Friday 20 April 2018

Weekly Newsletter - Friday 20th April

Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls

Dear Parents and Carers,

Diary Dates
The Big Pedal competition starts on Monday 23rd April. This is a national competition where all pupils are encouraged to travel to school in a sustainable way. So get on your bikes and scooters, as the JTA’s will be counting how many of our pupils have been cycling or scooting to school and reporting these numbers for the competition.
Some pupils are visiting Drapers’ Academy after school for the science club.
On Wednesday 25th April we would like to invite the parents and carers of pupils in Cherry to their sharing assembly to find out what they have been learning.
On Thursday afternoon year 1 children will be taking part in a jungle workshop and the spinebreakers from Cherry and Cedar class are visiting Waterstone’s in Romford to choose reading material for their peers.
On Friday we have a non school uniform day for the global ‘WE Walk for Water’ campaign.

Veggie Run
Veggie Run, the newly developed healthy app only for Havering Primary and Junior school children is launching on the 17 April.
What is the aim?
The app aims to create healthy competition amongst primary and Junior school children, where they learn to dodge unhealthy foods and get rewarded by collecting fruit and vegetables.
Why get the App?
The main advantage for pupils downloading and playing this app, is that pupils can win your school sports prizes!! These prizes are worth up to £200! Each school will receive a unique reference code that they share with pupils, who use this when they login to the game.
Where do I get the App?
Download and share the link from the 17 April -
Why do we need to promote Healthy Lunches?
Recent evidence suggests that only 1% of packed lunches are healthy!
We hope from children playing the game they are able to identify the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods.
The children will find out further information regarding the app during an assembly on 1st May.

We Walk for Water
On Friday 27th April, we will be hosting a non-uniform day in aid of WE Walk for Water. The WE Walk for Water campaign is run by the WE Movement, who believe that every person has a right to clean water. Throughout some developing countries women and girls have to walk 3.7 miles each day to collect water, which is often contaminated.
This year, WE Movement are running their first international event, where children from around the world will be coming together in solidarity to Walk for Change. At Broadford we will be walking with the other children around the world; each class will walk two laps of the school field, the pupils are invited to wear non-school uniform and pay 50p per family towards the WE Walk for Water campaign.
All money raised will go towards providing clean water to villages in WE Villages throughout developing countries. Every £15 raised gives one person access to clean water for life.
We appreciate your support with this fantastic cause and look forward to raising money in a fun and exciting way.

Music Tuition
We are fortunate to have an extremely talented and passionate music teacher, Cornelius Orasanu, who will visit the school weekly to teach pupils how to play the guitar and piano.
Guitar lessons will take place in a group of 4-5 and piano lessons will be taught individually.
The cost of the sessions are £5 for guitar and £9 for piano. If you qualify for pupil premium funding then you could receive a discount on tuition fees. Contact Mrs Taylor at the office to confirm if you are eligible or not.
We have some extra space available so we are now able to open up applications to year 5 pupils. If you are interested in your child participating in these lessons then please register your interest by clicking on the link below.

Summer Sun
We are very lucky to be experiencing this warmer weather so early in the Summer term. I would like to ask all parents to ensure that children have sun protection applied before they arrive at school. . It is also recommended that children bring caps/hats into school to wear during outdoor times. We will ensure that pupils have access to plenty of water throughout the day to keep them fully hydrated. Thank you for your support and co-operation in this matter.

Clubs will begin for the Summer term on Monday 30th April. Mrs Charlesworth and Mrs Chance are busy distributing the clubs and will be sending letter out next week.

Havering Catering Services
Apologies for the confusion with the menu this week. Havering catering services have produced a new menu which is in place until October.
Week beginning Monday 23rd April is week 2 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.20.
On Wednesday 25th April the kitchen are cooking a special Barnyard Bash menu. Menu choices will be sent home with the pupils. The cost of the special menu is £2.20 via sQuid and free for Infant aged pupils.

