Tuesday 3 September 2019

New Class Rooms for 2019-20

There has been lots of movement over that past few years of year groups and classes to various parts of the building. 

We are absolutely thrilled to say that we can start this academic year with every class and year group in permanent accommodation. Phew! It has taken a while but we are finally there.

This year we will be able to enjoy a school site without building works. Look out though, we are going to update some of our existing areas!

Exciting times ahead.

Hopefully, this guide will help you know where each class is now located on the school site.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Nursery are at the front of the new building in their own purpose built setting with their own outside area to enjoy!
Miss Tynan is the lead nursery teacher and Miss Ahmed is our new nursery teacher due to our rising numbers.
The three reception classes are called Apple (Miss Poulter), Aspen (Miss Metters) and Alder (Mrs Gradley and Mrs Hallowell). These classes are located in the old building. Miss Poulter is the year group leader.

Key Stage One (KS1)
Year 1 
The three year 1 classes are called Beech (Miss Tuffley), Apricot (Miss Davis) and Walnut (Miss Hurrell). These classes are located downstairs in the new building. Miss Chappel is the year group leader.
Year 2
The three year 2 classes are called Rowan (Miss Jennings), Pine (Miss Hathaway) and Mulberry (Miss Hamilton). These classes are located in the old building where year 1 used to be. Miss Jennings is the year group leader.

Key Stage Two (KS2)
Year 3
The three year 3 classrooms are Elm (Miss Taylor), Cedar, (Miss Betty) and Cherry (Mr Croft). These are located in the old building towards the back of the school. Miss Taylor is the year group leader. 
Year 4
There are two classes in year 4, Ash (Miss Young) Birch (Miss Islam). These are located in the old building, in the KS2 corridor. Miss Estall is the year group leader.
Year 5
There are two classes in year 5, Redwood (Miss Mullan) Willow (Miss Breen). These are located in the old building along the KS2 corridor. Miss Higgins is the year group leader.
Year 6
There are two classes in year 6, Oak (Miss Nicholas) Almond (Miss Higgins). These are located upstairs in the new building. Miss Nicholas is the year group leader.

We hope that this make sense, if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask.

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