Friday, 24 July 2020
Back to School - Wider Opening of Schools September 2020
Sunday, 19 July 2020
Term Dates 2020-21 and INSET days
Autumn Term
Monday 7th September - Friday 23rd October
Monday 2nd November - Friday 18th December
Spring Term
Monday 4th January - Friday 12th February
Monday 22nd February - Thursday 1st April
Summer Term
Monday 19th April - Friday 28th May
Monday 7th June - Friday 23rd July
INSET Days 2020-2021
Thursday 3rd September | Friday 4th September | Monday 22nd February | Friday 28th May | Friday 23rd July |
We also say goodbye to Mr McLucas who is returning to his role at The Boleyn Trust. I would like to thank him for looking after Broadford during my time of maternity.
Please join me in sending Mrs Ward best wishes as she starts her maternity leave and prepares for her new arrival. We are all looking forward to meeting both bundles of joy soon. Best wishes from us all.
End of the Academic Year
The past few months have been a really worrying time for everyone, and now more than ever before, we have needed to remain connected as a community. I am so proud of how everyone in our school community has worked to keep each other safe and strong together. Our school building has not been the same place without the sounds of laughter, signs of friendship and lots of learning. However, we know that staying in touch in other ways is helping us all get through these difficult times. Over the summer break please continue to check the website, Facebook and twitter feeds for the updated information regarding return to school in September. You will also be able to see what your friends are getting up to over the summer and where, what and who they have been reading to. Believe me, we can’t wait to see you back in September. Monday 7th is 52 days away but I am counting down until the day when the classrooms are filled with our pupils again, just as it should be.
Thank you and a huge well done to all children for learning at home! The teachers who have been setting the learning activities have loved seeing and hearing how you have been getting on. Also well done and thank you to the grown- ups at home! We know how hard it has been to juggle everything at the moment, we truly appreciate the time you have taken to support your children’s learning.
It is very difficult to manage the concept of social distancing with children, and I understand how hard it must be to keep them safe at home day after day. Thank you – we remain in this together.
However, challenging September proves to be, we will face it together, I am sure that I will get to speak with many of you at the gate on Monday 7th. I wish you all a restful and relaxing summer, please stay safe and well.
Return to School: Monday 7th September
We are looking forward to welcoming back pupils in years 1 - 6 on Monday 7th September. We are currently planning for the safety of our pupils and following the guidance that has been provided by local and central government. However, this guidance changes regularly, so therefore I appreciate your patience at this time. We are looking forward to ALL pupils returning to school and we will share our plans with you as soon as we have them finalised and we are more certain that there will be any significant changes.
Summer Reading Challenge & Activities
Each summer Mrs Mcfarlane runs the reading competition where you have to get caught with a book in an unusual place.
As travelling may be a little more difficult than in previous years, we would like to see you reading with family members and friends as you reunite.
All you need to do is snap a photo of your child reading their book at a social distance and message it to us via the school Facebook page, or email it to
Mrs Mcfarlane will judge the winning entries on return to school in September, with the best photos earning a prize and certificate… so get reading!
If you are stuck for ideas on what to do this holiday, take a look at the ‘50 things to do this summer’ list. A lot of the ideas are free, simple and can be carried out with friends, siblings or even on your own. If you manage to complete one or more of the activities make sure you take a photo and send it to us via the school Facebook page, or email it to Look out on the blog to see what all of your friends are up too this six weeks!
Friday, 17 July 2020
Year 6 Leavers
It's been a bizarre year for our year 6 pupils but we are all incredibly proud of how you have all managed throughout these difficult times. We all feel sad that we were unable to give you the year 6 experience that we were hoping for and which you all deserve. Despite this, you have worked hard, tried your best and kept us all entertained with your funny jokes and stories. I do hope that you have taken some time to look back fondly at your time at Broadford. Throughout your time at school, you have shown yourselves to be an exceptionally kind and caring year group. At every opportunity, you have impressed people with your sensible attitudes and wonderful sense of fun. This group of children started at Broadford the same year that I did and it will not seem the same without them. We wish them good luck and know they all have bright futures ahead.
