025

Havering Catering Services

Week beginning 17th June  is week 1 on the Havering catering services menu. 

Part 3 Pupil and Parent Responsibilities
At Broadford Primary pupils, parents and carers are expected to meet three key responsibilities

Pupil Job 1 - Come to school every day on time
Parent responsibility - Ensure that your child arrives for school on time, every day and ready to learn.

Weekly Attendance  Target 96%

KS1: 95% KS2: 94% Overall:  95%
Congratulations to Walnut and Ash  who top the attendance table this week. 

Job 2 - Do your best in every lesson
Parent responsibility - Support your child’s learning at home.

E for Excellence Winners

These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.


Evandy, Matei C & Rosie










Aniah - Mai

































Learning Power Awards

These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life. 


These children have shown interdependence, collaborated effectively, listened to others, displayed empathy and have imitated effective  ideas and methods from others. 

Harley J, Scarlet, Thomas, Zoe, Toby, Jessica, Raffy, Emma, Lucas, Aziz


These pupils have planned carefully, revised ideas, identified key features and can talk about their learning. 

Zara,Mateo, Tayla, Stefania, Asad, Mavis, Millen, Tiana, Jefflyn 


These children have demonstrated perseverance, managed distractions, noticed patterns and been absorbed in their tasks. 

Adon, Callissya, Olivi, Veer, Callum, Oscar, Rio,

 Maxi, Ali


These pupils have been curious about learning, made links between ideas, shown imagination, reasoned methodically and capitalised on resources. 

Tiger-Lily, Emma, Aaron, Sarah, Adra, Flynn, Mahdi, Thomas, Alexandra, Gabi


Certificate of Presentation

The following children have been recognised for the beautifully presented work in their books. They clearly take pride in all that they do and are doing their best in every lesson. 

Tesha, Kenzie, Noah

Star Writers

These children have been awarded a star writer certificate and golden pencil in recognition of their excellent writing, use of powerful vocabulary and sophisticated writing  techniques.
Ashton, Farzaan, Emmalee, Jimmy, Muhammad, Bentley, Sienna, Toby, Ayaan, Darci, Faith,  Kai, Andreea,Issam, Poppy, Megan, Lillian, Maisie, George 

I Made My Teacher Happy

These pupils have all made sure their teachers have a smile on their face this week 

Serghei, George, Levi, Elkah, Jay Jay, Tyler, Oliver, Ryan, Zack, Nisa,

105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford

These pupils have read five books and earned their Bronze certificate. 

Albie, Abrish and Jayden

These pupils have read 10 books and earned their Silver certificate. 


These pupils have read all 15 books, earning their Gold certificate and completing their trackers. 

Harry, Chloe, Nyasa, Manreet and George.

Tracker Awards


Bronze certificate

Nathaniel, Saim, Ayva, Serghei, Natalia, Antonina

Silver Pencil 

Faizah, Zuriel

Silver certificate 

Teddy-James, Zara, Jessica, Harry

Gold Bookmark

Ryan, Anya

Platinum prize 


Diamond prize



Star prize 


Star certificate 


Job 3 - Be kind and polite to everyone you meet

Parent responsibility - Model politeness and kindness to everyone you meet.


Pupils are awarded housepoint for using kind words and actions and demonstrating good manners. These go towards their house teams weekly total but they are in competition with their  teachers (Dudley - orange house). If pupils do not demonstrate these behaviours then the teachers' house teams are awarded the house points instead. 


Red house  


Blue house


Yellow house 


Green house


Orange house






Weekly Winner - Farringdon Red house 

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs L Nicholls  Headteacher