Friday 8 September 2017

Weekly Newsletter - Friday 8th September, 2017

Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome Back
It has been great to see all the children back from the summer break this week. All pupils have returned with enthusiasm and are purposeful about the start of the new school year.
I am looking forward to another amazing year, although I am not quite sure where we go from being crowned ‘School of the year’. I know you all agree with me that it is a privilege to be part of the Broadford community and I am sure that you share my optimism for Broadford’s bright future.
I want us all to be confident that Broadford is going to move on, grow and become even better. I cherish and celebrate Broadford’s unique vision and values. Together we have built a community that is unlike many other schools and I am certain that we are going to stay true to that—it is in our DNA. We are going to continue to provide your children with the best education that we possibly can and delight them with the all of the opportunities available to them.
The incredible support from yourselves has been inspiring. I am confident our best years lie ahead of us and that together we will continue to drive forward to sustain Broadford as a magical place for your children to come to everyday.
Your continuous support and commitment is as always very much appreciated.

SLT - Senior Leadership Team
I am delighted to inform you of the names and roles of the Senior Leadership Team for Broadford this academic year. As Headteacher I am ably supported by three Assistant Headteachers (AHT).    
Mrs Joanne Stanley - AHT (EYFS & KS1) Professional Development & Director of the Teaching School
Mrs Jane Wallis - AHT (KS2) SEND & Inclusion
Mrs Georgina Ward - AHT (KS2) & Curriculum
We are always happy to answer any questions you may have. We will be on the gate every morning for you to speak to in person and to help you with any enquiries.

Pupil Jobs and Homework Expectations
For our established parents you already know that we accept only the best at Broadford. We achieve this by working together with our families and emphasizing some key values. Pupils are expected to:
1. Turn up every day on time
2. Do their best in every lesson
3. Be kind and polite to everyone that they meet
Parents and carers are expected to:
1. Ensure that our children arrive on time for school and ready to learn:
a. We will have provided our children with a healthy breakfast
b. They will have warm clean clothing
c. We will make sure they have the right equipment for school (book bag, reading record, PE kit)
2.     We will support our children’s learning at home through:
a. Reading regularly
b. Helping them to practise their spellings and mental maths
c. Encouraging them in their interests
3.      We will model politeness and kindness to every-one we meet
We will ensure that our staff are professional, approachable and focused on making sure that every child in their care achieves their full potential. Working together we can continue to deliver outstanding results for our pupils so that they have every chance of going on to succeed at the next stage of their education.

All pupils are expected to continue their learning at home. Or years 1-6 there are three core elements for this:
  1. Pupils must read every night 15 mins (this may involve an adult reading them a bedtime story)
  2. Pupils must practise their spellings for 15 mins ready for the test on Friday
  3. Pupils must practise their times tables for 15 mins a night
In addition to this we have a Learning Challenge which is set by every Year group. This helps to give ideas on how the children can enrich their learning by looking at specific paintings, composers, poems and significant people. We would anticipate  that it takes around 4-6 weeks for your child to complete the activities. They choose to do this and can take on as many elements as they wish. Pupils learning challenge work will be celebrated and rewarded.   

Shared mailboxes and communication
Don’t forget that you can contact staff using the shared mailboxes. They are checked daily and can be used to ask questions, pass on information or check details:

If you would prefer an appointment please call into the office to fix a time.

To ensure that we continue to be environmentally friendly and in order to reduce our carbon footprint we have been circulating our newsletter online via the school website, blog and facebook page. If you would like to continue to receive a paper copy or an electronic copy of the newsletter via email  please come into the office and inform Mrs Taylor. If you do not make a specific request you will be able to access the newsletter on the school blog and facebook page every Friday. I am sure you will agree with us that this is going a long way towards us becoming a ‘greener’ school and working towards a better future for all of our children.  

Changes to the School Day
Thank you to all parents for their co-operation and support this week in regards to changes to the school day. Lunchtimes have run very smoothly and the pupils have adjusted to the new routines and systems perfectly. We are aware that at the end of the day the school grounds become very congested. This is due to the fact that the after school clubs are not running at the moment and the increased pupils numbers in year 1 this year.  I am sure you will appreciate that we want to ensure that  all pupils are dismissed from school safely at 3.00 pm. To this end can I remind all parents/carers of end of day arrangements. Please enter the school grounds via the KS1 door and make your way to your child’s classroom and teachers will dismiss the children from the classrooms. All pupils and adults must continue to follow the one way system and exit through the side door. We are looking at alternative ways to manage this time of day, unfortunately as we are waiting for building work to start we cannot use the gates in the playground which we have in the past. During this time we must be considerate to each other as the safety of all pupils is paramount.  Your help and support in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Broadford Primary School is now  a cashless school. All dinners, breakfast club and trips  need to be paid for through the sQuid system.
Parents/Carers should register, for each child and deposit the money to pay for breakfast, lunch and trips via the online system. Everyone must register for an account even if your child receives a free school meal. If you have difficulties setting up or accessing your account Mrs Taylor & Mrs West will be more than happy to help you.

Havering catering Services
Week beginning 11th September  is week 3 on the Havering Catering Services menu. The price of a meal at lunchtime is £2.20.

New Staff & New Names
We are absolutely thrilled to welcome new members of staff to the Broadford team.
Miss Molly Powderly - Aspen
Ms Mel Jennings - Mulberry
Miss Kim Hurrell - Pine
Mr Brenden Jackson - Cedar
Mr Chris White - Hazel
Miss Rosie Daly - Ash
Miss Holly Hubbard - Rowan
Miss Elizabeth Evans - Sports coach

It gives me great pleasure to announce that Miss Barron & her partner finally tied the knot. We hope that they both enjoyed their  wonderful wedding day and have  a very happy life together. Miss Barron will now be known as Mrs Ward. .

Key Dates for the Autumn Term

Monday 18th September
School closed for INSET
Monday 11th December
KS1 Nativity 9.15 / 2.30
Monday 16th October
Parents Evening 1
Tuesday 12th December
EYFS Nativity 10.30/2.30
Tuesday 17th October
Parents Evening 2
Thursday 14th December
Year 5/6 Carol Concert 2.15
Friday 20th October
Last day of half term
Monday 18th December TBC
Year 3 Carol Concert 2.00 pm
Year 4 Carol Concert 6.00 pm @ St. George’s Church
Monday 30th October
Pupils back to school
Wednesday 20th December
Last day of term

INSET Dates & Polling Day  for 2017-18
Please note the school closure dates for this academic year.
INSET day 1
INSET day 2
INSET day 3
Polling Day
INSET day 4
INSET day 5
4th Sep
18th Sep
9th Feb
3rd May
25th May
29th June

E for Excellence Winners

These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Nicole Alao
Kaitlin Smethurst
Augustas Baradinskas
Jaydon Holloway
Tutu Omisore
Gavin Butler
Klaidi Krasniqi
Asroosh Valliani
Sophie Daflon
Mikkileigh Williamson
Isabelle Curtis-Rich
Bobby Skipp
Zac Nickson
Fitzroy Bamgbelu

I hope you all enjoy a fabulous weekend.
Yours sincerely,

Mrs L Nicholls


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