Tuesday 3 September 2019

Morning Routines

We love to hear from our parents on how we can improve. Many parents said at the end of the summer term that they would like to know more about routines in school. We are very happy to provide you with information regarding our morning routines.

We believe that every child should have a consistent and organised start to each and every day to ensure that they are ready for learning.

Our pupils expectations state that pupils should turn up every day on time.

Our parent expectations state that parents will ensure that children arrive on time for school and be ready for learning.

We will ensure that:
Breakfast club is available for those who wish to use this. The doors open for breakfast club at 7.45 am, this the grey door on the right at the front of the main building.

The children will make their way to their classrooms at 8.30 am where there will be members of staff to greet them.

Every morning there will be members of the school leadership team on gate duty to welcome the pupils into school.

Nursery parents and pupils will be able to enter the nursery via the door to the left of the office. Nursery staff will be available to greet pupils and communicate with parents.

Reception pupils and parents can enter the building by the first door on the left at the front on the main building from 8.30 am, continue to the classrooms via the wooden slope. Staff will be available to greet pupils and communicate with staff.
Year 1
Year 1 pupils can enter the building via the same door on the left at the front of the main building from 8.30 am and continue to their classrooms via the new building to building link.

If year 1 pupils have older siblings they can use the new gate on Faringdon Avenue and enter the site with their sibling.

Year 2-6
All other pupils will enter the school site via the new gate on Faringdon Avenue from 8.30 am. They will be able to walk to their classrooms via the back of the school.

The outside gate on Faringdon will be unlocked at 8.00 am for pupils and parents to enter the waiting area. 

Bikes and Scooters
There is storage for bikes and scooters at both gates on Faringdon Avenue where pupils will be able to park their bikes or scooters during the school day.

Once pupils have arrived at their classrooms staff will be available to meet them, to encourage our pupil job of being kind and polite to everyone you meet. We expect the pupils to greet their teachers also.

We have a set of agreed expectations that is consistent in every classroom throughout the school. This consistency is key for the purposes of transition and to ensure that pupils are in the right frame of mind for learning.

Each classroom will;
  • Play music for a positive atmosphere.
  • Provide pupils with the responsibility to self register and choose their lunch via the sQuid system.
  • Pupils have the responsibility of putting bags and coats away tidily and preparing resources for the morning.
  • There will be an activity available for the pupils to immerse themselves in and make the most out of the early morning time.
  • The classroom staff will actively be interacting with the pupils.
  • Pupils may be able to use the time for other activities - blogging, responding to marking, completing work, reading, using web based resources
  • Pupils will be seen demonstrating positive behaviours: reciprocity, greeting each other, collaborating when appropriate
All pupils should be in their classrooms by 8.55 am. This is when the school day officially starts.
If you have any other question regarding our morning routine please do not hesitate to ask your child's class teacher.

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