These pupils were recognised with an end of year award for year 5 on Tuesday 20th July. Well done to all of the following winners.
Year 5 had a visitor today at their end of year assembly. Lucas zoomed in from home and it was a delight to see him and we were thrilled that he could join us on this occasion.
We believe that this year Lucas has been courageous and fearless and has faced so many challenges with bravery. Today Lucas was awarded with a Bravery award for this admirable quality. Charlie and Peter accepted this award on his behalf as his close friends who have provided Lucas with a tremendous amount of support at this time.
What amazing pupils we have here at Broadford!

These pupils have been elected by their peers as this years Classmate of the Year. Their friends and classmates think that they embodied the ethos of Broadford and are excellent Broadford pupils.
Lilly-Ann, Leah
These superb pupils have been awarded the Outstanding Contribution award for always giving 110% to school life everyday of the year.
Katlyn, Giada
Frankie P, Israel
The 4Rs - Reciprocity, Resilience, Reflectiveness and Resourcefulness
Metacognition is about learning how to be a better learner. Research shows that children who understand how they learn and who can take responsibility for their own learning, have a higher chance of achieving. By allowing children to use a metacognitive approach we are providing them with the opportunity to challenge themselves, increase resilience and therefore raise their aspirations and self-esteem. These children have demonstrated one of the 4R's consistently throughout the year.
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