Friday 21 September 2012

Vision, Values & Moral Purpose - Parents' Views

As I have now completed my first year with you as Headteacher, the school has moved forward out of Special Measures and we are now established in our new building it is a good time to reaffirm the vision, values and moral purpose of the school.

Vision – what we want the school to be like in 3 years’ time

Values – the way in which we behave every day as we move towards our vision

 Moral Purpose – the key reason why your children are here and why we teach them every day

 Every member of the school community should have the right to contribute towards this discussion so that we create a statement of Vision & Values that encompasses our pupils, our parents, our staff and the Governors. Your children have already been talking about it in their classes and have come up with some excellent suggestions. As a staff, we looked at this on the first INSET day. It is now your chance to put your views forward. Please find attached a survey sheet for you to return. We don’t need your name (if you prefer to remain anonymous) but we would like the class of your child/children so that the class with the highest percentage of returns can win a reward.

 The prompt sheet is attached and should be returned on Monday. By all means talk it through with your children at home. Mrs Nicholls will be contacting parents to ask if they would come in and help to look through the responses and take an active role. If you feel this is something you would like to contribute to please let Mrs Nicholls know – contact the office or see her on the gate.

 I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas on how our school can further develop over the forthcoming years to become the best school on the hill!

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