Monday 2 September 2024

End of Academic Year Newsletter - Tuesday 23rd July, 2024

Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls 

Dear Parents and Carers,

Part 1 Broadford News
End of Academic Year 2023-24
As we approach the end of another school year, I find myself reflecting on the bittersweet nature of this time. It's a moment filled with a mix of emotions – joy and pride in our achievements, coupled with a touch of sadness as we prepare to bid farewell to our Year 6 students and temporarily part ways with the rest of our wonderful pupils.

It has been a brilliant year and we have witnessed countless moments of growth, creativity, and excellence from our students across all year groups. Their enthusiasm for learning and willingness to embrace new challenges never ceases to amaze me.
One of the most poignant aspects of this season is saying goodbye to our Year 6 students. These young individuals have been an integral part of our school community, and we've had the privilege of watching them grow and flourish during their time with us. As they prepare to embark on the next chapter of their educational journey, we send them off with a blend of pride and nostalgia, confident in the knowledge that they are well-prepared for the adventures that lie ahead.
While we'll miss seeing our Year 6 students in the corridors of Broadford Primary, we're also very aware that we'll be without the familiar faces of all our pupils for the next few weeks. The building always feels a little emptier during the holidays, and we genuinely miss the energy and vibrancy that our pupils bring to this school each day.

As we approach the end of this remarkable school year, I am delighted to share with you the exciting events and achievements that have made this term truly special.

Our calendar has been brimming with activities that have brought joy and excitement to our students. The end-of-term sports days have showcased the athletic prowess and team spirit of our learners, while our summer fun days have filled the school with laughter and camaraderie. For our Year 6 students, this term has been particularly memorable, the leavers' events have been a wonderful celebration of their time at Broadford, marking this significant milestone in their lives.

I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our dedicated parents who have organised fantastic events, including the Year 6 Broadfest and discos for the younger year groups. Your support and involvement enrich our school community immensely. As we wrap up the term, we look forward to 'Broadford's Got Talent', where our children will once again amaze us with their diverse abilities and creativity.

We started on a high note at the beginning of this academic year with a positive Ofsted inspection, which means that Broadford Primary School has been graded ‘Good’ by Ofsted for two consecutive inspections. This is one of the strongest positions that the school has been in. This outcome affirms the hard work and dedication of our entire school community and demonstrates  parents, pupils and staff working together. Further validation came through a quality assurance visit from the local authority, highlighting our commitment to maintaining high standards in education.I am also proud to share that the London District East Teaching School Hub has recognised our excellence in training and support for  early career teachers. This acknowledgment underscores our commitment to nurturing not just our students, but also the next generation of educators.

Our students have shone brightly in various sporting activities. From sitting volleyball to quad kids events and Drapers sports day, their enthusiasm and sportsmanship have been commendable. These efforts have culminated in Broadford Primary School receiving the Silver Sports Mark Award, a testament to our dedication to physical education and sports.

In an exciting development, we have won the 'Best Newcomer Award' for our use of the Outdoor Classroom App for orienteering. This recognition reflects our innovative approach to outdoor learning and our commitment to providing diverse educational experiences for our students.
In closing, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to our entire school community – students, parents, staff, and supporters – for another fantastic year at Broadford Primary School. Your commitment, enthusiasm, and support have been instrumental in making this year a success.

While we may be parting ways for a short while, know that we're already looking forward to welcoming you all back for another exciting year of learning and growth. Until then, I wish you all a safe, restful, and enjoyable summer break.

Autumn Term 2024 After School Clubs
Application Form for Autumn 2024 After School Clubs
Please reply by midday on Tuesday 3rd September.
There are limited spaces in each club and these will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
You may select one 1st choice and one 2nd choice of club. Please remember to make your application under your child’s new year group and class name.
Children can attend a maximum of 2 clubs each - This is in addition to any clubs to which individual children are invited to attend. 
There are no clubs for Reception children in the Autumn Term.
Please ensure that the club your child most wants to attend is put as your 1st choice.  Please make just one application per child.  If you make a duplicate application, then any previous applications will be deleted.
Clubs will resume on Monday 9th September.

Parent and carers of year 5 pupils: Important information from the Havering School Admissions Team

Next year, your child will be in Year 6 and to ensure a smooth secondary school application process, we wanted to provide you with key information and resources.

Secondary School Applications:

The application window for Year 7 places in Havering secondary schools for September 2025 opens on 1st September 2024 and closes on 31st October 2024.

 Your Guide to Secondary School Applications:

The Local Authority has created a helpful online brochure titled "Transferring to a Havering Secondary School in September 2025". This comprehensive resource gives you the dates for the secondary school open evenings, as well as guiding you through the application process, answering frequently asked questions, and providing valuable admissions information for all Havering secondary schools.

