Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality Week - Monday 13th January - Friday 17th January 2025

Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality Week: Let’s Start the Year Right!

As we kick off the new school year, we’re excited to introduce our ‘Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality Week', on Monday 13th January! 

This special initiative is designed to encourage everyone to embrace the importance of being on time, remembering our 'Pupil Job 1', while having a bit of fun along the way.

Pupil Job 1 - Come to school every day on time

Parent responsibility - Ensure that your child arrives for school on time, every day and ready to learn.

Weekly Attendance  Target 96%

Here’s how it works:

📅Daily Prize Draw
Each day of the week, if you arrive at school on time, your name will be entered into a prize draw for a chance to win a delightful bag of treats! The more days you arrive on time, the more chances you have to win! It’s a simple and fun way to motivate everyone to prioritise punctuality.

🍽️Early Bird Breakfast Treat on Friday:  
As an extra incentive, we’ll be hosting a ‘special early bird breakfast treat’ this Friday for all children who arrive by 8:45 AM. Collect your treat from outside the main office before you head off to your classroom.  It’s our way of saying thank you for your commitment to being on time and starting the day off right!

🎉Whole Class Treat: 
We want to elevate the excitement even further! Any class that achieves amazing attendance and perfect punctuality for the entire week will receive a special whole-class treat. So, encourage one another and show your commitment to being present and punctual!

Let’s make a fantastic start to the school year by showing our commitment to attendance and punctuality. Remember, arriving on time not only helps you settle in for a successful day of learning, it also sets a great example for your peers.

We are excited to see all of you bright and early, ready to learn and participate. Let’s set a positive tone for the rest of the year and build the habits that will lead us to success!

Best of luck to all, and let the attendance challenge begin!

HEST (Havering Emotional Support Team) Dedicated dads event

Dedicated Dads –  event
  • Date: Wednesday 15th January 6-7pm at Hornchurch Fire Station (RM11 1SH)
  • Topic – Emotional regulation 
  • Please register on our Eventbrite page or scan the QR code in the flyer attached
  • Please note we cannot accommodate for children at the venue
  • Refreshments will be provided
  • We will be discussing:
    • What is emotional regulation?
    • Why is emotional regulation important?
    • How to support children and young people’s emotional wellbeing.


Tuesday, 7 January 2025

University of Broadford 2025



At Broadford, we believe that the pupils should have the opportunity to choose a topic or skill that they would want to learn about. We believe that staff should have the opportunity to use an interest or skill of their own to inspire a high quality experience for the pupils.

Broadford University runs every Spring Term for ten weeks (Starting on Friday 10th January 2025) The staff decide on a course that they might be able to offer:  for example sewing, drumming, literacy and chess. The pupils then sign up for the course they are most interested in.

Each week - on a Friday afternoon - our pupils have an hour long session learning and developing this new skill. At the end of the course, the pupils graduate with their degree!

Over the next couple of weeks the children will be bringing home a course overview to share with you, for the course they have chosen.

We look forward to welcoming you to their graduations when their courses are completed. This will give the children an opportunity to share with you what they have accomplished throughout their time doing their course. You will receive more information regarding this nearer the time.

What is Broadford University

Broadford University is a 10 week programme that runs in the Spring term. The idea is to:
  • expose pupils to subjects and activities they would not normally experience
  • give them the chance to broaden their vocabulary with subject specific terms (meta language)
  • develop an idea to a greater depth - as there are 10 hours given to each course
  • allow pupils to work on a subject/course of their choosing
  • give pupils the chance to work with children beyond their Year Group, allowing them to develop their resilience, resourcefulness, reciprocity and refectiveness skills together
  • encourage pupils, at the earliest possible point,  to consider further education as a possible root to a future career

We can not wait to start University of Broadford, on Friday, and to see the children enjoying the course they have chosen and learning new skills each week.