We all hope that very soon we will be able to invite you all back for a leavers event which will be an opportunity for you to impress us again, to have fun and most of all say a proper farewell.
Weekly Newsletter - Friday 17th July, 2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
End of the Academic Year
The past few months have been a really worrying time for everyone, and now more than ever before, we have needed to remain connected as a community. I am so proud of how everyone in our school community has worked to keep each other safe and strong together. Our school building has not been the same place without the sounds of laughter, signs of friendship and lots of learning. However, we know that staying in touch in other ways is helping us all get through these difficult times. Over the summer break please continue to check the website, Facebook and twitter feeds for the updated information regarding return to school in September. You will also be able to see what your friends are getting up to over the summer and where, what and who they have been reading to. Believe me, we can’t wait to see you back in September. Monday 7th is 52 days away but I am counting down until the day when the classrooms are filled with our pupils again, just as it should be.
Thank you and a huge well done to all children for learning at home! The teachers who have been setting the learning activities have loved seeing and hearing how you have been getting on. Also well done and thank you to the grown- ups at home! We know how hard it has been to juggle everything at the moment, we truly appreciate the time you have taken to support your children’s learning.
It is very difficult to manage the concept of social distancing with children, and I understand how hard it must be to keep them safe at home day after day. Thank you – we remain in this together.
However, challenging September proves to be, we will face it together, I am sure that I will get to speak with many of you at the gate on Monday 7th. I wish you all a restful and relaxing summer, please stay safe and well.
Return to School: Monday 7th September
We are looking forward to welcoming back pupils in years 1 - 6 on Monday 7th September. We are currently planning for the safety of our pupils and following the guidance that has been provided by local and central government. However, this guidance changes regularly, so therefore I appreciate your patience at this time. We are looking forward to ALL pupils returning to school and we will share our plans with you as soon as we have them finalised and we are more certain that there will not be any significant changes.
Summer Reading Challenge & Activities
Each summer Mrs Mcfarlane runs the reading competition where you have to get caught with a book in an unusual place.
As travelling may be a little more difficult than in previous years, we would like to see you reading with family members and friends as you reunite.
All you need to do is snap a photo of your child reading their book at a social distance and message it to us via the school Facebook page, or email it to
Mrs Mcfarlane will judge the winning entries on return to school in September, with the best photos earning a prize and certificate… so get reading!
If you are stuck for ideas on what to do this holiday, take a look at the ‘50 things to do this summer’ list. A lot of the ideas are free, simple and can be carried out with friends, siblings or even on your own. If you manage to complete one or more of the activities make sure you take a photo and send it to us via the school Facebook page, or email it to Look out on the blog to see what all of your friends are up too this six weeks!
Term Dates 2020-21
Havering term dates for the academic year 2019-2020 can be found here.
Autumn Term
Monday 7th September - Friday 23rd October
Monday 2nd November - Friday 18th December
Spring Term
Monday 4th January - Friday 12th February
Monday 22nd February - Thursday 1st April
Summer Term
Monday 19th April - Friday 28th May
Thursday 3rd September
Friday 4th September
Monday 22nd February
Friday 28th May
Friday 23rd July
This week we are saying farewell to several of our teachers who are moving onto new opportunities in September. Miss Taylor, Miss Poulter, Miss Breen, Miss Metters and Miss Bell - together they have contributed over 16 years of teaching to Broadford Primary. On your behalf we would like to wish them all the best for their new roles and thank them for the positive impact they have had on our pupils and families.
We also say goodbye to Mr McLucas who is returning to his role at The Boleyn Trust. I would like to thank him for looking after Broadford during my time of maternity.
Congratulations to Miss Nicholas and her partner who welcomed a baby boy to the world and named him Oscar. Mum and baby are both doing well and we hope to be able to meet baby Oscar really soon.
Please join me in sending Mrs Ward best wishes as she starts her maternity leave and prepares for her new arrival. We are all looking forward to meeting both bundles of joy soon. Best wishes from us all.
