Wednesday 18 April 2018

Veggie Run - Healthy App

Veggie Run, the newly developed healthy app only for Havering Primary and Junior school children is launching on the 17 April.

What is the aim?
The app aims to create healthy competition amongst primary and Junior school children, where they learn to dodge unhealthy foods and get rewarded by collecting fruit and vegetables.

Why get the App?
The main advantage for pupils downloading and playing this app, is that pupils can win your school sports prizes!! These prizes are worth up to £200! Each school will receive a unique reference code that they share with pupils, who use this when they login to the game.

Where do I get the App?
Download and share the link from the 17 April -

Why do we need to promote Healthy Lunches?
Recent evidence suggests that only 1% of packed lunches are healthy!

We hope from children playing the game they are able to identify the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods.

What can they win?
Each term Havering Council will reward the top performing primary, junior, Infant schools and pupils with the following prizes.
Top performing schools will receive the following prizes based on the results at the end of the Summer term 2018.
  • 1st Prize - Everyone Active Hertfordshire Mavericks Netball Coaching session
  • 2nd Prize – Danson Hockey Coaching session
  • 3rd Prize –3 hours at Noak Hill Sports Complex - Tennis Courts
  • 4th Prize - Starter pack – From the Sports Collective 
  • 5th Prize - 5 A-Day Character Resource Pack
  • SQuid - Each term the top performing twelve students on Veggie Run will receive one week’s worth of meals (5 x £2.20) applied to their sQuid catering purse.
  • 2 bikes per term for the top performing girl and boy aged up to 11 years old plus cycle helmet.
  • Buy one get one free swimming at Hornchurch & Central Park Leisure Centres (250 children will receive vouchers directly via the game until September 2018) One parent can swim for free if child is aged under at eight years.
  • Free piece of fruit with every kids meal purchased over £3, (250 vouches to be won until September 2018, redeem at Hornchurch Café, Harrow leisure centre)
If any pupils/parents wish to support the app online please use #VeggieRun, as we would love to capture feedback. If any children have any budding ideas about how we can promote Veggie Run we would like to hear from them, as they could become the face of Havering’s Veggie Run.