Access the brochure here:

Have Questions? We're Here to Help!

If you have any questions about the application process or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact the School Admissions team at We aim to respond to all emails within 3 working days.

Breakfast Club - Essex After School
As per my email to parents at the beginning of the month I would like to remind you about changes to the breakfast club provision from September 2024.
The new breakfast club provision with Essex After Schools will open at 7.30am each day. There will be a wide variety of food options on offer including cereals, toast and fruit and a cooked option of pancakes accompanied by smoothies twice a week. The hall will be set out with a range of activities and resources for the children to access during their time at the club. The cost of the Breakfast Club will be £4.00 per day.
Parents can pay via their tax free childcare account. If you are eligible for Tax-Free Childcare, you can set up an online childcare account for your child. For every £8 you pay into this account, the government will top up with £2 for you to use to pay your provider. Check your eligibility here

Breakfast club places for September can be booked via phone: 07831360485 or email
If you would like your child to attend breakfast club you can no longer turn up you must book with Essex After Schools. 

Summer Reading Challenges

There are lots of fun reading activities that children can take part in over the summer holidays. 

Summer Reading Challenge Tracker: This week, all children received a copy of this year’s Broadford Summer Reading Challenge Tracker. Our trackers are bursting with ideas and ways of keeping your children  reading during your summer break away from school. Children should hand their completed trackers into the school library when they return to school in September for a special certificate!

National Summer Reading Challenge: This year's National Summer Reading Challenge theme is Marvellous Makers! Children are now able to sign up by visiting your  local library or signing up online by visiting their website - If your child completes the challenge, let us know via our Facebook or Instagram accounts. Children who complete the challenge will be entered into a draw and will have the chance of winning a prize!

Get Caught Reading!: During the summer holidays, parents/carers and other family members look out for chances to ‘catch their child reading’. This can be a book or any other reading material, such as timetables, recipes or instructions. Children may be reading on holiday somewhere, snuggled up at home, in the local library, up a tree in the garden - the more creative, the better! The photos can then be shared via our social media platforms to celebrate the reading being done and to promote the competition to other families. We will choose one winner and one runner-up from each Key Stage. These lucky ones will be rewarded with a prize. All entries need to be in by Friday 6th September.

Facebook Summer Questions: As with previous summer holidays, we will share a reading-themed question with you every Friday during the holidays on our Facebook page. Simply leave your answers in the comments section and one person (with the correct answer) will be chosen at random to win a prize! The lucky winners will be announced on Mondays throughout the summer holidays. Prizes will be sent home during the first week back in September.

Part 2 Broadford Information

Return to School: Wednesday 4th September

We are looking forward to welcoming back pupils in years 1 - 6 on Wednesday 4th September  after the summer break.  

INSET Dates for 2024-2025

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4 

Day 5

2nd September

3rd September 

4th November

21st July 

22nd July 

Havering school term dates 2024-2025

Autumn term: 

Monday 2 September to Friday 20 December 2024 

Spring term: 

Monday 6 January to Friday 4 April 2025 

Summer term:
Tuesday 22 April to Tuesday 22 July 2025

Part 3 Pupil and Parent Responsibilities
At Broadford Primary pupils, parents and carers are expected to meet three key responsibilities

Pupil Job 1 - Come to school every day on time
Parent responsibility - Ensure that your child arrives for school on time, every day and ready to learn.

Attendance News
I am delighted to announce the winners of the attendance league for the Summer term - Pine (EYFS & KS1) and Cedar(KS2) classes! They earned 212 and 195 points respectively. Both classes  enjoyed their reward of extra outdoor play on Monday afternoon. Congratulations to all of the pupils in these classes who have remembered their number one job of coming to school every day on time. 

The overall attendance for this academic year is 93.5%

Job 2 - Do your best in every lesson
Parent responsibility - Support your child’s learning at home.

I am thrilled to share with you our published results for 2024. We are pleased to announce that we have sustained our outcomes from previous years  and improved in some areas. Well done to all of the pupils for their hard work. 



National 2023

Early Years:
Good level of development 




Year 1

Phonics screening check 




Year 4
Multiplication times table check (average point score)




Year 6 End of key stage Statutory assessments 













Grammar, punctuation & spelling 








Job 3 - Be kind and polite to everyone you meet

Parent responsibility - Model politeness and kindness to everyone you meet.

Housepoint Reward

I am thrilled to say that Red House (Faringdon) are the Summer term winners! They have earned the most housepoints during this term and enjoyed extra outside play time. Well done to all of the members of Faringdon Red house for displaying pupil job number 3 - being kind and polite to everyone that they meet. 

I hope you all have a wonderful summer break and we look forward to seeing you all in September. 

Yours sincerely,


Mrs L Nicholls 


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