The dates and times for the stay & learn sessions term are below.
If you have any questions please speak to your child's class teacher.
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1st October - Welcome session
6th November - Sharing stories
9am and 1pm
12 th February - Healthy Eating
9 am and 1 pm
7th May - Knowledge of the world
9 am and 1pm
10th October - Phonics 2-3pm
21st January - Maths 2-3pm
30th April 2-3pm
Year 1
12th November- Reading 2:15-3:00pm
2nd April- Maths 2:15-3:00pm
30th June- outdoor learning
Year 2
8th October - Reading 9.00
30th January - Maths 9.00
28th April - Writing 9.00
Year 3
1st October - Reading 9.00
14th January- Math 9.00
11th June - Topic 9.00
Year 4
31st October - Reading 9:00
13th February - Maths 9:00
2nd July - Writing 9:00
Year 5
3rd October - Maths
27th February - Reading
30th April - Literacy
Year 6
12th November - Reading
28th January - Maths
9th June - Literacy
SEND Parents Information Morning
10th October - Meet the team 2.30pm
7th February - Speech and Language 9am
24th April - Autism & ADHD 9am

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