Friday 11 September 2015

Fact Hunters:

This week we have had a tremendous number of interesting facts being shared by the children. Congratulations to the following children who have amazed us with their ability to hunt out interesting snippets of information:

Bobby Peek
Did you know that earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault? This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the ground shake.

Freddie Lewis
Amazingly the Giant sequoia is the largest species of tree on Earth! It can reach 164 to 279 feet in height and 20 to 26 feet in diameter. It has deeply furrowed bark that is 3 feet thick and brown in color.

Megan Lewis
Incredibly the Cedar tree can reach from 98 to 131 feet in height and around 8 feet in diameter (trunk)!

Bonnie Martin
Did you know that lions consume between 10 and 25 pounds of prey a day?

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