Thursday 17 July 2014

Fact Hunters: Dinosaurs, light and ants

Alisha March
Light can only reach up to 200m beneath the waves. This means that below this depth the sea is pitch black!

Emily & Haliya
Did you know that mosasaurs were one of the success stories of the late Cretaceous period? The largest known mosasaur is Hainosaurus, which could reach 17 metres in length! They were the top predator in the sea and were widespread across the world.

Holly Clark
To mark their territory, hippos spin their tails while defecating to distribute their excrement over a greater area. What a smelly way to say ‘This is mine!’

Vinnie Brand
Giant anteaters lap up thousands of ants and termites every day with their long tongues, but never destroy the insects' nest as they will want to come back for more!

Jayden Hearn
'Animal fat' is a term used to describe fats derived from meat products, none of which is included in McDonald's milkshakes. This means they are suitable for vegetarians.

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