Dear Ward Member,
Thank you to all those that attended the last meeting. We are going from strength to strength although there is always room for more, adding to the depth and value of these meetings. Please feel free to post on other net working sights that you believe will improve our attendance.
PCSO 7138 Alanna Yeomans
Gooshays Neighbourhood Policing Team
Open Meeting 4th February 2016 1900-2000hours
Venue Myplace Dagnam Park Drive
Attending:- PC Elliott
PC Scott
PCSO Alanna Yeomans
Councillor Dave Johnson
Don Tait Friends of Dagnam Park
Dave Ainsworth Resident
Jennifer Murphy Resident
James O’Connor Resident
Ben Clow Community warden
Claire Mitchell Community Warden
Margaret Dodd Resident
Colin Dodd Resident
Pearl Osborne Resident
Jan Sargent Resident
Ionut Barbu Resident
Dominic Fennell
David Turner Trading Standards
Meeting opened at 1900hrs
1. Introductions round room
2. Apologies for absence
Mark O’Brien Ward Panel Chair/Resident
Councillor Lawrence Webb
Councillor Patricia Rumble
Lindsay Taylor BETRA
3. Confirmed minutes from previous meeting.
Minutes Agreed
4. Matters arising from previous minutes.
5. Crime figures
PCSO Alanna Yeomans presented the Burglary figures for the period 12/011/2015- 04/02/2016and same period 2014-2015 there had been a decrease in 2015-2016.
James O’Connor asked about offering Smart Water to effected areas. It was discussed that the product was now renamed Met Trace and selected hot spot areas were being targeted, addresses were being re-attended to obtain a minimum 80% acceptance in each street.
19:15 Ionut Barbu entered room
PCSO Alanna Yeomans presented the Motor Vehicle figures for the period 12/11/2015- 104/02/2016 and same period 2014-2015 the figures showed a significant drop in the Theft from motor vehicles and criminal damage to motor vehicles.
Jenifer Murphy commented that Harold Hill was not designed for the volume of cars that it now has and it will keep increasing with the new builds.
6. Input from David Turner of Trading Standards
David Turner explained the Banking Protocol and gave some recent examples of its success on the Borough; Operation Sterling is seeing the Banking Protocol rolled out across the Met. He also spoke about rouge traders that start small e.g. £10 to clear a gutter that once accepted then escalates into hundreds or thousands to repair a roof.
Jennifer Murphy enquired if it’s linked to organised crime. It was said that it was not normally, investment and charity scams lend themselves to organised crime although a vulnerable person’s address is often sold on to others.
This led onto the issue of people releasing their pensions and being tempted into buying wine as an investment that doesn’t exist or diamonds that are a very poor quality and not worth the money paid for them.
There was some group discussion on how to spread the message Pearl Osborne suggested a carpet door-to-door approach.
In conclusion David Turner also explained about the mail scams coming into the country saying that they are seized at the point of entry before they get into the Royal Mail system. The Scam Hub then sorts the letters and advices the local Boroughs e.g. Havering Trading Standards who will then make contact with the intended victim.
7. Any Other Business
Drugs in Trowbridge Road
Jenifer Murphy raised the issue of drugs in Trowbridge Road; Jan Sargent agreed that there was a problem. Ben Clow Community Warden said they were aware and PCSO Yeomans asked that they report it if it’s drug dealing through Crime Stoppers or direct to the police.
Pearl Osborne said that there was also an issue with drug dealing in Farnham Road by the phone box at the Arcade. Deliveries are made by push bike.
Friends of Dagnam Park AGM
Dave Ainsworth invited everyone to the (FDP) Friends of Dagnam Park AGM on the 17th February 2016 7-9pm at Myplace he said that there would be a guest speaker from Havering Parks protection with a Q&A session
Don Tait said that the FDP have an ongoing project clearing the old stable yard. It was also mentioned that another deer had been entangled in the ropes around the cricket pitch and for everyone to keep watch and to report it to parks.
Rough Sleepers Romford
Councillor Dave Johnson raised the issue of rough sleepers in the Romford area although this is not a Gooshays issue it did prompt Jan Sargent to raise the subject of Max in Farnham Road.
Safer Neighbourhood Board Conferences
James O’Connor spoke about the forthcoming Safer Neighbourhood Board Conferences.
Date of next meeting Thursday 14th April 2016 7-8pm Myplace Dagnam Park Drive
Close of meeting 20:01hrs