Tuesday 14 March 2017

Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day

This year Broadford Primary is raising money for Red Nose Day 2017.

On Friday 24th March, we will be taking part in a red themed fundraising day to raise as much as we can. On the day, normal school uniform must be worn but for a voluntary £1 per family the children can wear something red. For example: a t-shirt, a jumper, a dress, a headband, trousers or even a pair of socks/tights.

During the morning of the 24th, we will be holding a coffee and cake morning from 9:15 to 11:00 in the New Hall. We would like to take this opportunity to invite parents, carers and grandparents to join us.

Throughout the week, we will be holding a ‘Cage the Teacher’ voting ballot where the children can pay 50p to vote for the teacher they would like to ‘Cage’. On Friday, the teacher with the most votes will be caged on the playground for the duration of the lunch time. They may even get a slightly wet surprise!

If you are able to, please provide your child with some change for the day in order to buy cakes, take part in the activities and donate. If parents would like to donate a contribution, the collection box will be located in the office from Monday 20th March for the duration of the week.

The money we raise will help people who live really tough lives in the UK and across Africa. For example, £2.50 could buy a mosquito net to protect a family in Africa. In the UK, £5 could pay for an isolated elderly person with dementia to have dinner at their local support group. On their behalf, thank you in advance for your generous donations.

We will also be using Red Nose Day as a learning opportunity to help our pupils explore the issues facing young children across the world, and how the money we raise can help. We really appreciate your support and hope that you’ll have fun helping Broadford Primary raise lots of money for Red Nose Day.

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