Weekly Attendance
KS1: -  90.61%      KS2: - 94.78% Overall:  92.69%
Congratulations to Redwood and Maple who top the attendance table this week.  
I am delighted to inform you that Cherry class won the Spring term attendance league and will enjoy a their reward trip to Jump Evolution.

E for Excellence Winners
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Deivydas Kuras
Bayleigh Parsons
Maysa Basilio
Bonnie Martin
Frankie Mulqueen
Joshua Lott
Ella Hemsworth
James Wise
Saarah Khan
David Basilio
Elsie Rose Elsdon-Skehill
Libby Northwood
Shauna Joyett
Brooke Atkinson
Ellie Brooks
Rhianna Morton

Bradley Joy

Certificate of Presentation
The following children have presented their work beautifully and take pride in all that they do in their books.
Sky Griffiths, Tyrell Bertin

Star Writers
These children have been awarded a star writer certificate and golden pencil in recognition of their excellent writing, use of powerful vocabulary and sophisticated writing  techniques.
Kezia Wright, Mimi Wicher, Archie Patrick-Stuart, Freddie Jordan, Nathan Russell, David Mestre,

Learning Power Awards:
These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life.
These children have demonstrated effective Reciprocity this week – able to listen carefully, work collaboratively and take turns. William Ilott, Lacey Wall, Jack Dempsey, Archy Gore, Joshua Kaylor, David White., Chiduben Ani, Daisy Bones, Molly-May Harrop, Kaitlin Smethurst, Ethan Himuyandi, Lillie Mersh, Megan Skipp, Harry Kaylor, Kayne Regan-Osborn, Abdulmalik Kaka,
These children have shown that they can manage distraction, notice patterns and become absorbed in their tasks – well done for your Resilience certificate.
Georgia Chilvers, Alisha March, Zara Satti
These children have managed to show that they can plan and revise ideas to earn their Reflectiveness certificate.
Ellis Curtis-Rich, Ashlee Wright, Zac Borland, Samuel Hatwell, Grace Leadbitter
Being able to show that you can make links between ideas and showing imagination demonstrates resourcefulness.
These pupils have been awarded their Resourcefulness certificate this week: They have shown curiosity, made link between ideas, demonstrated imagination, reasoned methodically and capitalised on resources.
Ty Sutton, Lukas Smirnovas, Mikkileigh Williamson, Charlie Ilott, Daniel Tonu, Courtney Janes, Indianna Roy,

Learning Challenge
These children have been working hard at home and extending their knowledge through their learning challenge work.
Ife Ogochukwu-Ijehor, Naleli Sibanda

Reading Awards
In recognition of the pupils’ ability to devour books, immerse themselves in stories and read relentlessly at home.
Steven Mihai-Stoian
Bronze reader award
Georgia Chilvers, Anna Sapesko, Kyla Kamau
Silver reader award
Viviana Cherukuri,
Gold reader award
Ife Ogochukwu-Ijehor, Danny Constable, Oliver Dodd, Thomas Cen, Awwal Asimiyu, Hussameldin Bashir, Hannah Wellings,
Platinum reader award
Charlie Grant, Preston McGuire

Team Broadford Awards
These children have been giving up their own time to make our school better for the whole community.
Bronze awards - Laura Olatunji
Silver reward - Nicole Alao
Gold reward - Chloe Kirk, Lilly Reynolds (Prestige)

Maths Challenge
These pupils have used their ability to think both mathematically and creatively to solve maths challenges.
Fayo Ayodola

Happy Teacher
These children have made their teachers smile and kept them smiling all week.
Arya Shah, Tegan Sage, Sienna Nickson, Jack Eve, Yazmin Satti, Summer Wingrove, Kiera Taylor, Charis Jones

Tracker Awards
These children have been working hard and achieving academic success and therefore have earned themselves the following rewards.  
Bronze certificate - Fay Ayodola (Second Prestige)
Silver certificate - Archie Baker
Diamond Tracker - Nina Joshi, Maisie Moss, Jolene Frimpong
Platinum certificate - Nancy Rack
Star certificate - Rashida Sillah (Prestige), Sophie Daflon

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Nicholls

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