As you are all aware Broadford is a school that has grown considerably over the past 5 years, from approximately 320 to over 500 pupils at present. Feedback from the parental survey, which was carried out at the February parents evening and completed by 65% of parents at the school, has led us to reflect on the current lunchtime arrangements.
Over half of the parents who gave their views, suggested that lunchtime was an area where we could improve our provision to ensure that all of our pupils were happy and enjoyed this part of the day, particularly when the pupil numbers are growing.
To make sure that all pupils enjoy the lunchtime period and can eat their lunch in a calm and relaxed atmosphere we have decided to introduce staggered lunchtimes and reduce the lunchtime break to 45 minutes from September 2017. To ensure that our teaching times are inline with statutory teaching hours the school day will finish at 3.00 pm for all pupils. We want to give plenty of notice so that parents can make the necessary collection arrangements. Due to the change in school hours there will also be a need to change staffing hours and, unfortunately we will not have capacity to look after children who are collected after this time.
We are sure that you will agree that by doing this we will be able to ensure that;
- there will be room for all pupils to eat their lunch in the dining room in a calm and relaxed atmosphere,
- there will be adequate numbers staff to supervise pupils whilst outside,
- with reduced number of pupils at lunch at anytime, there will be enough space and resources for the pupils to use without overcrowding,
- all pupils will be able to socialise with their friends and enjoy their free time,
- pupils will be able to start the afternoon ready to learn.
Lunchtime will now be at the following times;
11.45 - 12.30 - EYFS and year 1
12.00 - 12.45 - Years 2,3 & 4
12.15 - 1.00 - Years 5 & 6
Pupils in all year groups will now finish school at 3.00 pm. After school clubs will finish as the usual time of 4.15 pm. (Further information will be sent out regarding clubs when we return to school in September.)
Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.
will they still be able to eat their lunch outside if they wanted to?