All that leaves me to do is to wish you a relaxing and enjoyable summer break. For those of you moving on to secondary school we will miss you but we know you are well prepared for the challenges you will face and you go with our very best wishes for the future. If you are able to travel during these uncertain time, then I wish you a safe journey and we look forward to seeing you rested and refreshed for the start of the new school year on September 7th.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a lovely summer break from schooling.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Nicholls
Friday, 10 July 2020
Weekly Newsletter - Friday 10th July, 2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been wonderful to be back in school in this week and catch up with a few parents and pupils. I am looking forward to September when we can all return to our ‘new normal’. I hope that you are all staying safe and taking care of each other.
End of Year Reports
You will have received your child’s end of year report this week via email. Please be aware of the following changes:
you will receive an electronic version of your child's report. You must click on the link at the end of the report to acknowledge receipt, and to add any feedback once you have read it;
- you can discuss the report in your final telephone call with your child's class teacher. They will call you before the end of term;
- progress made by your child has been measured against mid-year curriculum targets, not end of year targets as in previous years;
- following the cancellation of the 2019/20 national curriculum assessments, the DfE has laid regulations to remove the requirement to report the outcomes of key stages 1 and 2 tests, end of year EYFS profiles or teacher assessments in this year’s reports;
- DfE has laid regulations to remove the requirement to report pupils’ attendance data for the 2019/20 academic year, in recognition of the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the possible attendance.
Meet the New Teachers and Classes
Transition is a little different this year due to it not being possible to meet you all face-to-face. This year it is more of a virtual 'meet the teacher'. We would like to share with you who your new teacher will be, what class you will based in and who else will be working with you.
Where possible, new teachers will call you to introduce themselves and say hello before the end of term.
We will still try to ensure that each child feels as confident as they can be about moving on to their new year group.
One thing we usually do is ask the children if they have any questions they would like to ask about next year? They usually have time with their new teacher who answers questions and they have time with children from the year group they are going into, to ask questions.
We would like to do a similar thing this year via our online learning platform. A form will be shared through Google Classroom on Monday for children to ask questions. Remember: no question is too silly and no question is too small.
Meet Your New Teacher Blog
Return to School: Monday 7th September
We are looking forward to welcoming back pupils in years 1 - 6 on Monday 7th September. We will be sending you details regarding arrival and dismissal procedures as soon as we have finalised plans according to the government's guidelines.
Summer Reading Challenge & Activities
Each summer Mrs Mcfarlane runs the reading competition where you have to get caught with a book in an unusual place.
As travelling may be a little more difficult than in previous years, we would like to see you reading with family members and friends as you reunite.
All you need to do is snap a photo of your child reading their book at a social distance and message it to us via the school Facebook page, or email it to
Mrs Mcfarlane will judge the winning entries on the return in September, with the best photos earning a prize and certificate… so get reading!
If you are stuck for ideas on what to do this holiday, take a look at the ‘50 things to do this summer’ list. A lot of the ideas are free, simple and can be carried out with friends, siblings or even on your own. If you manage to complete one or more of the activities make sure you take a photo and send it to us via the school Facebook page, or email it to Look out on the blog to see what all of your friends are up too this six weeks!
Term Dates 2020-21
Havering term dates for the academic year 2019-2020 can be found here.
Autumn Term
Monday 7th September - Friday 23rd October
Monday 2nd November - Friday 18th December
Spring Term
Monday 4th January - Friday 12th February
Monday 22nd February - Thursday 1st April
Summer Term
Monday 19th April - Friday 28th May
Monday 7th June - Friday 23rd July
INSET Days 2020-2021
INSET 1 - Thursday 3rd September
INSET 2 - Friday 4th September
INSET 3 - Monday 22nd February
INSET 4 - Friday 28th May
INSET 5 - Friday 23rd July
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Nicholls
Executive Headteacher Appointment
First and foremost we hope that everyone in our school community - our pupils and our families are keeping safe and well during this difficult period. We have missed being able to see you all in school every day and we are really looking forward to September when our schools will be able to reopen to all year groups.
