Friday 24 July 2020

Back to School - Wider Opening of Schools September 2020

Dear parents and carers, 

Over the summer holidays as things and classrooms in schools return to some sort of new normality, we are busy looking at ways to follow Government and Public Health guidelines in making school safe and secure for all year groups to return in September. 

Whilst the spread of infection is steadily reducing, we still do have to be mindful that it is 'still with us' so we still need to ensure we have effective measures in place. The Department for Education (DfE) and Secretary of State for Education, Gavin Williamson have advised that classes can resume in September in larger 'bubbles', these being normal class sizes and year groups. However, they still advise against multiple groups of children and also adults gathering within and around school. Therefore, there will be some initial changes. The most significant for you as parents and carers are changes to the start and finish times and the ways in which children will enter and exit school at these times. Please refer below:

Please refer to the letter that you have received from school staff regarding your child's start date. 

Please refer to the letter that you have received from school staff regarding your child's start date. 

Years 1-6
All pupils must enter the school site via the large vehicle gate towards the bottom of the hill on Farringdon Avenue. Children will make their way into the playground and stand on the coloured spot according to their class. Their teachers will be there to meet them and accompany them to their classrooms. During this time we ask parents to drop pupils at the gate to minimise the amount of people on the school site. 

Parents are asked to enter the school site via the large vehicle gate towards the bottom of the hill on Farringdon Avenue. Please stand on a spot which corresponds to your child's class. The teachers will dismiss the pupils when they can see who is collecting them. Once you have collected your child please exit the site via the gate on Farringdon Avenue by the new hall or if you have a buggy, bike or scooter you can exit the via the vehicle gate. Please observe the barriers to ensure there is enough room for all. 

There will be members of staff available in the morning and afternoon to assist you. 

8.30 am - 2.50 pm 
Year 4 & Year 6

8.40 am - 3.00 pm 
Year 1 & Year 2
For the first week, year 1 parents are invited to accompany year 1 pupils into the playground to support them. 

8.50 am - 3.10 pm 
Year 3 & Year 5

If you have children in different year groups please contact us via a direct message and we will discuss the options with you. 
Can I ask that only 1 parents brings and collects your child/children so that we can avoid gatherings on school premises. Please ensure that you drop off and arrive at the correct time to ensure that there are a minimum amount of people in one place at any one time. The main school office will also be used for emergencies only. Please use the email address below for communication with staff, again to reduce the possible spread of infection. 

Playtimes and lunchtimes are going to be staggered within year group bubbles of the school. We will not be holding school assemblies but the children will still have daily reflection and celebration time but this will be class based for the time being. Unfortunately, after school clubs will not run for the first half term and then this will be reviewed. The reason for this is because of cross infection and the spread of infection as children from multiple classes or bubbles attend and agin, we have been advised against this. 
We will be providing a breakfast club, however this will need to be booked in advance. There will be further information about this before we return in September. 

As I am sure you understand, the logistics of getting school back on track is going to be a long one and one that takes a lot of planning! However, what we need to remember is that we will get through this as a school community, supporting each other for the health, safety and education of our children. 

On Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th September, the staff are meeting for INSET, where we will be finalising plans for the curriculum, recovery and reconnection. Recovery from being apart, from lost of learning, from what life has been like and also reconnecting as a school family. 

Please remember, the safety of your children and our staff comes first in all of these plans. If we feel that anyone is at risk, we will review, assess and change if necessary. Please try not to worry, please take care and continue to stay safe. I would also like to state that this information is provisional, in that it might change over the summer depending on Government advice, however, I will keep you informed before return in September. 

As always, that you for your continuous support, care and helpfulness, especially in the recent months.


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