Thursday 30 March 2023

Junior Duke Award

 First Aid

The children have been learning how to contact the emergency services for different scenarios and being able to recite their own address and telephone number. They practised this using a house phone and a mobile phone.

They had to know and be able to put a casulatly into the Recovery position and learn these guidelines and be able to re - enact when being assessed.

In the event of an accident:

1. Check for danger. Ensure that neither you nor the casulalty is in further danger.

2. Check for a response.

3. Shout for help.

4. Assess whether you need to call the emergency services. What information would they need to be told?

5. Do not allow the pateient to eat or drink and know why

6. If the person is bleding badly, cover the wound with a clean dry cloth, apply pressure (if it is approriate) and, if possibl, raise the injured part.

The children then had to complete a self reflection

Thank you to Mrs Johnston who led the session for us.

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