London has been named European Volunteering Capital 2016, beating off competition from 10 other cities, including Rome and Edinburgh and one of our Havering schools - Broadford - is the lead Primary school!
'Our pupils have all been issued with volunteering trackers so that they can record the hours they have contributed back to the school. Pupils can achieve these hours in a wide range of ways: singing to community groups; helping support the foodbank; supporting readers and helping as Play Leaders. They are very conscious of having a legacy to give back to Broadford and recognise how much the local community benefits from them being active members!'Lois Nicholls - Deputy Headteacher
Broadford pupils Temira Hascar and Leo Mbata were invited up to City Hall by Boris Johnston to describe the work they have been doing and how it has had a positive impact on the local community.
We told the guests about our Youth Summit, which has helped inspire other Primary schools to start volunteering. We organised workshops for pupils to litter pick, visit the food bank and support the pensioner's group. I have really enjoyed the campaigns we have delivered in school. #Wearesilent was the hardest... we had to stop speaking for a week to raise awareness of groups who have no voice. Leo Mbata - aged 10
This term we are running a campaign called #Wearekind. It is to encourage every member of our local community to think of small, random acts of kindness that they can carry out. Sometimes just smiling at someone can be enough to lift their whole day. Maybe you could open a door, pay someone's parking or give out flowers... every little act of kindness helps to make the world a better place. Peggy Mitchell seemed to think our idea was lovely. Unilever have helped us too by giving us £1,000 to help get it off the ground.Temira Hascar - aged 10
The award is run by the European Volunteer Centre, known as CEV, and promotes volunteering at a local level by giving recognition to places that support and strengthen partnerships with volunteer centres and celebrates the difference made by volunteers. It comes with no funding attached.
The judging panel concluded that "London’s approach to funding and resourcing volunteer organisations and infrastructure organisations is creative and seeks to not only focus on direct support that can be provided through a range of different types and sizes of grants but also in helping volunteer organisations in accessing and activating other funds from alternative sources".
Other cities beaten by London to win the title for 2016 were Belfast and Bruges.
The winning bid was led by Team London, the programme set up by Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, to increase volunteering levels in the capital.
Team London had support in developing the bid from local volunteer centres and the partnership body Greater London Volunteering, it said.
Gabriella Civico, director of CEV, said: "The city is an outstanding example of how local government, local people and businesses can strategically harness the benefits of volunteering to improve people's lives and the environment, and contribute to socially cohesive communities."
In a statement, Johnson said: "I’m very proud that London has been recognised as the top volunteering city in Europe. Tens of thousands of Londoners are now giving a hand to others and helping to make London a cleaner, greener and more welcoming place for everyone.
"Team London has created an incredible volunteering legacy for the capital, with people of all ages and backgrounds giving up their time to make the city an even better place to live in."
Barbara Windsor & Ledley King present Temira and Leo with their Volunteering certificate!