Wednesday 20 April 2016

Parking Consultation:

Following the Residents' meetings that was held this week there are some questions that have been raised about the school’s role in the proposed changes to car parking during school drop off times. We are also aware that there have been some comments made on the Harold Hill Facebook Page which do not represent the view of the school.

Why have the school taken part in this project to change parking arrangements?
We have two main concerns.

  1. The safety of our pupils is always paramount. Over the last five years I have seen too many near misses as pupils cross the road or walk along the pavements to school. We have had parents stopping on the zig zag lines repeatedly, parking on the pavements, dangerous manoeuvres that almost cause collisions and children nearly hit on the zebra crossing.
  2. We are very aware that a small number of parents park in an inconsiderate way, often blocking residents’ driveways

How does the school think the situation could be improved?
For reasons given above we believed that it would be a good idea to agree to take part in this parking pilot. However, we are aware that parents need to be able to drop their children off safely. We have parents with disabled parking badges and pupils with needs too. For those reasons they would need access arrangements. There are parents who need to drive. As a consequence we have asked for the proposal to consider the following:

  • Improved measures to fine parents who park and drive in a dangerous, illegal or inconsiderate way
  • Parking bays for disabled badge holders
  • Reserved bays for school transport vehicles
  • Possible drop off zone for parents that would be incorporated on school land

Why was the school not present at the meeting
These consultation meetings have been designed for parents and residents to speak to the Council directly about the plan, ask questions and put their views across. It is not a forum for the school to represent its view. However we are always happy to discuss our views on the plans that are being proposed as the ultimate aim is to improve the safety of the roads surrounding the school for our pupils. Like both residents and parents we have a consultation opportunity with the Council.

If any of our parents are members of the Harold Hill Facebook page, then please post this article on there, or add the link. We would not want residents to be misinformed about the intentions of the school or our willingness to engage with the community. Both residents and pupils are not getting a good deal at the moment and we hope to work in partnership with you, residents and the council to ensure that it improves.

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