Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls
Dear Parents and Carers,
Ready, Steady, Cook
We had a wonderful day in school on Monday with a KS2 ready steady cook competition in the morning and fitness and smoothie sessions for Reception and KS1 in the afternoon. The children learned about balanced meals and including all of the food groups to ensure that our bodies have enough vitamins and minerals to function properly. The teams created two delicious dishes tandoori Salmon, pilau rice and sag aloo and Parmesan chicken, spring onion pasta and chunky saucy salad. They meals were quick and easy to cook and absolutely fantastic. If you would like to create these dishes at home we will post the recipes for you to try out.
Sporting Success
It has been a wonderful week for sporting events with our pupils taking part in an indoor athletics tournament and a basketball competition. Once again our pupils did us proud, and the teams came 3rd out of 18 schools for the athletics and runners up in the basketball competition. Well done to all involved and great teamwork guys!
Reception Admissions September 2019
If your child is looking to join our school in Reception 2019, it is vital that you complete your application completed by 15th January or it is likely you miss out. Last year we had over 190 applications for just 90 places. Even with the extra class, we have more expressions of interest than we have places – YOU MUST APPLY! Attending our Nursery will have no impact on your application. Many parents mistakenly believe that a place in the Nursery = a place in Reception… it doesn’t!
Christmas Concerts
Letters were sent home this week giving ticket details for all of the Christmas Concerts. Reception, year 1 & 2 parents must returned their preferences for morning or afternoon tickets by Wednesday 5th December, teachers will send tickets home on Thursday 6th December. All other year groups will have received 2 tickers for your child’s performance date.
December Dates
Friday 7th December
Children will decorate their House Christmas trees
Bedtime stories for EYFS & KS1
Monday 10th December
9.15 & 2.00 - KS1 Nativity (Years 1&2)
Tuesday 11th December
10.30 & 2.00 - EYFS Nativity (Nursery & Reception)
Wednesday 12th December
Christmas dinner day
Thursday 13th December
2.00 - Year 3 Carol concert
Friday 14th December
Christmas jumper day
2.00 - Year 5 Carol concert
Monday 17th December
2.00 - Year 6 Carol concert
5.00 - Year 4 carol concert @ St George’s Church
Tuesday 18th December
Christmas party day
Year 4 pupils visiting the Queens theatre
Wednesday 19th December
Autumn Term finishes
Dairy Dates - Monday 3rd December - Friday 7th December
On Monday afternoon year 6 boys continue with their outdoor pursuits course. Year 4 Mary Poppins creative sessions continue.
On Wednesday the winners of this term reading league will be enjoying their reward for this terms success. The dental nurses are in school to continue with the fluoride dental varnish programme. LAMDA lessons continue in the afternoon.
On Thursday, we warmly invite all parents who wish to attend to an information meeting regarding speech and language. In the afternoon some members of the choir are going to sing carols at the Betty Strathern center.
On Friday pupils will be decorating their house Christmas trees to try and earn more house points for their teams. After school we invite all pupils in Nursery, Reception, year 1 and year 2 to the annual Christmas stories around the fire event. Which I have no doubt will be as magical as ever.
Stay & Learn Sessions
We invite all parents & carers to join us for this half term parents information session.
Thursday 6th December @ 9.00 am focus speech and language development.
After school Clubs
It is that time again to consider which clubs you will be interested in ready for the new school spring term. We shall be continuing to offer a variety of clubs. Please follow the link to apply for your child’s after school clubs.
Ensure that you have completed one form per child by Friday 7th December.
The final after school club for the Autumn term will be on Friday 14th December.
School Chef of the Year
Congratulations to our school cook, Michelle Creed, who has once again been crowned regional winner for the Chef of the Year competition for the London region. Well done Michelle we are very proud of you. Good luck for the final which is being held early in 2019.
Christmas Dinner
School Christmas dinner day is on Wednesday 12th December. There is a choice of turkey or quorn and the dinner costs £2.20 and is payable via sQuid. The universal free school meal offer is still applicable for our KS1/EYFS pupils.
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning Monday 3rd December is week 3 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.20. School meals are free to our KS1/EYFS pupils.
Weekly Attendance
KS1 96.24% KS2 97% Overall: 97%
Congratulations to Chestnut and Hazel who top the attendance table this week. Well done to everyone we reached our target again this week.
E for Excellence Winners
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Certificate of Presentation
The following children have been recognised for the beautifully presented work in their books. They clearly take pride in all that they do and are doing their best in every lesson.
Gracee May, Grace, Matthew, Libby, Tiggy
Star Writers
These children have been awarded a star writer certificate and golden pencil in recognition of their excellent writing, use of powerful vocabulary and sophisticated writing techniques. Gabriela, Sophia, Kyla, Charlie, Lucian, Blake, Tyler, Haliya, Noah,
Ellie, Abdulkarim, Chiwendu, Laura, Lucas, Amy
Ellie, Abdulkarim, Chiwendu, Laura, Lucas, Amy
Learning Power Awards
These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life.
These children have shown interdependence, collaborated effectively, listened to others, displayed empathy and have imitated effective ideas and methods from others.
Ketty, Tristan, Paris, Aimee, Kyla, Asad, Starla
These pupils have planned carefully, revised ides, identified key features and can talk about their learning.
Samuel, Archie, Oliver, Adi, Ronnie, Miraz, William,
These children have demonstrated perseverance, managed distractions, noticed patterns and been absorbed in their tasks.
Charlie, Alice, Charlie, Finley, Grace, Dominic, Thea-Rose
These pupils have been curious about learning, made links between ideas, shown imagination, reasoned methodically and capitalised on resources.
Klaidi, Freddie, Ellie, Arya, Harry, Jacob, Simran, Flynn, Tiffany, Anushri
Teacher Happy
These children ensure that their teacher is always happy and smiling.
Mia, Princess Agape, Jaevon
Reading Awards
In recognition of the pupils’ ability to devour books, immerse themselves in stories and read relentlessly at home.
Molly-May, Rashid, Manreet, Eleni, Lily-Anne
Bronze reader award
Klaidi, Kanishka, Tommy, Indie, Louisa, William, Annabel, Anushri
Silver reader award
John, Elise, Victoria
Gold reader award
Charlie, Ehan
Maths Challenge
These pupils have used their ability to think both mathematically and creatively to solve maths challenges.
Gracee May, Archie, Hannah
Tracker Awards
These children have been working hard and achieving academic success and therefore have earned themselves the following rewards.
Bronze certificate - Shivangi, Ellie-Jane, Freddie, Faizah, Fatimah, Alice (prestige), Reuben (prestige), Medeea, Caden
Silver pencil - Lily (prestige)
Silver certificate - Kanishka (prestige)
Golden bookmark - Taylor, Tiren
Golden certificate - Alexandru, George, Sophia, Naiara, Amelia
Platinum prize - Amelia, Archie, Steven, Elsie-Rose, Callie
Platinum certificate - Courtney
Diamond certificate - Malachi
Star certificate - Harry, Maisy
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Nicholls