This time we are starting a new intiative, which we hope will further include you in what your children do in school. On each letter there will be a slip for you to return with any ideas for areas you would like your child to cover within the topics suggested.
For instance Year 5&6 are studying the Tudors. Perhaps you would like to know more about how Henry VIII executed his wives? Maybe you have always wondered what the 'Tudor Rose' is or are you just curious about the Queen who only ruled for nine days. Just jot down any questions you would like answered or areas you'd like your child to explore and we will do our best to use them in our planning.
Combine this with parent information meetings, parents training sessions, questionnaires, regular newsletters, open days, parents evening, yearly reports, an improved website and an open door policy and it means you should feel involved in what your child is studying. At Broadford we are committed to empowering parents to feel able to support their child/children so that they have the best chance for success. Together we can make a real difference.
Look out for the diary list which will give dates for computer training and chances to meet with Governors this term.
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