The Autumn term will be a time for a fresh new start for all of us and we know that everyone will be full of energy and enthusiasm for the future. With this in mind we have some fantastic news for you: we are truly delighted to announce that a new Executive Headteacher has been appointed to lead The Learning Federation schools.
Mr David Denchfield will be joining us in November 2020 and brings to us a wealth of skills and experience which we are confident will be a real asset to our schools and enable our children to flourish and overcome the challenging circumstances that we have all, as a nation, experienced this year.
David is very much looking forward to getting to know you all and meeting your children later in the Autumn term and will be sending his own personal message to you.
We wish you a safe and enjoyable Summer and will keep you fully updated with future news and developments
Alan Kemp
On behalf of the Governing Board of The Learning Federation
🔎 Look who! WC 06/07/2020
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Virtual 'Meet the Teacher'.
We will still try to ensure that each child feels as confident as they can be about moving on to their new year group.
One thing we usually do is ask the children if they have any questions they would like to ask about next year? They usually have time with their new teacher who answers questions and they have time with children from the year group they are going into, to ask questions.
We would like to do a similar thing this year via our online learning platform. A form will be shared through Google Classroom on Monday for children to ask questions. Remember: no question is too silly and no question is too small.
Virtual Sports Week - Final Day!
Name | Activity 9: Bottle Flip |
Equipment |
Description | Pour roughly 125ml of water into the bottle and screw the cap on tightly. The contestant must try and flip the water bottle onto the table, getting the bottle to land upright. They have 60 seconds to complete as many landings as they can. If the bottle doesn’t land upright just pick it up and try again. |
Scoring | 2 points are awarded for each completed landing. |
Demonstration video link | |
Name | Activity 10: Dizzy Divas |
Equipment |
Description | The contestant starts behind the first marker. They put the stick to their forehead and then (looking down) complete 10 full 360-degree rotations. Then they must run to the second marker and back. Once back they complete another 10 rotations before setting off again. They complete as many lengths of the track as they can in 60 seconds. |
Scoring | 3 points are awards for each full length. |
Demonstration Video Link |
Thursday, 9 July 2020
Virtual Sports Week - Thursday
Name | Activity 7: Dance-Off! |
Equipment |
Description | Each contestant must plan and perform a 60 second dance routine. It can be to any music and in any style they choose. In turns the contestants perform their dance routines for each other. |
Scoring | 3 points are awards for each 20 seconds performed (maximum 9 points). |
Demonstration video link |
Name | Activity 8: Clock Jump |
Equipment | 4 markers |
Description | Lay out 4 markers at the 12, 3, 6 and 9 positions of a clockface (each roughly 3 feet from the center point). The contestant begins stood in the center of the markers. Once the timer begins, they must jump towards each marker and back. So, for 12 they jump forwards and then back, for 3 they jump right and then left, for 6 they jump back and then forwards, and for 9 they jump right and then left. Once they get round to the 12 they start again, completing as many rotations as they can in 60 seconds. |
Scoring | 2 points are awarded for each full rotation of the clock. |
Demonstration video link |
Wednesday, 8 July 2020
Virtual Sports Week - Wednesday
Name | Activity 5: Assault Course |
Equipment | Random objects of your choosing- be creative! |
Description | Create a safe assault course using random items of your choosing. For example, you could have a duvet you need to crawl under or flower pots that you walk across like stepping stones. Be as creative as you can, but make sure it is safe. The contestant has 60 seconds to complete as many circuits of the assault course as they can. When you get to the end, run back around to the start and begin the next circuit. |
Scoring | 2 points are awarded for each full circuit. |
Demonstration video link |
Name | Activity 6: Sack Race |
Equipment |
Description | The contestant has 60 seconds to complete as many lengths of the track as they can, with their feet inside the sack. They use two footed jumps to move forward. |
Scoring | 2 points are awarded for each full length. |
Demonstration video link |