Saturday, 11 October 2014

Parents Evening: What could you ask?

Monday 13th 3.30pm - 7.00pm
Tuesday 14th 3.30pm - 5.00pm

Sometimes it can feel overwhelming when you attend parents evening. What questions should I ask? How will I know what progress my child is making? Is there something I could be doing at home to support them?

During the parents' evenings we have next week, you may want to ask the following questions...

  1. Is my child typically working to the best of his/her ability?
  2. What are they good at and what do they enjoy the most?
  3. Are there any areas they seem to find more challenging?
  4. What are their next steps for learning in reading, writing and maths?
  5. How will we know if they have achieved them?
  6. Can they concentrate on their work?
  7. Do they participate well in class?
  8. How do they relate to other adults and children?
  9. Does the teacher have any particular concerns?
  10. Is there anything I could be doing at home?
We look forward to seeing you next week. If you have any questions, you can always fix another appointment or speak to Mr Drakes on the gate.

Parents_Evening.jpg (300×300)

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