Tuesday 2 March 2021

Return to School - Preparation

On Monday in Assembly we talked about how we can prepare ourselves for returning to school. We all have different emotions and feelings about life returning to some kind of normality and we should try to understand each other and we must be kind. 

There are some ways that we can prepare ourselves as parents and prepare our children for life back in the classroom. 

Letting Go & Future Plans
Talk to your child about things they couldn't do during lockdown. They can write or draw each item on a small piece of paper. Ask them how they feel about each thing they have missed. We can't change this situation, so we need to accept that those events are gone forever. One by one, scrunch up the pieces of paper and throw them away, letting them go for good. 

Encourage children to make a list or draw pictures of things they are looking forward to doing in the near future. Stick this on the fridge to remind them of the good things coming up. They can add new things at any time. 

Be Calm 
Children will take their lead from the adults. They will feel assured if we are steady and matter of fact. Sometimes we may just need to be still and count to 10 or take 4 deep breaths. 

Be Positive
Some younger children may struggle with being separated from parents after such a long time at home. They may become worried, tearful or act out. Reassure them that you will miss them too and think about them throughout the day. It may be helpful to both wear stickers and call it a hug button. If they are missing you throughout the day they can press the hug button and know that you will be doing the same at home. 

For older pupils who are feeling a little anxious remind them of all of the ways they have learnt to keep themselves safe: washing their hands regularly, sneezing and coughing into their elbow, not hugging others and staying in their own space. Some of our older pupils may enjoy a hug button as well. 

Be Curious 
The time directly after the longest separation of the day can be the most important and effective times to engage with our children. After this period of separation, that initial contact with your child should be welcoming and warm. Make your child feel special by treating them like you haven’t seen them in a long time and cannot wait to be reunited with them. Be curious about their day ask them questions, for example; 

What has been the best part of your day? 
What made you smile today?
What was the book about that your teacher read?
What questions did you ask at school today?
What made your teacher smile? What made her frown?

Be Thankful 
Help your child think of things they are looking forward to. Being with their friends, seeing their teachers and favourite activities in school. 

Be Prepared
Rehearse and practice your 'goodbye' routine and create a 'hello' greeting for the end of the day for them to look forward to. 
Make sure uniforms are ready, get a good night's sleep and we can't wait to see you all bright and early on Monday morning.


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