Thursday 8 June 2017

Key Dates for the rest of the Summer Term

Monday 12th June - Class photograph and year 6 leavers photographs
Wednesday 14th June - Year 1 sharing assembly
Thursday 15th June - Year 1 maths party
Friday 16th June - Year 4 maths party
Wednesday 21st June - Year 2 sharing assembly
Friday 23rd June - INSET day school closed
Friday 23rd June - Junior Music festival @ queens theatre, 7pm
Wednesday 28th June - Getting ready for secondary parents session with Rev Rich @ 6 pm.
Friday 30th June - Year 5 maths party

Saturday 1st July - LFPA summer fete @ Mead, 12- 4pm
Wednesday 5th July - Spinebreakers Sharing assembly
Friday 7th July - Year 6 maths party
Monday 10th July - Reception and KS1 sports morning
Tuesday 11th July - Year 6 leavers evening
Wednesday 12th July - Clubs sharing assembly @ 9.05am
Wednesday 12th July - KS2 sports day @ 10.15 am
Monday 17th July - Parents evening
Tuesday 18th July - Year 6 production (afternoon)
Tuesday 18th July - Parents meeting secondary transfer, 3.30 pm
Wednesday 19th July - Nursery closes
Friday 21st July - End of term

All dates are available on the calendar from the school website. On the front page at the top right hand side, click on the calendar label which will direct you straight to the electronic calendar.

All of the dates are published on our weekly newsletter which can be accessed via the school website, facebook or twitter. Or alternatively you can request hard copies or email versions from the school office.

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